Prayer Needed- Financial and School Problems


Well-Known Member
I am in a real mess. I work fulltime and I go to graduate school part time. I will have to drop a class because I am not passing. I borrowed student loan money to cover some of my expenses, so when I drop this class I will fall below eligible status, so I will have to pay the money back to the school before I can register for anymore classes. I don't have that kind of money, my credit is poor and I have no co-signer so that I can get a private loan to pay the school off. I will most likely get kicked out of the program due to non-enrollment. I have no one to help me. My situation seems hopeless, this is going to cause me a huge financial hardship and the prospect of not being able to go to school hurts :(

I have prayed and tryed everything to solve my problem. But each option I think of does not work out for me. I am under so much stress, I can't eat or concentrate on my other class. I have no idea what I am going to do :ohwell:

If anyone has been in a similiar situation and found a way out, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I was in this situation and borrowed from my pension plan. See if that will help in your situation.
Do you have kids to take care of? Right now it seem as if a good option is to put in the time to recover your grades. Then you can take next semester off. Maybe you can take a second job while you are not going to school? I'm not a proponent of cashing out your 401K but if you have one, it may be good to cash it out until you are back on your feet.

I don't know your situation, but when I explained to my parents I was literally living paycheck to paycheck, they stated they had no problem allowing me to return home. It was for the best since my mom had surgery 4 months after I moved in. My daughter and I were able to help my father and ensure she was never home alone. Continue praying about your situation. Talk to your parents, a aunt or grandmother. Your professor or advisor may be a good person to talk with. How many classes are you taking? It seems as if maybe you feel as if you bit off more than you can chew. I've been there. Thankfully, this is my last semester.
I would suggest that you talk to your professor before you drop the class. Explain to him/her that due to work requirements you werent able to perform in the class as you intended and would it be possible to take an Incomplete so that you could have the opportunity to catch up on the coursework. That way you dont waste the money that you have already paid for the class and you dont drop below your eligible enrollment. Continue to go to the class....but your professor will know that you are "behind." That is what I would try in this situations.

Its rough in these streets, I understand your dilema. I work full-time and go to grad school full-time, so it can get to be a lot. I have learned that communicating whats going on with my professors is the key to staying afloat...they know grad students have real responsibilities like work, family, etc. so just be honest.

Also, TRUST GOD, this summer I ended up dropping a class late in the semester that I had PRAYED and petitioned my school to get into...but God just told me not to worry about money...He can use any expense He chooses to teach me lessons...and I learned a lot from that experience.

So just rely on Him, continue to pray and seek His path.
I will be praying for favor and peace to abound in your situation.

Stay Blessed!
Thanks ladies for the advice. I have spoken to my professor and I pretty much have no choice but to withdraw because my grades are too low, I am failing the class literally. An incomplete would not do any good in my situation. I am going to have to drop the class so I can save my grade point average and standing in the program. If I get anything below a B its not good :nono: If I withdraw before the deadline, I will receive no grade just a W which will not affect my standing in the graduate school. I just have to figure out what to do about the money, I may end up having to quit school anyway, because they won't let me register if I owe the school money. It will probably take a year for me to pay back the money :ohwell: I have a retirement plan through my job, but it is not a 401K so there is no cash out option. Moving back home is not an option, besides my mom lives over 100 miles away.
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I'm sorry to hear you must withdraw from the class. How far are you from graduating? Pray about this situation and leave it in God's hands. I know it's heartbreaking but I'm sure despite the low grades you've learned many concepts from the class. Do you feel better after speaking with your professor? What is the subject?
HWAY said:
I'm sorry to hear you must withdraw from the class. How far are you from graduating? Pray about this situation and leave it in God's hands. I know it's heartbreaking but I'm sure despite the low grades you've learned many concepts from the class. Do you feel better after speaking with your professor? What is the subject?

Thank you HWAY, I have been praying. The class I have to withdraw from is called Environmental Research Methods. It involves advanced statistics and is very difficult for me. I am attempting to get a MS in Environmental Studies. I am a long way from finishing because I can only go part-time and with this new set back, I may not be able to complete the degree. I am really upset I have worked really hard to get into the program and maintain a decent grade average.