Prayer Request for Me & Him


New Member
Hello everyone, I am asking that you guys say a special (small) prayer for my son's father and myself.

We were in an un-Godly relationship together 13 years ago and conceived a child. We both were young, and tried to do the whole shackin' thing (which rarely works out). In any event, we parted ways (no hurt feelings from either party). He maintained an active relationship with our son...I've since dated other people and he's was good.

Since our breakup 7 yrs ago, I found the Lord (got saved and filled with the Holy Ghost - THANK GOD)...and believe it or not, he has also found the Lord...brutha is saved too! We've been talking alot lately about God and the way he has changed both of us for the better. He has expressed feeling for me and I recently discovered that I share those same feelings. Its amazing because once we lived in sin, now we are thinking of coming together in a way that is pleasing to God! Please pray that God's will be done in our lives.

God is sooo awesome!
Def praying for you all! God can and does sanctify relationships and cleanse them just like he does our souls. I pray for God's will to be done in all areas of your lives. I hope things will work out for you all as a family.:grin: