my sister has breast cancer

mensa I hope everything is going well with your sister. Maybe they might want to shrink the cancer first and then see if she needs surgery. Not sure what's going on i had different cancer from her but i had 2 tumors and they gave me chemo and steroids first,instead of surgery. She will be ok just keep praying for her and support her.
I do thank you all for your encouraging words and prayers.

My sister has to have chemo, radiation and surgery. I was with her today while she had a port placed into her so that she can start chemo this Wednesday morning.

Please continue to pray for her.

I bless you all in the Name of Jesus.

I do thank you all for your encouraging words and prayers.

My sister has to have chemo, radiation and surgery. I was with her today while she had a port placed into her so that she can start chemo this Wednesday morning.

Please continue to pray for her.

I bless you all in the Name of Jesus.


I will continue to pray for her.

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I do not know how I missed this thread. Just sent up a prayer for Lou and Mensa too!! Bless ya. I hope your sis is better!
Her doctor told her that she has to have 18 weeks of chemo. I have to be there with her because Mom and big Sis cannot come yet.:nono:

I will post what happened tomorrow evening.
She will need 18 weeks of chemo starting tomorrow @ 9:00 a.m.

I will post how things went tomorrow evening.
God's peace be with you while you are caring for your sister. May his love carry you through this. Asking that His will be done in this situation and that your sister's test becomes a testimony.

Hugs and blessings to you both.
I have to thank all of you for caring. My sister has gone back to begin her treatments. Her dh is with her.
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I am so sorry to hear that, how is your sister doing with her treatment? Im praying for your family.
Thank the Lord, she is at home resting. She came out of the cancer center smiling, a little woosy but strong. The Dr. gave her something for nausea and she has to get some baking soda so that she will not get mouth sores.

She was sleepy and was going home to go to bed. Her next 3 treatments will be the worst and then the severity of them will taper off.

I love each and every one of you and am so happy that you all cared and prayed.

God bless you all!!
I am looking for healthy meals that I can fix for her. She has lost a little weight already.

I will be glad when Mom gets here on the 18th. I know my sister will be glader cause Mom can cook much better than me.:lol:
You're such a good sister...

Love is a healing agent; I'd bet your sister appreciates every little thing you say to her or do for her. I don't share this much, but I had an ailing friend who was getting cancer treatments and when I found out, I drove the more than six miles by myself to go see her. She wasn't a super-close friend but I loved her and wanted to see her. I almost hit a deer on the way (the devil is a liar)... and even though she had her husband and lots of friends and colleagues, she enjoyed my visit and said it meant the world to her. I'd helped her around the house, folding the kids' clothes, reorganizing her closet, shopping for plants to spruce up the house, helping her cook.. anything I could to help. Yet, with all I did to help, she was most grateful for my presence. I'm not saying this to be boastful, but I sensed I needed to say that to you.

That's what it take, mensa.... your being there. Your sister is in God's Hands, so I hope you resolve to just enjoy being in her presence. Your presence will do more for her well-being that anything you can fancy to cook ;) There is healing in your presence. :yep:

God bless~

I am looking for healthy meals that I can fix for her. She has lost a little weight already.

I will be glad when Mom gets here on the 18th. I know my sister will be glader cause Mom can cook much better than me.:lol:
My sis got a bone marrow shot to help build up her immune system. She has no nausea but is very tired. She gets her treatments every 2 weeks.
She is still going through chemo. It makes her very exhausted. Sometimes she only gets up out of the bed to use the bathroom. She has lost all of her hair but she is still beautiful physically. To look at her you would never know what she is going through. She has not begun to lose any weight yet.

He oncology doctor gives her medication that keep her from getting nauseated, except for a little here and there.

She is stage 3.
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Her nails are turning black and she said that they will fall off soon. She also cannot use her hands and feet. She is suffering from nerve pain. But she will be done with the chemo in June. Then it is on to radiation and surgery.
Her nails are turning black and she said that they will fall off soon. She also cannot use her hands and feet. She is suffering from nerve pain. But she will be done with the chemo in June. Then it is on to radiation and surgery.

Thank you for the update mensa. Your sister has a wonderful blessing in you :yep:

In Isaiah 61... God has promised to give us 'Beauty for Ashes'. Your sister will always be beautiful and the ashes of this challenge in her life, God is turning into Gold....taking your sister from Ashes to Gold.

God bless her and you and your entire family and loved ones.
