Prayer Requests


Well-Known Member
  1. Mom - Please pray for Mom she is going for a test on Friday to see if she will be able to come off of blood thinners. I do not know all of the details. My Mom has Afib. In order for her to qualify for getting off of the blood thiners, she will have to have surgery. I will provide you with more details when I get them. Please pray for healing and deliverance.
  2. Sister- My sister is haing a out-patient surgical prcedure tomorrow morning. Please pray for guidance of the Dr. Help. No accidents. mishaps or incidents.
  3. Sherman (cat) - I came to you a few years back about Sherman and you all ver very supporive and I appreciate it. Sherman has been acting kind of strange. Not sure if he is sick or not. Please pray that the Lord will regulate his body and it will operate properly as God created him.
  4. Me - I am grieving. I found out last week that a mentor, someone that I admired and adored was found dead (no details). I am so in shock. I just can't believe it. It has not really hit me yet. I am in the denial stage. My sis and Mom are grieving also. As you know I really do not need to be stressed as it is a hindrance to my healing.
Praying for you, your family (including your furry family member, Sherman)!

Thanks, I appreciate all of your prayers.

My sister is at home and on percocet (talking non-stop) :drunk::drunk:. Lawd have mercy. I had to get off of the phone.

I am still praying for Mom and Sherman.

Thanks again ladies.
My sister is recovering from surgery. I have to find out what is going on with my Mom. I took Sherman to he vet today and there is no Blockage. Praise God. He may have little stones. He was given an antibiotic.

I think God for my furry nephew, the company and Joy that he brings to the family. I thank God for creating animals. I thnk God that he gave us dominion over animals and that he will even send his healing hands down on them. Sherman does not know the Lord (well in my head he doesn't) so I had to go to the throne for him.

Thanks for all who found it not robbery to pray for him. The funny thing is, when Sherman had issues before. he was on the prayer list at church and people prayed for him.
I love that cat. LOL! I have a thing for nature/animals. I get excited when I see a Bunny hopping, a Robin flying, or ducks sitting on a stream. :drunk: That's jut me. LOL :grin:

I have a ddificult time watching those commercials about abused animals.