Prayer Request


New Member
Ladies please pray for me,
lately i feel like i need to be stronger in my faith in God. I am praying and would like to send in a prayer request to you all that God will continue to reassure my faith in my mental and physical health.Also that i would have faith in God and not to worry about my mental and physical health. I would also like to pray for my family because right now i think they need to have prayer upon them.Please pray that my upcoming tests go well.I will continue to pray to God about your prayers here on the board.God bless and thank you very much
I'm praying for you too, precious one. Don't despair for God has already answered your prayers, each and every one of them. For He loves each and every thing that concerns every part of you....

He's not saying no. ;)

((( hugs ))) ;)
Thankyou klb120475 and Shimmie,

you dont know how much your kind words mean to me..i know God is there for me..i felt low and kinda depressed. reading the scriptures has helped me and prayer thankyou soo much im soo content that God is in my life. i need to make my faith stronger
Once again God has answered my feeling renewed and delievered by the grace and glory of God. I feel like my priority in life is to listen to Gods commandments in order to truly be whole. Prayer is so powerful I will continue to pray for everyone i can..Stay Blessed Ladies.
I know I'm coming in late, but I prayed for you too. You can't have too much prayer for you :grouphug:. I'm glad you feel better.