Prayer request, please.


New Member
I know I have presented this matter before. More than once. I am doing it again. My husband will be sitting for his board exams again on Dec. 20 and 21. Ladies, I am so tired and the retirement funds we ahve been using for living expenses is almost gone. Last week our Bible study for the week was about Abraham. I pray for the type of faith he had. Total, implicit faith in God no matter what, because as it stands, we have no idea what will happen come January, and we can't give anything for Christmas to the kids. Thank you for your support and for praying with me in the past.
Everytime that I have been through the storm and lingered in what seemed like hell on earth, God's fulfillment of His promises made it seem like a second. God will answer your prayers. I am PM'ing you!
I have prayed for you and will continue to do so. He is Jehovah Jireh and will continue to provide for His children. Be encouraged.
good2uuuu said:
I know I have presented this matter before. More than once. I am doing it again. My husband will be sitting for his board exams again on Dec. 20 and 21. Ladies, I am so tired and the retirement funds we ahve been using for living expenses is almost gone. Last week our Bible study for the week was about Abraham. I pray for the type of faith he had. Total, implicit faith in God no matter what, because as it stands, we have no idea what will happen come January, and we can't give anything for Christmas to the kids. Thank you for your support and for praying with me in the past.

You have my heartfelt prayers and Honey, know this...God's provision shall be seen. In every area of your life, God's provision shall be seen His name is not Jehovah Jireh by name only...He is named such for this is the same God who met Abraham ... with the "Ram in the Bush".

So shall there be a Ram for every sacrifice which has been set before you.

In Jesus' name...Amen and Amen.
I will pray for peace of mind, retention, recall, concentration and God's ultimate wisdom, mercy and grace to see him through the testing.
Thank you ladies for your prayers and support. Things are getting pretty anxious around here, but we are still praying and maintaining.
God be gloried in this situation and please in JEsus name give her husband favor for this exam and let everything he has studied come back to his remberance. I pray it to be so and that you will give them double for their trouble. Restore their finances and let them meet every bill in Jesus name. AMEN!!