Preacher drops dead RIGHT in front of the church


Browndisha Brownie Sundae
This happened in The Bronx on Sunday:

A preacher in a church off of 149th and Westchester had a guest speaker from Chicago address the congregation. After the guest speaker was through with his message, the pastor got up and said a few words. Then the pastor said that he was running for Jesus (or something to that nature) and started running around the church. The congragation was "on fire" and many people started running around the church with the pator. After the pastor ran around the church 3 times, he sat down and had a massive heart attack right in front of everybody. Witnesseses say that within seconds (and by the time anyone noticed), he was slumped over in his chair and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth... right on the pulpit. By the time the paramedics came, he was gone.


Now of course, we are supposed to pray for everyone involved in this situation. But when my grandmother told this to me, I couldn't help but recall the controversy surrounding this particular minister, and there was ALOT.

As Christians, we cannot be judgemental, but is it ever ok to hear such a story and think "Wow - its unfortunate but I'm really not surprised this happened"? Especially if its concerning a leader in the church?

Do you have a link to an article, cause I would really like to show my bishop this story if you can find it. I think it depends on the person in question. For example, my hubby's bf's grandfather-in-law was a pastor. He told the congregation one Sunday after he finished praising God, that he was going with the Lord today. Afterwards, he sat down and gave up the ghost (died). Now everyone who knew him well said that this man had a heart after God, and consistently demonstrated this inside and outside the 4 walls. In that case, I was a little suprised, but joyful b/c he was going to be with the Lord.

Now, on the other hand, if the person was a leader and they were not living holy, then no, I'm not suprised, b/c the consistent prophetic Word since 2004 has been that God is not playing with his people. He wants his people to be purified. There will be an uncovering in the house of God, and some will be exposed and some will even drop dead in the pulpit, b/c the double lives they are leading are causing the sheep to be slaughetered. Its interesting that you posted this, b/c this Word was just spoken again this past Sunday at my church.
God knows everything and when our time comes it is here. I do not see this a pre-mature death at all. But the message behind this is how he went out, he risk his life and health for God by running around the Church. I see this a truimph that minutes before his death he was praising and serving God. Of course, having the heart attack to see is not pleasant but want about the other servants of God in the Bible who had their head cut off and other things in front of many for serving God. There is a message in everything God does we just have to ask Him what are you trying to say.