Prayer for School


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, next semester I am going to entering my first design class. This class is a BIG deal due to the fact that it requires us to apply everything that we have learned in our core classes, and for us to work in groups. The part that I am most considered with is the formation of the groups. Most of the guys in my class have no respect for women. I have had to walk out of a room numerous times due to the things that they have said to me. The guys I thought were respectful are slowly being influence by the other guys.

This normally wouldn't be a problem if I just had to meet with the group once or twice a week, but this class is so intense that I am going to have to meet with my groups at least 6 days a week, this also includes early mornings and late nights. The people that I am assigned a group with will also be the same group I will have in the second design class.

I know you ladies are probably wondering about the other girls in my class, including myself there is only 3 of us (the last time I checked) and the teacher already said that there is only going to be one girl per group.

Thank you ladies :Rose:
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God has ordained peace for you. No matter the circumstance, or the atmosphere. Not only am I in agreement for your class / group choice, but I also pray that the demon spirits are subject to YOU. You are not subject to their foolishness and folly.

With one prayer, God can wipe them out of the entire class. One prayer, just to give you total peace.

Jesus, you are Lord in this place. No unclean nor unwholesome communication nor disrespect shall come nigh my placement in this class or any other place where I trod upon.

Abdijz -- Take Heed to the following words:

God's Favour is upon you! His Grace Surrounds You. Demons flee from you!

Case Closed!
I stand in agreement with Shimmie's prayer. I wanted to say that this could be a time of testing and growth for you too. Remember, God often allows us to go through what initially seems like hard times in order to fulfill the BIG picture. He uses sandpaper ppl to help mold us into his image too. Praying for you and hoping you will do well in this class!
Well said and Amen... I stand in agreement!

I stand in agreement with Shimmie's prayer. I wanted to say that this could be a time of testing and growth for you too. Remember, God often allows us to go through what initially seems like hard times in order to fulfill the BIG picture. He uses sandpaper ppl to help mold us into his image too. Praying for you and hoping you will do well in this class!
Thank you ladies I appreciate it, school starts soon so I will keep you posted.

:kiss: "Let not your heart be troubled; neither ............ let it be afraid. :Rose:

I love this scripture:

"Let no man trouble me.... for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus Christ". :woohoo2:

Lawd, have mercy! :meme: Let no man trouble me... for I bear upon my body...... Glory! Glory to God! I bear on my body, the marks of Jesus Christ.

In other words, 'Don't mess with me. I've been bought and paid for with a bloody price paid for by the Lord Jesus Christ. Unless you plan on getting right with God... leave me be. " :fistshake:

Precious Abdijz -- We 'got' your back. Let somebody mess with you... I'm ready for em'. :bat: Let it be known, that Jesus and 'nem', we don't play that foolishness. Nah-uh... :nono:

As a matter of fact, Jehovah Sham'mah... God is 'already' there, and He has His angels posted and guarding you from all harm and nonsense [the noisesome pestilence]. :happydance:

Please share your designs [here] with us. I'd love to see them. :yep:

By faith, I'm just sending annointed prayers, inspired by love for you, and you are securely covered in Jesus' Name.

Love you, precious sister... "Abdijz - Annointed Designer"
Hi Ladies,

Today is the day the class finds out what groups we are in. A lot of people are nervous but I am :happydance:. On Tuesday I found out some "serious" information, long story short, my advisor threatened to drop me from Design 1. I am not worried about it because God is by my side. I Know I will remain in this class and I will pass it successfully. :yep: