pre-poo, Aphogee, Moe Gro (help!)


Well-Known Member
I am still in the process of putting together an all encompassing hair care regimen. I have looked through many of the posts and one of the the things i've seen come up often is "pre-poo"? How do I exactly go about doing this? How often should I "pre-poo" and what are some of your favorite recipies?

Secondly, I am terrified to use anything Aphogee! This product was recommended to me by LHCF and I found in my local beauty store that same day. I read the label for one of their products (some treatment for damanged hair) and it recommended that the product be used in a salon or if done independantly, that one should read the directions very carefully. This was very intimidating! I did see the Aphongee 2 min reconstrutor and I am interested in making this a part of my regimen. How often to you think I should use it? To grow healthy hair, I know it is important to balance moisture with protein? I will be moisterizing my scalp, hair and ends daily (Profectiv for ends+seal with oil, Moe Gro on scalp, Jane Carter Sln on hair) and so I think I have the moisterizing part down pat....right? When I would include Aphogee 2 min recon. as my protein - my hair won't break off and/or fall out anything b/c I will have a little bit of a balance with moisture and protein.....correct? I'll die if I discover i've used a product that's too potent for my hair....

Lastly, for those who have made/used the Moe Gro mix, question: I used horsetail herbs in liquid form and made the mix according to the directions (put glass with oil and herbs in boiling water). I noticed that the horseatil herb portion of the mix stayed at the bottom of the glass. Is this normal?

Members, this forum is amazing (i'm new)!! Not only is the plethora of info incredible but I love how much everyone supports and encourages one another. It's really beautiful. I just wanted to put that out there.

Thank you and I can't wait to read your replies!
p.s - I'm natural with type: 3c
Hey there! :wave:
I use moe gro as an overnight prepoo just about everynight.
Coconut oil to ME is the best prepoo oil ever. It softens hair like nobody's business
Its so crazy! I was JUST thinking about the horsetail in liquid form because I cant find the actual shaved grass.
My oil and aloe vera separates and its is suggested that you shake well before applying.
The horsetail is heavier than most oils, as is the aloe vera, so it will sink to the bottom. IA with Auburn, shake well before applying and you should be fine. Regarding the Aphogee, I'm a 4a natural and I alternate a moisturizing DC with the 2 min Aphogee. My hair also thrives on protein so I can use the Aphogee 2 step treatment every 6 weeks. The key to it, and probably the reason that they say either professionals do it or be VERY careful, is that the treatment hardens LIKE A ROCK on your hair. If you try to move or manipulate your hair, you run the risk of it breaking off. This treatment is the only time I use a sulfate poo (CON Clarifying). I rinse it off and apply the treatment (use a towel because it's sticky and runny), let it dry for 15 min, then get under the hair dryer WITHOUT A SHOWER CAP and sit until the hair is hard. Then I get back in the shower and let the water soften my hair for up to 10 minutes, until I can get through the hair again. Rinsing without touching IMO is key to preventing breakage. Once the hair softens you're okay. I then follow up with a moisturizing DC, leave on for 10-20 minutes, rinse and style. I don't use the step 2 that comes with the package because it's not heavy enough for me. I tend to use AOHSR mixed with some avocado oil, and that works well. HTH!