Pregnancy Hair: Some Questions


New Member
I am 16 weeks pregnant and about a month and a half ago, I cut my 11+ inches of natural 4A hair ultra-short, beyond TWA status. Anyway, it is really growing out pretty quickly and is extremely thick! I know that durng pregnancy, the normal hair shedding process stops, so hairs that would have normally been lost remain intact. However, I am wondering, for those who accumulated a lot of volume and length during pregnancy, how did your hair change after the birth? Did it break? Shed? Anything else noteworthy happen with your "pregnancy hair"?
My hair grew like crazy when I was pregnant, it was strong and I didn't even need any products in it after the regular shampoo and conditioner.
There was no abnormal shedding at all after the child was born. A little shedding accured after I stop breastfeeding but nothing to complain about.
My hair grew like crazy. I acquired a whole lotta inches and I was happy about that. However, about 3 months later my hair started shedding like crazy. I guess all that growth wasn’t supposed to be mine. It didn’t break but it wrecked my nerves a little bit because I haven’t seen that much hair come out in a long time. I thought about Adrienne and saved it for my album. I will post a pic soon. Eventually it stopped but my edges got a little thin. I sprayed some Surge on it twice a day and it filled right back in.