Pregnant Women how much hair growth?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering how much hair growth you are getting every month. During what trimester is the most growth seen. Also for those you have had pregnancies in the past how much growth did you get...did it all fall out during pp shedding?

I've seen about 3 inches of very thick growth, but since it's all natural, it's hard to notice a big difference when hair is down.
I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was entering my second trimester (3 months) but I did notice that my hair growth had accelerated during those three months. So I would say for me, I saw growth spurts in the first and second. Now that I'm in the third I haven't really kept track, I'm too busy dealing with the the heatburn, fatigue, and back pain. lol.
I forgot to mention, I gained 4 inches during those trimesters but I also was not taking care of my ends and they eventually broke off. I think its time for a trim, I haven't had one since May of last year...
Sincerely_Ciara said:
I forgot to mention, I gained 4 inches during those trimesters but I also was not taking care of my ends and they eventually broke off. I think its time for a trim, I haven't had one since May of last year...

That's a lot of growth.

I don't plan to trim until afterwards. I've been using SOS and castor oil on my ends so far.
Yeah, I think it had ALOT to do with me changing my overall diet when I first found out. I normally don't include vegetables in my meals but I want to ensure a healthy baby, so I've been eating alot of fruits and vegetables, and I think part of my growth came from that...Oh yeah and also drinking plenty of water. Do you use that Jamaican Black Castor Oil?
Sincerely_Ciara said:
Yeah, I think it had ALOT to do with me changing my overall diet when I first found out. I normally don't include vegetables in my meals but I want to ensure a healthy baby, so I've been eating alot of fruits and vegetables, and I think part of my growth came from that...Oh yeah and also drinking plenty of water. Do you use that Jamaican Black Castor Oil?

A few times, mainly just added it to my leave-ins...I tried not to apply it to my scalp. I've mostly been using the regular castor oil to my leave-in and daily moisture.

I think if I had my hair professionally flat-ironed I'd see my true length. I might get this done for my baby shower or anniversary.
My hair grew at a rate of about 1/2" per month during my pregnancy, but didn't respond to relaxer, and broke like crazy!!! I braided it in conrows about once a week or so, and covered it with a (cotton) scarf. I really, really wish I had discovered LHCF before then. I would have gotten, a sew-in, braid extensions, or at least have used a silk/satin scarf. S-curl would have made my hair more manageable too.
With my two girls my hair grew amazingly fast during the pregnancy. This pregnancy is much different. It has been very slow. Like 1/4 to 1/2 inch a month. I don't know if hair grows slower with a boy but my hair normally grows pretty fast when I am not pregnant.
oh Lord... don't make me relive my awful preggo days...

i BCd right around the time i got knocked up... started with 2 in. of hair and ended with 7 in. i did not really shed while preggo... so PP shedding was a b!tch. literally my son was 3.5 months and it was right after my BC anniversary that hair just started falling out left and right. or rather, was tangling and matting to the point where i had to leave it in a few braids and comb out the shed hairs every day. i'd get enough strands that when compactly rolled together, the ball was golf-ball sized. this every day for almost a month... then just as suddenly i was back to "normal." i'm surprised i didn't have bald spots. but luckily I didn't lose any length.
no growth improvement while i was pregnant,
ive heard pregnancy makes ur hair retention rate go up, giving the appearence of thicker and longer hair.
I got about 4 inches when I was pregnant but I believe that was my normal gowth amount. Alot of hair fell out after I gave birth. Looking back I don't know if that was a change in hormones or I didn't know how to care for my hair.
My hair got thicker, but the length was my normal growth rate.
I shed all of the thickness 8 months post-partum. It was terrible, big clumps of hair fell out at every wash. I shed for 4 months then it stopped.

This pregnancy my Chinese acupuncturist plans on dehydrating my placenta and preparing it for me to take after I give birth . Apparently all of her asian clients eat their own placentas after they give birth in the form of soups and /or powdered capsules. She says this prevents postpartum depression, and shedding. I told her, I wasn't feeling the soup, but could tolerate a gel we shall see!

She tried to get me to do this the last pregnancy, but I wouldn't go for it. This time, I am definately going to do it, because I had a rough recovery postpartum.
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OMG...I wish I could get pregnant just for the fast hair growth. My hair grew hella fast. I also wore braids going to the back during the entire pregnancy but I didn't take care of my hair and it broke off:) oohh...if I knew then what I know now:grin:
This is my 2nd pregnancy and I have not noticed decent growth. I bc'ed down to 1 inch all around when I found out I was pregnant back in September/October to cut out the Phyto Index I texturizer and the 18 month old hair color.

I am now looking at about 4 inches of hair six months later now I am in March. I anticipate I will obtain another 3 inches by September/October. I don't plan on cutting again for a while (at least 5 years).

I was informed the hair's growth rate increases b/c of the increased blood circulation due to the pregnancy. I also continued to increase my water intake. I always eat alot of fresh fruits and veggies since I was running.

My hair does appear extra dark for some reason.
I noticed increased thickness more than increased growth (and Lord knows I don't need anymore thickness!):nono:.

I fear the post partum shedding too. I haven't seen it yet b/c I'm wearing twists, but even when I look at my new growth I don't see any bulbs. We'll see what happens when I take them out at the end of this month.

I think there's a Dominican conditioner that's supposed to help with the shedding. Can't think of the name of it off the top of my head right now:confused: ...I'll have to do a search to find it.:
ladylibra said:
oh Lord... don't make me relive my awful preggo days...

i BCd right around the time i got knocked up... started with 2 in. of hair and ended with 7 in. i did not really shed while preggo... so PP shedding was a b!tch. literally my son was 3.5 months and it was right after my BC anniversary that hair just started falling out left and right. or rather, was tangling and matting to the point where i had to leave it in a few braids and comb out the shed hairs every day. i'd get enough strands that when compactly rolled together, the ball was golf-ball sized. this every day for almost a month... then just as suddenly i was back to "normal." i'm surprised i didn't have bald spots. but luckily I didn't lose any length.

One month of shedding is not that bad...I'm wondering if you had a short time period b/c you combed the shedded hair everyday instead of say like once a week. I'd rather have the hair come on out and move on.
Dogmd said:
My hair got thicker, but the length was my normal growth rate.
I shed all of the thickness 8 months post-partum. It was terrible, big clumps of hair fell out at every wash. I shed for 4 months then it stopped.

This pregnancy my Chinese acupuncturist plans on dehydrating my placenta and preparing it for me to take after I give birth . Apparently all of her asian clients eat their own placentas after they give birth in the form of soups and /or powdered capsules. She says this prevents postpartum depression, and shedding. I told her, I wasn't feeling the soup, but could tolerate a gel we shall see!

She tried to get me to do this the last pregnancy, but I wouldn't go for it. This time, I am definately going to do it, because I had a rough recovery postpartum.

Wow I have never heard of this. Other cultures have a lot of knowledge about things that we suffer from everyday. I don't know about the soup either:confused: but I'd be willing to take a capsule form, if it prevented the shedding. My hair shedded after stopping BC pills, it was just like pp shedding and only stopped when I became preggie.
Hair Peace said:
I noticed increased thickness more than increased growth (and Lord knows I don't need anymore thickness!):nono:.

I fear the post partum shedding too. I haven't seen it yet b/c I'm wearing twists, but even when I look at my new growth I don't see any bulbs. We'll see what happens when I take them out at the end of this month.

I think there's a Dominican conditioner that's supposed to help with the shedding. Can't think of the name of it off the top of my head right now:confused: ...I'll have to do a search to find it.:

It's called Cren and I think you're supposed to use the one w/menthol. I'll have to stay in contact w/you to see how the Cren works for you.;)
I am not understanding how shedding, which is caused by hormonal fluctuations, can be prevented by any topical solutions.
CurleeDST said:
I am not understanding how shedding, which is caused by hormonal fluctuations, can be prevented by any topical solutions.

Actually I'm not sure either. I didn't get a chance to use the Cren before I got preggie. Some others on this board gave testimonies. Maybe b/c it's applied to the roots of the hair where the hair comes out.

According to my doctor, nothing can help, but some women say this has helped them:confused:

Anyone knows the anwer to this?
Honestly, I would not obsess over the shedding. It happens, typically no one can tell but the mother, and the hair seems to grow back as quickly as it sheds. So I would not bother with topical treatments that can get into the bloodstream. I do not want to lose my hair but from previous experience I didn't so I am not going to worry about it. Too many other more important decisions to make.
i haven't noticed any major growth yet. i have about 1 inch of new growth at 6 months. still waiting. i also didn't notice a growth increase with my first or any pp shedding. i guess i lucked out or was too busy and too tired to pay attention to it :)
This is my second pregnancy and I see the same growth rate as I do when I'm not pregnant. My hair doesn't grow longer than usual when I'm pregnant, just thicker.

I've read several places that one's hair does not grow more when you're pregnant, you just do not shed hair at the same rate so you are retaining more hair than usual. It seems to be true with me.

After having my first child, I did experience shedding (in the temple area) but it could've also been caused by wearing my hair pulled back almost during my entire pregnancy. With this pregnancy, I've still worn it in a bun, but looser so I'm hoping the post partum shedding won't be as severe (especially the temple area).