pregnancy/haircare changes...


Active Member
today is the 1st time im tellin my LHCF sisters... 'im with child'- happily pregnant, 20 wks nw!! so excited and v.nervous!

im sure as the rest of my body does my hair will change too. does anyone have haircare/pregnany advice? im open to ALL help:grin: thanks!!

(iv writen a few questions on the relationship board too so pop in there if you can)

its all love.
today is the 1st time im tellin my LHCF sisters... 'im with child'- happily pregnant, 20 wks nw!! so excited and v.nervous!

im sure as the rest of my body does my hair will change too. does anyone have haircare/pregnany advice? im open to ALL help:grin: thanks!!

(iv writen a few questions on the relationship board too so pop in there if you can)

its all love.

Your hair will probably change for the better. Longer, thicker and shinier. It's the vitamins I suppose. Congrats!
Congrats.. You will see changes as the vitamins will give u that boost.. Remember to continue taking your prenatals after you give birth which should help with post-partum shedding, that you may or may not experience.... Take it easy!!!:drunk:
im taking 'Pregnacare' and 'Mumomega'. should i be taking anything else? is there anything i should stay away from taking?:nono:

i read that i shouldNT have 'flaxseed/ biotin or kelp- and there the main three i want to take LOL Oh well :perplexed

congrats! your hair will definetly get thicker my mil swears its because im having a boy that my hair is soo thick and growing:grin:
take your vitamins make sure you get enough protien and drink plenty water. i take the prenatals that come with the omega 3

Um the only thing I can suggest is drinking lots of water, taking your vitamins and deep conditioning often, and eating really good/healthy food. My hair is not shedding or breaking, but it gets dry sometimes. It's THICK as I don't know what, but since I never wear it 'out' I don't have to battle with it until wash days.

Um the only thing I can suggest is drinking lots of water, taking your vitamins and deep conditioning often, and eating really good/healthy food. My hair is not shedding or breaking, but it gets dry sometimes. It's THICK as I don't know what, but since I never wear it 'out' I don't have to battle with it until wash days.

your waiting for 2! congrats
Me too! Actually I'm picking up a test today :grin: :blush:!

ohhh thanks! dont forget to tell us how it works out you ya. the good thing is that God knows every baby before they are even conviced so when the times right youll have a baby blessing' in your tum! xxx
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I conditioner washed mine daily for the last 4 months. No heat at all. It really helped with the dryness. My hair got thicker and silkier.

congrats 2 u!
ohhh thanks! dont forget to tell us how it works out you ya. the good thing is that God knows every baby before they are even conviced so when the times right youll have a baby blessing' in your tum! xxx

Aww thanks! You're so sweet! Congratulations again!
While my hair is growing noticeably faster, coming in much thicker and fuller - I'm having major issues with keeping it moisturized. Any tips on moisture? I might try the daily con washing, but I'm hesitant because she's due in the dead of winter :giveup:
im taking 'Pregnacare' and 'Mumomega'. should i be taking anything else? is there anything i should stay away from taking?:nono:

i read that i shouldNT have 'flaxseed/ biotin or kelp- and there the main three i want to take LOL Oh well :perplexed


NO essential oils! Just take the prenatals! And you know that your hair will not shed as much or at all, but after you drop that baby, that is when the shedding begins!
Congrats on your pregnancy. For the haircare, I know with my daughter I had some nice growth but I "f#@$" it up before I found LHCF, this time I will do better.
congrats! on your lil blessing my youngest was born in May and she was a butterball:grin:. my hair grew like crazy but i can't say it was the vits cause I was a :badgirl: with this one and barely took them:nono:. Oh well she was healthy,alert, and huge(9 lb 1oz). You will not shed much due to the extra estrogen(I think that's the hormone) anyway one of those hormones. I did alot of wash-n-gos and wore my hair in buns alot. Partly cause being tired and having a 3 year old and partly for the low manipulation. I thinked this help in retaining hair and less breakage. Now almost 4 months later I am experiencing shedding but it is managable probably wouldn't be so bad if I was taking vits like I'm supposed to :wallbash: lol. anyway congratulations again.

Congratulations Naturaline!

I just started taking my prenatal vits. about my 8th month of pregnancy due to hyperemesis gravidarum. But my hair has thrived throughout my pregnancy. It's the longest it has ever been, (few inches shy of APL) and my stylist can't keep up with my newgrowth. (I'm getting my last touch-up tommorrow).

Thank god I discovered co-washes. They helped me get through the hot summer months. I do them daily, because you know pregnant women have a higher metabolism and sweat alot.

Went in for an appt. today and I am 3+ cm dilated and 70% effaced. So it won't be much longer now. Hang in there!
Hey ladies any updates on the haircare while pregnant, I am going with the same ole routine Cw every other day and doing a henna treatment every two weeks with the weather changing. I noticed my hair is getting thicker and holding in moisture. I am planning on getting Senegalese twists in November to deal with the holiday madness. Anybody else??
I know this is not exactly your question . . .BUT. . .

All I can say is, make sure at least 2 weeks before your due date you get a style that will hold throughout labor .

No one told me anything about having my hair prepared like I was going into battle, and I looked at hot crazy mess after the baby was born. :blush: I spent most of my labor in the shower and my hair took at least 1 hour to detangle afterwards because I wasn't prepared.

I would recommend getting braids. Also because after you have the baby, you probably don't want to spend time worrying about your hair, but you might get a million pictures taken of you as new mommy- so you might as well look decent.
CONGRATS!!!!! How exciting. FYI - you also want to avoid MSM. My bottle says to avoid if pregnant, lactating or thinking of conceiving.