continuted prayer request

golden bronze

New Member
prayer request

Many of your know that I lost my home earlier this year. I feel as if I am always coming to you for prayer, but prayer has really been my lifeline through this whole ordeal.

Firstly I thank you God for being my Father. I know that according to your riches and glory you will supply all my needs.

I ask for intercessory prayer for my mother, who is experiencing extreme financial difficulty. We are renting and attempting to purchase her home, but the ARM has adjusted. She is ill, and dealing with my other sister who is also critically ill with anorexia, and my stepfather who is recovering from addiction. My mother can no longer afford my sister's energy drinks that help her gain weight. She is attempting to write a book about God's glory, and she needs to be more rooted in faith now than ever because the advesary is coming against her.

I pray for victory for the Lord for my sister and I who are in danger of losing our second home again because of the ARM. We came up with the money for six months of mortgage payments, but found out the mortgage company was not honest about the cap on the ARM rate. We may or may not qualify for the freeze, but we cannot afford the increased payments. We know what the Lord said about us and this house and our ministry, and we just ask that His will be done.

I pray for my sister who has been called to ministry, and is also facing attack. She has blood pouring out her nose and ears from a health condition. She's also trying to separate herself from people in her life who are unhealthfully influencing her, and harming her spirit.

I pray for the people we work with in our church and our community ministry. The police chaplains program, our arts ministry, and the victims of abuse. There is much turmoil in our community due to violence, and this makes the work of the ministry so much harder.I ask you to send help, Lord, for us to do the work that you have called us to do in this communityl. I ask that God fight our battles.

Father I ask these things not because I am deserving, but because you are good. I ask them because I know that once I chose to follow you I know that you will not steer me wrong. I need your help. I am standing on the promise of your word. I ask you to bless all those here on LHCF who are praying, because I know that you see all, and your eyes remain on the sparrow. I know that Jesus has all power, and by your name every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess your name. I know that anything we ask in Jesus' name according to Your will we will have. Father we need you now.

Sisters, I just ask you to stand in agreement with me. I cherish you all, and love you all and pray for your heath and well being.
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I have prayed for you. And I will continue to do so. I don't know you. And I don't have to know you. But the father does. And his Holy Spirit is real. If you trust him and you ask him, and not give up, he WILL come to your rescue. I know. And I've seen it time and time and time again.

He has proven himself to me as this type of God.

It's just not within his fabric to leave you.

So when you feel he is not there, you wonder why, things get worse, and even after so, they continue to get worse, just know that he is still on his throne. He never left just because you, or I or others we know are or have been down. After you'd gone through and passed over the night, you'll be able to look back with a smile remembering where you were and thanking God that you actually made it.

So I tell you, no matter how it gets, no matter how tired you are, just never give up. Never cease to pray. Fast. Church on sundays. Church during the week. Whisper to him. Talk to him. Sing his songs in the car, while doing house work, while helping mom and sister and father yes play his music always to keep your spirit up and encouraged.

Don't leave him.

Because all of your blessings are on the other side.
GB - I am always standing in agreement for you and your families needs. All I can hear the father saying is that it's done.

Golden Bronze..:kiss:

Now get ready for a testimony...Expect it, Receive it and then Tell it. And to God be all the Glory. In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen.

For God has given you a "Cruse of Oil" which will fail not.

You have the strong ARM of the Lord who is ruling your Destiny, not the wicked ARM money changers of this world.

You will never be homeless....

Take heed to what you've shared. You've acquired money and there's yet much more than 6 months worth coming into your hands, not the ARM.

Go to I Kings 18 and read it. The Prophet Elljah in two events (The Altar of the Lord and the coming of the rain) and several victories. God's message to you is "Despite ALL Odds".

I love you Golden Promise, set in Bronze. For precious sister you ARE indeed a Golden Promise of the Lord, a Promise you are, whom God gave to Himself as a special gift, to bring Him joy and much Glory here on earth.

Despite ALL Odds....Despite ALL Odds.....Despite ALL Odds...

Despite All Odds... :love3:
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

I am standing in the ARMS of the Lord and I believe that He alone is my strength and my deliverer, my strong tower and my salvation.

My sisters thank you so mych for your prayer and power. I love you!