Pregnant, Relaxed 4A/4B


New Member

For those of you who are now or have been pregnant while relaxed and in the world did you take care of your hair???? It's finally cooling off and the humidity is low here. FINALLY! However, my already usually dry hair is even dryer and shedding. Balisi advised me to deep condition more often and I already avoid heat like the plague, but my "problem" is that I'm 15 weeks post relaxer and stretching, and 12 weeks pregnant. I'm trying to avoid relaxers altogether until after I deliver in another 28 weeks (which would put me about 11 months post relaxer with 4A/4B hair). Although I'm having more shedding than usual, my hair is growing like weeds. What maintenance and styles do you all suggest to keep my wiry mane manageable? We tried the twist out which was lovely for exactly 2 1/2 days and then went bonkers on me so I now know that's not the best options for me. I was wearing tree braids which were beautiful but extremely difficult to maintain so I nixed those. Oh...and I should mention that I'm trying to breathe life back into my edges that were killed from a bad micro job a couple of years ago. :(

Help! :perplexed

I should also add that I'm giving up wigging it for a while too.
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I would just rock braids, kinky twists, and cornrows until you can relax again. Getyour hair rebraid every 4 to 6 weeks and call it a day. You need to get some moisturizing products as well. Try Qhemet Biologics or something very moisturizing and thick to help with the trying. I heard Anita Grant Products are good too.
I would just rock braids, kinky twists, and cornrows until you can relax again. Getyour hair rebraid every 4 to 6 weeks and call it a day. You need to get some moisturizing products as well. Try Qhemet Biologics or something very moisturizing and thick to help with the trying. I heard Anita Grant Products are good too.

Ditto on wearing braids until the end of your should probably stay away from "styles" too. and keep everything as low maintenance as possible. HTH

For those of you who are now or have been pregnant while relaxed and in the world did you take care of your hair???? It's finally cooling off and the humidity is low here. FINALLY! However, my already usually dry hair is even dryer and shedding. Balisi advised me to deep condition more often and I already avoid heat like the plague, but my "problem" is that I'm 15 weeks post relaxer and stretching, and 12 weeks pregnant. I'm trying to avoid relaxers altogether until after I deliver in another 28 weeks (which would put me about 11 months post relaxer with 4A/4B hair). Although I'm having more shedding than usual, my hair is growing like weeds. What maintenance and styles do you all suggest to keep my wiry mane manageable? We tried the twist out which was lovely for exactly 2 1/2 days and then went bonkers on me so I now know that's not the best options for me. I was wearing tree braids which were beautiful but extremely difficult to maintain so I nixed those. Oh...and I should mention that I'm trying to breathe life back into my edges that were killed from a bad micro job a couple of years ago. :(

Help! :perplexed

I should also add that I'm giving up wigging it for a while too.

Your only twelve weeks you got a way to go b4 u relax. My hair is already thick and it was a whole heck of a lot thicker then. I just wore a bun and co-washed everyday it helped with my new growth and I left conditioner on it.Or like everyone else say were braids.

For those of you who are now or have been pregnant while relaxed and in the world did you take care of your hair???? It's finally cooling off and the humidity is low here. FINALLY! However, my already usually dry hair is even dryer and shedding. Balisi advised me to deep condition more often and I already avoid heat like the plague, but my "problem" is that I'm 15 weeks post relaxer and stretching, and 12 weeks pregnant. I'm trying to avoid relaxers altogether until after I deliver in another 28 weeks (which would put me about 11 months post relaxer with 4A/4B hair). Although I'm having more shedding than usual, my hair is growing like weeds. What maintenance and styles do you all suggest to keep my wiry mane manageable? We tried the twist out which was lovely for exactly 2 1/2 days and then went bonkers on me so I now know that's not the best options for me. I was wearing tree braids which were beautiful but extremely difficult to maintain so I nixed those. Oh...and I should mention that I'm trying to breathe life back into my edges that were killed from a bad micro job a couple of years ago. :(

Hey, Jazzy! Congratulations on the healthy pregnancy!! One of the most important things to realize is that your baby's nutritional needs are going to be met first. Soooo, you're going to HAVE to take in more of the good stuff just to make sure you have some left over for yourself. Although you are probably taking prenatal vitamins, you might try guzzling down lots of nutrient-loaded smoothies (I've seen some excellent recipes here in the forum) and LOTS AND LOTS OF pure WATER.

I find pregancy the most awesome time for hair growth, so retaining what you get during the next 28 to 30 weeks will put you waaay ahead in your goal. The problem I find with most ladies, though, is that they begin the pregnancy almost deficient in what their own bodies need, so that when they get pregnant, they really suffer. Good luck, and PM me if I can be of any further help. :grin:
Thank you so much! :)

Moroni - I've always tried to eat a pretty well balanced, healtful diet, but this baby seems to crave the filet-o-fish from Mickey D's all the time. :grin: I may definitely PM you to chat more. Thanks again!
:congrats:Relieved to hear I'm not the only one struggling with this. There's really good advice here. I'm going to TRY to hold off on the relaxer too, but I don't know. I'm about a month behind you (at 8 weeks), so feel free to PM me anytime to chat!