I just finished reading it. Very interesting, but there will still be folks who won't believe it.
I completely agree. I have already had people accept it fully and other who cant conceive the possibility. When I was in high school my mother purchased a book called The Divine Revelation of hell the lady had a very similar experience and description of hell.
bambieg - i read the 23 page report. in fact, i've read this before. not the same exact report, but from different people saying the same things, so i believe these things to be true. one thing for certain, there is power in the Word of God and I believe HE speaks to us using various methods, reading being one of them.

when i read this, i felt as if HE were talking to me. it was meant for me to read this and i already know why.
I believe that hell is real, however, the L-rd's admonition to each of us is to amend our own personal lives and to lead our families to G-d as well as share the gospel. I don't believe for a second He would tell this girl that Selena and Pope John Paul II are in hell.

He would not offer reality; would not say that hell is real and that heaven also exists; Daughter, now he is here in this place."

They might as well put in the apostles, Elijah, Moses, the Virgin Mary, Noah, and all of everyone here. How would you know? Shrugs. He didn't preach salvation? I can't tell you how laughable that is. What on earth is the Eucharist then? Why do we confess our sins and read from scripture at every mass? :rolleyes: I'm sorry, but this doesn't add up and sounds more like yet another conversion attempt targeted at a specific audience. Artists, singers, popes...all going to hell? What about the garbage men and bakers and everybody else? :nono:We are to amend OUR OWN lives.

So, my question is this...what is the question everyone has? That hell is real or that she actually did experience this and that what she tells is the truth?:nono:
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This is a POWERFUL Testimony. I believe it. It lines up with the Word of God. I am sending this to others. I'm getting back into fasting and more prayer. I am sharing the gospel even the more.

It is time to awake out of our sleep and go forth as the Lord has commanded.

Also look at the the signs of the times. Our salvation is near.

Thanks for sharing this.
I saw this on the board and I'm going to be honest, I don't believe this girl. So, let me explain why:

First of all, this girl did not die for 23 hrs, if she is living now. The bible is clear in Heb 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”

Plus, if you're kid is dead or if you think they are dead at that moment, you're going to automatically call someone for help, not wait to see if they wake up 24 hrs. Pul-lease!!!!!

It's by grace through faith that we're saved, not by works, not of ourselves, least any man should boast (paraphrasing because I don't have my bible opened and doing homework at the same time) which is written in Eph 2:8-9

So, I seriously doubt that Jesus would contradict himself by telling her that people was sent to hell because they chose not to forgive, the kids chose to watch cartoons, people chose to watch or listen to this or that, not fasting, or passing out tracts. Plus, it's not just about repenting when one come to a saving knowledge, it's believing, confessing, and receiving.

"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Romans 10:9-10)

"Verily, Verily, I say unto you; Except a man be born again, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of God" John 3:3

"I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me" (John 14:6)

I watch cartoons, Power Rangers (the oldies), iCarly, Phineas and Ferb, soap operas and I don't fast (I'm diabetic, I'm not allowed to) and sometimes I don't pass out tracts (I have them in my handbag, I just forget it's there) does this mean I"m going to hell?

If someone goes to hell, it's because they rejected Christ. How they have rejected Christ? Simple, they chose not to believe that he is God Almighty, or that he died for the sins of mankind or that he was buried, or that he rosed again.

Those, however, who did chose Jesus and received him, then we know that we were saved by grace and accepted the free gift of salvation full and free. We can't earn it, work it, buy it. We all were born into sin, meaning we were born spiritually dead and spiritually separated from God. Once you have accepted Christ, you are made alive, you will live eternal life with God, you receive the comforter - the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

I'm not trying to be harsh but I've learned not to sugar coat either especially when it comes to souls being saved and also when it comes to the word of God.

Read the bible for yourself and quick listening to man's doctrine. That is what this girl vision or whatever is. It's not scriptural. (some stuff was however, it cancels out because not everything was) The bible is infallable, it doesn't need or want anyone elses help in adding or taking away from it and there is a verse in Revelation that say don't take or add to and from the bible.

Want to play with God? That's between you and him, and I seriously doubt you'll be able to say what the outcome of that will be. But there are people who geniunely (I miss my mozilla firefox) want to know how to get to heaven, how to receive eternal life and more important, they want to know who Jesus is and why he died for us.

Personally for me, I'm not mad or angry and I'm not judging anyone that has read this or has taken it at face value but I am mad and furious at the fact that false prophets are succeeding with their interpretation of their false doctrine and trying to pass if off as scriptural. It's not right and not fair. Which is probably why Christ wants his disciples (and if you have accepted Christ, you are apart of the body of Christ) to go out and spread the gospel. Let's not sugar coat it, let us let the unbelievers and those who truly have never heard about Christ to introduce truthfully and in accordinance to his word. It's by the sheding of Jesus' blood we are saved and death, hell, and the grave was conquered upon his resurrection. And as we speak, he is at the right hand of the Father, interceeding for us and rooting for us. He just asks that we believe it and receive it, and to share it truthfully.

Also at the parts about the rapture and those who are in Christ being left behind. Wrong. What part of we're not appointed to wrath is one not understanding...which is written in 1 Thes 1:10, 1 Thes 5:9) If you're in Christ, you're not going to be left behind when the rapture comes. In thing that says otherwise, is a slap in the face to God. Twisting and rewriting and trying to understand this infallable book by your own understanding. Yeah, how is that working for you?

Does hell exist? Yes, it says so in the bible. That is our proof right there and the example that Christ gave with Lazarus and the rich dude in Luke.

So, if my response has offended someone, I'm sorry but I rather face the wrath of man, then go before my Heavenly Father and give an account of why I chose to follow a false doctrine and why I didn't tell people that this is against his word.

At the end of the day, I'll probably get cussed out, ridicle, told I'm wrong, mocked, I don't care but when the word of God gets twisted the way it has been, I'm speaking. It's not about me or anyone, it's about leading the lost to Christ. But can we give them the truth as to why straight out the bible, instead of given them the movie/tv storyline version (I've seen something similiar on Xena or something once that almost matches this girl's "dream" exactly)
I saw this on the board and I'm going to be honest, I don't believe this girl. So, let me explain why:

First of all, this girl did not die for 23 hrs, if she is living now. The bible is clear in Heb 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”

Plus, if you're kid is dead or if you think they are dead at that moment, you're going to automatically call someone for help, not wait to see if they wake up 24 hrs. Pul-lease!!!!!

It's by grace through faith that we're saved, not by works, not of ourselves, least any man should boast (paraphrasing because I don't have my bible opened and doing homework at the same time) which is written in Eph 2:8-9

So, I seriously doubt that Jesus would contradict himself by telling her that people was sent to hell because they chose not to forgive, the kids chose to watch cartoons, people chose to watch or listen to this or that, not fasting, or passing out tracts. Plus, it's not just about repenting when one come to a saving knowledge, it's believing, confessing, and receiving.

"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Romans 10:9-10)

"Verily, Verily, I say unto you; Except a man be born again, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of God" John 3:3

"I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me" (John 14:6)

I watch cartoons, Power Rangers (the oldies), iCarly, Phineas and Ferb, soap operas and I don't fast (I'm diabetic, I'm not allowed to) and sometimes I don't pass out tracts (I have them in my handbag, I just forget it's there) does this mean I"m going to hell?

If someone goes to hell, it's because they rejected Christ. How they have rejected Christ? Simple, they chose not to believe that he is God Almighty, or that he died for the sins of mankind or that he was buried, or that he rosed again.

Those, however, who did chose Jesus and received him, then we know that we were saved by grace and accepted the free gift of salvation full and free. We can't earn it, work it, buy it. We all were born into sin, meaning we were born spiritually dead and spiritually separated from God. Once you have accepted Christ, you are made alive, you will live eternal life with God, you receive the comforter - the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

I'm not trying to be harsh but I've learned not to sugar coat either especially when it comes to souls being saved and also when it comes to the word of God.

Read the bible for yourself and quick listening to man's doctrine. That is what this girl vision or whatever is. It's not scriptural. (some stuff was however, it cancels out because not everything was) The bible is infallable, it doesn't need or want anyone elses help in adding or taking away from it and there is a verse in Revelation that say don't take or add to and from the bible.

Want to play with God? That's between you and him, and I seriously doubt you'll be able to say what the outcome of that will be. But there are people who geniunely (I miss my mozilla firefox) want to know how to get to heaven, how to receive eternal life and more important, they want to know who Jesus is and why he died for us.

Personally for me, I'm not mad or angry and I'm not judging anyone that has read this or has taken it at face value but I am mad and furious at the fact that false prophets are succeeding with their interpretation of their false doctrine and trying to pass if off as scriptural. It's not right and not fair. Which is probably why Christ wants his disciples (and if you have accepted Christ, you are apart of the body of Christ) to go out and spread the gospel. Let's not sugar coat it, let us let the unbelievers and those who truly have never heard about Christ to introduce truthfully and in accordinance to his word. It's by the sheding of Jesus' blood we are saved and death, hell, and the grave was conquered upon his resurrection. And as we speak, he is at the right hand of the Father, interceeding for us and rooting for us. He just asks that we believe it and receive it, and to share it truthfully.

Also at the parts about the rapture and those who are in Christ being left behind. Wrong. What part of we're not appointed to wrath is one not understanding...which is written in 1 Thes 1:10, 1 Thes 5:9) If you're in Christ, you're not going to be left behind when the rapture comes. In thing that says otherwise, is a slap in the face to God. Twisting and rewriting and trying to understand this infallable book by your own understanding. Yeah, how is that working for you?

Does hell exist? Yes, it says so in the bible. That is our proof right there and the example that Christ gave with Lazarus and the rich dude in Luke.

So, if my response has offended someone, I'm sorry but I rather face the wrath of man, then go before my Heavenly Father and give an account of why I chose to follow a false doctrine and why I didn't tell people that this is against his word.

At the end of the day, I'll probably get cussed out, ridicle, told I'm wrong, mocked, I don't care but when the word of God gets twisted the way it has been, I'm speaking. It's not about me or anyone, it's about leading the lost to Christ. But can we give them the truth as to why straight out the bible, instead of given them the movie/tv storyline version (I've seen something similiar on Xena or something once that almost matches this girl's "dream" exactly)

No need to take it personal. If you feel like this message is for you, then take it, if not disregard the message. I do not believe that his girl is trying to pass her message on as a scripture and incorporate it into the bible. I think she is just giving her testimony. As for the false prophets you mentioned, yes there are false prophets, in Christianity but I think about it more as these false religions out there that are pulling people away from the Him and his word.

I am not here to judge what this girl has testified about but I do believe what the girl has written about. Now if look at the old testament, God sent many prophets to the Israelites to tell them to repent and come back to God and as you know they did not listen. I don’t want to be one of those people whom God tells I sent you a prophet and you did not listen! God will judge her and her testimony and she will be held accountable. “Don’t not judge and you will not be judged, Do not condemn and you will not be condemned…” Luke 6:37

I do believe this died. The girl was told she would die and be brought back to testify. Just as Lazarus was dead for 4 days and brought back to life, she too was also brought back to life. You do a search of many people around the world dying and coming back to life or dying and going to heaven or hell. It’s not just this girl, its many people around the world.

I’ve always wondered what the bible would said if it was written up to present day but it’s not. I am pretty sure that the same God that sent prophets back in the day is still sending prophets to his people now and are they are failing to hear his voice. Now I do agree that Jesus is the way but I think this is the first step; after you accept Jesus Christ as your saviour, there is still more that you have to do. If you accept Jesus, I believe you should accept his teachings as well. “If you love me, you will obey what I command” John 14:15 And that includes forgiveness “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins” Mathew 6:14-15.

I think we should not focus on the little details in her testimony and find ways to retort it but look at the message she is trying to get across. I think Jesus wants us to repent and turn from our ways and preach the message to others so I am just spreading the word.
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I saw this on the board and I'm going to be honest, I don't believe this girl. So, let me explain why:

First of all, this girl did not die for 23 hrs, if she is living now. The bible is clear in Heb 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”

Plus, if you're kid is dead or if you think they are dead at that moment, you're going to automatically call someone for help, not wait to see if they wake up 24 hrs. Pul-lease!!!!!

It's by grace through faith that we're saved, not by works, not of ourselves, least any man should boast (paraphrasing because I don't have my bible opened and doing homework at the same time) which is written in Eph 2:8-9

So, I seriously doubt that Jesus would contradict himself by telling her that people was sent to hell because they chose not to forgive, the kids chose to watch cartoons, people chose to watch or listen to this or that, not fasting, or passing out tracts. Plus, it's not just about repenting when one come to a saving knowledge, it's believing, confessing, and receiving.

"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Romans 10:9-10)

"Verily, Verily, I say unto you; Except a man be born again, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of God" John 3:3

"I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me" (John 14:6)

I watch cartoons, Power Rangers (the oldies), iCarly, Phineas and Ferb, soap operas and I don't fast (I'm diabetic, I'm not allowed to) and sometimes I don't pass out tracts (I have them in my handbag, I just forget it's there) does this mean I"m going to hell?

If someone goes to hell, it's because they rejected Christ. How they have rejected Christ? Simple, they chose not to believe that he is God Almighty, or that he died for the sins of mankind or that he was buried, or that he rosed again.

Those, however, who did chose Jesus and received him, then we know that we were saved by grace and accepted the free gift of salvation full and free. We can't earn it, work it, buy it. We all were born into sin, meaning we were born spiritually dead and spiritually separated from God. Once you have accepted Christ, you are made alive, you will live eternal life with God, you receive the comforter - the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

I'm not trying to be harsh but I've learned not to sugar coat either especially when it comes to souls being saved and also when it comes to the word of God.

Read the bible for yourself and quick listening to man's doctrine. That is what this girl vision or whatever is. It's not scriptural. (some stuff was however, it cancels out because not everything was) The bible is infallable, it doesn't need or want anyone elses help in adding or taking away from it and there is a verse in Revelation that say don't take or add to and from the bible.

Want to play with God? That's between you and him, and I seriously doubt you'll be able to say what the outcome of that will be. But there are people who geniunely (I miss my mozilla firefox) want to know how to get to heaven, how to receive eternal life and more important, they want to know who Jesus is and why he died for us.

Personally for me, I'm not mad or angry and I'm not judging anyone that has read this or has taken it at face value but I am mad and furious at the fact that false prophets are succeeding with their interpretation of their false doctrine and trying to pass if off as scriptural. It's not right and not fair. Which is probably why Christ wants his disciples (and if you have accepted Christ, you are apart of the body of Christ) to go out and spread the gospel. Let's not sugar coat it, let us let the unbelievers and those who truly have never heard about Christ to introduce truthfully and in accordinance to his word. It's by the sheding of Jesus' blood we are saved and death, hell, and the grave was conquered upon his resurrection. And as we speak, he is at the right hand of the Father, interceeding for us and rooting for us. He just asks that we believe it and receive it, and to share it truthfully.

Also at the parts about the rapture and those who are in Christ being left behind. Wrong. What part of we're not appointed to wrath is one not understanding...which is written in 1 Thes 1:10, 1 Thes 5:9) If you're in Christ, you're not going to be left behind when the rapture comes. In thing that says otherwise, is a slap in the face to God. Twisting and rewriting and trying to understand this infallable book by your own understanding. Yeah, how is that working for you?

Does hell exist? Yes, it says so in the bible. That is our proof right there and the example that Christ gave with Lazarus and the rich dude in Luke.

So, if my response has offended someone, I'm sorry but I rather face the wrath of man, then go before my Heavenly Father and give an account of why I chose to follow a false doctrine and why I didn't tell people that this is against his word.

At the end of the day, I'll probably get cussed out, ridicle, told I'm wrong, mocked, I don't care but when the word of God gets twisted the way it has been, I'm speaking. It's not about me or anyone, it's about leading the lost to Christ. But can we give them the truth as to why straight out the bible, instead of given them the movie/tv storyline version (I've seen something similiar on Xena or something once that almost matches this girl's "dream" exactly)


At the bolded. Unforgiveness will cause you to miss the kingdom. It is scriptural so that is not a contradiction.

Matthew 6:5 But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses

Also the cartoons did not send them to hell but the message behind them is satanic and breeds rebellion the rebellion to his parents is what sent him to hell.

Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

The lack of prayer, fastings, witnessing, and tracts did not send them to hell. It is the lack of drive by us, the saints not doing what Christ commanded so that people can hear and know Him.

Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.

This is from Christ.
Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Just because someone confesses Christ does not mean their heart is for Christ.

Matthew 15:8 These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

You are right people go to hell because they reject Christ. You can reject Christ by the way you live. Your confession should line up with your life.
I think we should not focus on the little details in her testimony and find ways to retort it but look at the message she is trying to get across. I think Jesus wants us to repent and turn from our ways and preach the message to others so I am just spreading the word.

^^This is what I took from the message. ^^That is the message of the cross, salvation through Christ alone.
I saw this on the board and I'm going to be honest, I don't believe this girl. So, let me explain why:

First of all, this girl did not die for 23 hrs, if she is living now. The bible is clear in Heb 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”

I didn't believe her either. Too many exceptions on mercy for the hell-bound. It's there, you confess your sins, you move on. That's it. I don't know why people think it's rocket science. Maybe they don't believe in G-d's mercy? If He said He'll forgive but you keep coming up with excuses as to why you don't believe He does...:nono: And another thing, this judgment against everyone else just for being xyz. It just sounds so hmmmm.... Now we all know hell is real, but so is His mercy. But for 23 hours, I don't know in and of itself, Jesus raised Lazarus and he had been dead for several days.

If you accept Jesus, I believe you should accept his teachings as well. “If you love me, you will obey what I command” John 14:15 And that includes forgiveness “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins” Mathew 6:14-15.

I think we should not focus on the little details in her testimony and find ways to retort it but look at the message she is trying to get across. I think Jesus wants us to repent and turn from our ways and preach the message to others so I am just spreading the word.

Being catholic, we do obey Him, directly. Also being catholic, we have many such encounters and experiences to glean from. They are all over the place and the ones that are proven truth by the Church (a long process of testing against scripture and outcomes in the community etc.) and declared thusly do not carry a little of truth and a whole lotta "possible." The entire message is truth, not just little bits we need to focus on. I think that's one of the parts of it that stood out to me...obviously, the biggest one was the huge insult on a man whose life was public record for decades and who is being beatified tomorrow. All I can say is that I hope to be able to be 1/16th as holy and obedient as JPII has been in his earthly life.

Op, please don't take it personally as an attack against you. That so-called testimony is troubling and you did ask for our opinions, which we're giving. Please do not think of it as my being against you personally nor your religion. I believe she experienced something but whether she truly heard from Jesus, I do not know. I don't believe it for the reasons stated concerning G-d's mercy, imho.
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It's by grace through faith that we're saved, not by works, not of ourselves, least any man should boast (paraphrasing because I don't have my bible opened and doing homework at the same time) which is written in Eph 2:8-9

So, I seriously doubt that Jesus would contradict himself by telling her that people was sent to hell because they chose not to forgive, the kids chose to watch cartoons, people chose to watch or listen to this or that, not fasting, or passing out tracts. Plus, it's not just about repenting when one come to a saving knowledge, it's believing, confessing, and receiving.

"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Romans 10:9-10)

"Verily, Verily, I say unto you; Except a man be born again, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of God" John 3:3

"I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me" (John 14:6)

I agree. At the risk of bringing in Poohbear's question (why do we keep should cease 100% or we don't know G-d...basically), this is what it reminded me of. And this is probably one of the many reasons she is struggling with that. When you read accounts spouted off as "truth" but they are not the biblical truth, then you spread confusion. I haven't read the part of the rapture in that...stopped at JPII...that insulting bit of nonsense. :blush: But I'll go back in. Works are part of the package in the way that we demonstrate our repentance. But they alone do not save.

At the bolded. Unforgiveness will cause you to miss the kingdom. It is scriptural so that is not a contradiction.

Matthew 6:5 But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses

Also the cartoons did not send them to hell but the message behind them is satanic and breeds rebellion the rebellion to his parents is what sent him to hell.

Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

The lack of prayer, fastings, witnessing, and tracts did not send them to hell. It is the lack of drive by us, the saints not doing what Christ commanded so that people can hear and know Him.

Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.

This is from Christ.
Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Just because someone confesses Christ does not mean their heart is for Christ.

Matthew 15:8 These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

You are right people go to hell because they reject Christ. You can reject Christ by the way you live. Your confession should line up with your life.

Then what is the point of salvation being a free gift? What's the point of 1 John 1:9? What's the point of Gal 5:16-17? Our confession of our faith should line up only with what Jesus has told us to do in order to receive eternal life, which is to believe that Jesus died on the cross, was resurrected according to the scriptures.

We are still going to sin because of our born sinful nature. Yes, we are no longer in sin but the flesh is still active and fighting the Spirit of God in us for control. Which is why the one you feed is the one that is strong. If a believer has decided not to read the bible in a month, missed church, has started cussing again, watched porn and do everything under the sin against God; then they don't lose sonship, but they are out of the will of God and need to confess that sin and get right with God.

Paul told the church of Galatia to be filled with the Holy Spirit and ye shall not fulfilled the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit; and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary one to the other, so that ye cannot do the things that ye would (Gal 5:16-17)

John told us in 1 John 1:5-9 speaks volumes about saying if we say we do not sin or have not sinned. John said we decieve ourselves and the truth is not in us. He also says if one says they have fellowship with God and walk in darkness (declaring themselves Christian but have never trusted and received Christ as their Lord and Savior) then we lie and do not the truth.

The blood of Jesus continously cleanses the body from unrighteousness when we confess that sin we have committed. Everyone's sins is nailed to the cross. So, when Jesus died on the cross, he died for past, present, and future sins of all mankind.

So, one can still be a born again believer and not go to church, tithe, spread the gospel, etc and still go to heaven. They will still stand before Jesus at the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of what they have done in the body for Jesus upon salvation. They won't lose their salvation, they will lose their reward. (1 Cor 3)
I agree. At the risk of bringing in Poohbear's question (why do we keep should cease 100% or we don't know G-d...basically), this is what it reminded me of. And this is probably one of the many reasons she is struggling with that. When you read accounts spouted off as "truth" but they are not the biblical truth, then you spread confusion. I haven't read the part of the rapture in that...stopped at JPII...that insulting bit of nonsense. :blush: But I'll go back in. Works are part of the package in the way that we demonstrate our repentance. But they alone do not save.

Its the flesh. Have you ever wonder in certain situations why a bad word comes to mind or wondered why it's so easy to sin? Even though, we have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit upon salvation, we are still flesh via the sinful nature from our human birth. We're spiritual alive in Christ because of our relationship with him but that flesh still is going to rise up and try to take control. That's why Paul tells us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to pray without ceasing, to grieve not the Holy Spirit. We got to surrender our complete self to the Holy Spirit or we'll sin like there is no tomorrow.

The teenager's account was confusion and it was confusing to me because it wasn't scriptural. If God has a hand in anything we do, it's going to be in line with his scriptures, not against it and every single word is going to be true. Not some here and there.

I'm telling yall, Satan knows his time almost up and he's working Overtime to steal, kill, and destroy. And what better way to do it then to counterfiet the true and living God. That's his thing. He loves deception and seeing anyone, believers or not, confused, dumbfounded, and frustrated.
Then what is the point of salvation being a free gift? What's the point of 1 John 1:9? What's the point of Gal 5:16-17? Our confession of our faith should line up only with what Jesus has told us to do in order to receive eternal life, which is to believe that Jesus died on the cross, was resurrected according to the scriptures.

We are still going to sin because of our born sinful nature. Yes, we are no longer in sin but the flesh is still active and fighting the Spirit of God in us for control. Which is why the one you feed is the one that is strong. If a believer has decided not to read the bible in a month, missed church, has started cussing again, watched porn and do everything under the sin against God; then they don't lose sonship, but they are out of the will of God and need to confess that sin and get right with God.

Paul told the church of Galatia to be filled with the Holy Spirit and ye shall not fulfilled the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit; and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary one to the other, so that ye cannot do the things that ye would (Gal 5:16-17)

John told us in 1 John 1:5-9 speaks volumes about saying if we say we do not sin or have not sinned. John said we decieve ourselves and the truth is not in us. He also says if one says they have fellowship with God and walk in darkness (declaring themselves Christian but have never trusted and received Christ as their Lord and Savior) then we lie and do not the truth.

The blood of Jesus continously cleanses the body from unrighteousness when we confess that sin we have committed. Everyone's sins is nailed to the cross. So, when Jesus died on the cross, he died for past, present, and future sins of all mankind.

So, one can still be a born again believer and not go to church, tithe, spread the gospel, etc and still go to heaven. They will still stand before Jesus at the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of what they have done in the body for Jesus upon salvation. They won't lose their salvation, they will lose their reward. (1 Cor 3)

I was addressing the fact that you said unforgiveness would not cause someone to lose salvation. I did not say people that do not go to church, tithe or read thier bible will go to hell. I did not say that. I addressed unforgiveness and rebellion. Lets say on topic. You are taking things far to make your point when the scripture I submitted to you is CLEAR.

But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. Matthew 6:15

The scripture is clear.

Galatians 5:19-
19Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

And yes I agree that we are to repent and allow the Spirit of the Lord to work in us. I agree salvation is a free gift for all who are willing to accept and receive. That means you did not work for your salvation but Christ accomplished it on the cross. If we continue/practice in sin and we fall into judgement. Look at Galatians 5:19-
I'm telling yall, Satan knows his time almost up and he's working Overtime to steal, kill, and destroy. And what better way to do it then to counterfiet the true and living God. That's his thing. He loves deception and seeing anyone, believers or not, confused, dumbfounded, and frustrated.

:yep: Add to that, FRIGHTENED. This is so close to my heart because we face this type of persecution from Satan's mouth disguised as "loving truth toward salvation" all day long, every month, yearly...24/7. The sheer hoards of "well-meaning" people who want to convert us. :ohwell: Funny, here it is again and guess who's one of the intended targets. Mind you, I know a lot about these organizations in L. America trying to convert catholics to other faiths. I lived there and witnessed it and it is surely ugly. They also use these hellish scare tactics. This case is very blatant considering the majority of people being of my faith who live there. For this board, however, it's not about denomination, but that it's not full truth and causes what you mentioned..deception etc. It's contradictory all through that message. If the person doesn't like artists, then just say they don't prefer them. This, imho, is a Satanic deception. I rebuke it in Jesus' name.

But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. Matthew 6:15

The scripture is clear.

May I for a sec? If there one person you have forgotten to forgive in your life? Perhaps a wrong done years ago and you've moved on but never forgave them, you just forgot? When one dies, is one going to hell for that? What is the context in which Matt. 6:15 is given? Does it refer to ongoing unrelenting choice to not everyone? I think there are distinctions and contexts that are oft overlooked in scripture. The fact is, there are so many venial sins we commit by omission and commission every hour of the day. We're not even aware of them and their consequences. Mortal sins requiring full-knowledge and of a grave nature are those which break off that grace until fully confessed. So, we certainly die with a multitude of sins committed, even with a heart of Christ.
I was addressing the fact that you said unforgiveness would not cause someone to lose salvation. I did not say people that do not go to church, tithe or read thier bible will go to hell. I did not say that. I addressed unforgiveness and rebellion. Lets say on topic. You are taking things far to make your point when the scripture I submitted to you is CLEAR.

But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. Matthew 6:15

The scripture is clear.

Galatians 5:19-
19Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

And yes I agree that we are to repent and allow the Spirit of the Lord to work in us. I agree salvation is a free gift for all who are willing to accept and receive. That means you did not work for your salvation but Christ accomplished it on the cross. If we continue/practice in sin and we fall into judgement. Look at Galatians 5:19-

I'm aware of Gal 5:19-20, I've been studying it actually. The works of the flesh is the nickname of these verses.

Now, I was on topic and I responded clearly and concisely to your response. My point was that we cannot work to receive salvation, which would include, not going to church, not forgiving someone, not tithing, etc. As a believer, I have held a grudge recently. I just felt a conviction from the Holy Spirit that I should let that go and confess. I'm a stubborn girl and yep I didn't want to. However, after talking to God about how I was feeling and remembering from scriptures that I wasn't going to be forgiven either; then I obeyed the word and forgave that person. However, if I had decided to still hold on to that and didn't forgive, it does not mean that I will lose my salvation.

If I went all around the world to make the point, I'm sorry but that's what needed to be done. I live for God, I don't live for man and I'm not going to sugar coat anything. It was placed on my heart by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to speak and that's done. I'm not a speaker nor am I confrontational.

I'll continue to keep everyone in my prayers.
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I'm aware of Gal 5:19-20, I've been studying it actually. The works of the flesh is the nickname of these verses.

Now, I was on topic and I responded clearly and concisely to your response. My point was that we cannot work to receive salvation, which would include, not going to church, not forgiving someone, not tithing, etc. As a believer, I have held a grudge recently. I just felt a conviction from the Holy Spirit that I should let that go and confess. I'm a stubborn girl and yep I didn't want to. However, after talking to God about how I was feeling and remembering from scriptures that I wasn't going to be forgiven either; then I obeyed the word and forgave that person. However, if I had decided to still hold on to that and didn't forgive, it does not mean that I will lose my salvation.

If I went all around the world to make the point, I'm sorry but that's what needed to be done. I live for God, I don't live for man and I'm not going to sugar coat anything. I'm sorry but Satan is deceiving people with stuff that is not scriptural.

Now, if you want to finish this via PM, that's great. But I'm not going to be on again until Monday because I have to finish my paper and my other assignments for school.

You're edifying my faith here!!! I just thought of something, maybe that thing not forgiven is the punishment for the act that you've not forgiven if you committed the same offense but aren't aware of it? Not salvation lost? Could apply, but there might be another interpretation of this. All sin requires a punishment.
May I for a sec? If there one person you have forgotten to forgive in your life? Perhaps a wrong done years ago and you've moved on but never forgave them, you just forgot? When one dies, is one going to hell for that? What is the context in which Matt. 6:15 is given? Does it refer to ongoing unrelenting choice to not everyone? I think there are distinctions and contexts that are oft overlooked in scripture.

I can't answer whether or not someone has forgotten to forgive. That is why we are to live a repentant life and confess our sins. I know that when I walked in unforgiveness and resented someone I did not forget. That unforgiveness was very much apart of my life and it showed.

The Lord gave us our prayer model.

Mathew 6
9 In this manner, therefore, pray:

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors
13 And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
You're edifying my faith here!!! I just thought of something, maybe that thing not forgiven is the punishment for the act that you've not forgiven if you committed the same offense but aren't aware of it? Not salvation lost? Could apply, but there might be another interpretation of this. All sin requires a punishment.

Could be and you're right, all sin requires a punishment. God doesn't hesitate to chastise his kids when we have sinned against him.

Ok, i'll be back on Monday. I got to get some assignments for school finished that is due tomorrow night.
I'm aware of Gal 5:19-20, I've been studying it actually. The works of the flesh is the nickname of these verses.

Now, I was on topic and I responded clearly and concisely to your response. My point was that we cannot work to receive salvation, which would include, not going to church, not forgiving someone, not tithing, etc. As a believer, I have held a grudge recently. I just felt a conviction from the Holy Spirit that I should let that go and confess. I'm a stubborn girl and yep I didn't want to. However, after talking to God about how I was feeling and remembering from scriptures that I wasn't going to be forgiven either; then I obeyed the word and forgave that person. However, if I had decided to still hold on to that and didn't forgive, it does not mean that I will lose my salvation.

If I went all around the world to make the point, I'm sorry but that's what needed to be done. I live for God, I don't live for man and I'm not going to sugar coat anything. It was placed on my heart by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to speak and that's done. I'm not a speaker nor am I confrontational.

I'll continue to keep everyone in my prayers.

I dealt with that as well it was killing me spiritually but I read the word and I knew that I had to obey my heavenly Father. I wanted to be pleasing to Him. Unforgiveness is something, I tell you, but thank God I'm free and I must continue to walk in that.

We are sisters in Christ, good discussion. Now we can walk away and still love the Lord and one another. Praying as well. Take care
I can't answer whether or not someone has forgotten to forgive. That is why we are to live a repentant life and confess our sins. I know that when I walked in unforgiveness and resented someone I did not forget. That unforgiveness was very much apart of my life and it showed.

The Lord gave us our prayer model.

Mathew 6
9 In this manner, therefore, pray:

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors
13 And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

I realize you're coming back in after Monday. I'm talking about somebody who wasn't as spiritual then as now...and might have forgotten some of their ways back when. It was to demonstrate that we do forget things, sins, etc. Many of them. That doesn't mean someone isn't going to heaven. Rather, I personally think G-d is talking about a life's choice for every day and through years...that this is just how one lives.
I realize you're coming back in after Monday. I'm talking about somebody who wasn't as spiritual then as now...and might have forgotten some of their ways back when. It was to demonstrate that we do forget things, sins, etc. Many of them. That doesn't mean someone isn't going to heaven. Rather, I personally think G-d is talking about a life's choice for every day and through years...that this is just how one lives.

I see what you are saying. That is why we should live a life of repentance. Simply asking the Lord to forgive us of our sin. He is faithful and just to do that. So those past sins are forgiven. Jesus told us to ask the Father to forgive our debts/sin.

Good discussion. We can all learn from one another, correct one another and still love one another, because of Christ's love in us.
I see what you are saying. That is why we should live a life of repentance. Simply asking the Lord to forgive us of our sin. He is faithful and just to do that. So those past sins are forgiven. Jesus told us to ask the Father to forgive our debts/sin.

Good discussion. We can all learn from one another, correct one another and still love one another, because of Christ's love in us.

I'm not talking about somebody never knowing Him, I'm talking about a believer, new or lax. How does anyone know what he's truly repented of or forgot to repent of because there were so many on the plate? One doesn't become instantly "saintly" overnight. Maybe that person is repentant, just not aware of specific sins? That's what I mean. In all honestly, I think christians throw out the hell damnation too much. Obviously, it exists. We have His laws, rules, admonitions...everything we need. Maybe we should focus more on ourselves making it to heaven. I sincerely hate to see anybody (save for Hitler) have it said about them that "they're going to hell." That should not be our right to say so.
I'm not talking about somebody never knowing Him, I'm talking about a believer, new or lax. How does anyone know what he's truly repented of or forgot to repent of because there were so many on the plate? One doesn't become instantly "saintly" overnight. Maybe that person is repentant, just not aware of specific sins? That's what I mean. In all honestly, I think christians throw out the hell damnation too much. Obviously, it exists. We have His laws, rules, admonitions...everything we need. Maybe we should focus more on ourselves making it to heaven. I sincerely hate to see anybody (save for Hitler) have it said about them that "they're going to hell." That should not be our right to say so.

I talking about believers as well. We are simply to live a life of repentance because we do not arrive overnight. Repentance is asking the Lord to forgive us of our sin/wrong doing known and unknown. He will do it. Yes, hell is real and we should focus on ourselves making it to heaven and also sharing the gospel with others.

He did not save us so that we should just look out for ourselves. If everyone just looked out for themselves many of us would not be saved. That is not Christlike. Christ told us to go and preach. Tell them the Truth of the Gospel. I posted scriptures,the scriptures said that they which do such things will not inherit the kingdom. That is not my word, it is the Word of God. I just believe what the Word says.