Pre-poo, wash, AND dc?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Does anyone do all three steps whenever they wash? (I usually combine the pre-poo and dc steps by slathering on some conditioner overnight.) But I'm just wondering what others do . . . .
I do all three steps. I usually oil my scalp and put conditioner on my hair and seal that with oil as well for a pre poo (I'll let it sit for awhile or sit under the dryer for about 30 mins). Then I wash in the shower, and jump out of the shower to dc under the dryer for 30 mins or so. It's a lot of jumping in and out of the shower, but my hair is doing well this way, so I'm not changing anything.
I do all three. I only prePoo for maybe an hour, wash and then conditioner. I don't prePoo all the time...depending on how much time I have.
I do all three steps. I usually oil my scalp and put conditioner on my hair and seal that with oil as well for a pre poo (I'll let it sit for awhile or sit under the dryer for about 30 mins). Then I wash in the shower, and jump out of the shower to dc under the dryer for 30 mins or so. It's a lot of jumping in and out of the shower, but my hair is doing well this way, so I'm not changing anything.

:yep:This is what I do. All 3 steps and sometimes 4 if I aphoghee treatment.
I do all three steps and the reason I pre poo is that it seems like the the pre poo stops the shampoo from being too drying and also my hair gets lest tangled when I pre poo.

It might be because I'm natural though. My hair tangled a lot more when I was relaxed than it does now. Are you using an oil to pre poo? I don't use oil on my hair at all.

As far as the shampoo being drying, you might just need to use a more gentle shampoo. I stopped using the ones I got that squeaky clean stripped feeling from. They made my hair tangle up when I was relaxed. Like for instance my hairdresser had given us these Keracare sample giftsets one year for Christmas and one of the shampoos in there made my hair tangle something serious. Once I stopped using it I didn't have that problem anymore. My mother says her stylist always complains about her hair tangling but I really think it's that shampoo. When I washed my moms hair for here one day I didn't have that problem. But if it ain't broke then don't fix it.
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I apply conditioner and leave it on either overnight or at least half an hour and rinse out- that's it. Rarely (maybe after colour) do I pre-poo wash AND DC- I do DC after every shampoo though

ETA: I must add that at the moment I Co-wash pretty much everyday...
I do all three steps. I usually oil my scalp and put conditioner on my hair and seal that with oil as well for a pre poo (I'll let it sit for awhile or sit under the dryer for about 30 mins). Then I wash in the shower, and jump out of the shower to dc under the dryer for 30 mins or so. It's a lot of jumping in and out of the shower, but my hair is doing well this way, so I'm not changing anything.

I do exactly this twice a week! My hair is in the best shape EVER, and I'm not changing a thing :yep:

Except when I seal my pre-poo with oil, I might put a special oil on my scalp, always olive oil on the length of my hair and I slather castor oil on the ends of my hair. My ends are always soft like silk. It's the best!!!