prayer request

golden bronze

New Member
I posted about losing my home due to a foreclosure a few weeks ago. I thank you for all your prayers. They encouraged my spirit so much as I go through this difficult time.

I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and not lean to my own understanding.

Sisters I ask for you to pray for God's provision. The home I am in now, I am renting from my mother with my sister and her children. My mother is working on a refinance, because she too unfortunately is in the midst of the market slump. She is having difficulty refinancing, which ultimately could mean that we may have to either come up with an alternate solution, or we may have to move again.

I know that the Lord is who he said he is, my provider. I ask that you stand in agreement with me and my sister and mom. Ever since I made the choice to follow his will and start this ministry with my sister, the road has been one of the most difficult I have ever had. Please pray for me. :yep:
we must all stand together in the need of prayer.

lets give thanks for what we have and praise the almighty for bringing us a long way...

when praises go up!!!!>..... Blessings come down....!!!!!
Hey Golden Sister...

I pray above all things that you will prosper, be in health, even as your soul prospers. Remember the 'fish' that held the coins for the tax money? Remember the widow with the meal and oil for just one meal cake?

Remember the times you were down past your last dime? God hasn't changed one bit. He WILL provide...Indeed He will.

More than words, I wish you blessings and miracles that you've never known before. I thank you for the witness that you will bear before the Lord that He did in deed 'Fix This' just for you.

Hold on will not be put to shame and neither is there any blame for what has occurred. You are in the right path and climate for a miracle. :heart2:

Thank you, Thank you all. It is encouraging to my soul just to know that the Lord cares, through you all. God bless each and every one.
Hey Golden Sister...

I pray above all things that you will prosper, be in health, even as your soul prospers. Remember the 'fish' that held the coins for the tax money? Remember the widow with the meal and oil for just one meal cake?

Remember the times you were down past your last dime? God hasn't changed one bit. He WILL provide...Indeed He will.

More than words, I wish you blessings and miracles that you've never known before. I thank you for the witness that you will bear before the Lord that He did in deed 'Fix This' just for you.

Hold on will not be put to shame and neither is there any blame for what has occurred. You are in the right path and climate for a miracle. :heart2:


AMEN and in agreement in prayer with you.