Prayer Line Schedule: Updates Are Posted Here

:amen: Traci, I lost my voice.... :yep:

But I still got my seed... :amen:

Love and hugs to you and thank you so much again and again for being so powerful in loving prayers and God's Word.

In like manner, so are you prepared for your exams tomorrow and any day that any exam may arise, you will always be ready. In Jesus' Name which is above every name, :amen: Forever... and ever.

That's right...I'm reading Mark chapter 4 before I lay my head on my pillow tonight :yep:

for me also a blessing that is...

thanks to God and thanks to all you lovely ladies....I'm looking forward to the next next one...
Amen - same here!
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The word tonight about my seed, was so timely. Sometimes I get so caught up in the drama, the distractions, that I forget what's really going on. Thank you for reminding me to keep my eyes on the prize.
I was so blessed by the prayers and the word. God knows that word was necessary. We will not be moved by the distractions that the enemy sends, but we will continue to pray and see the glory of the Lord. Thank you ladies. Everybody has something to add.

:amen: Prayer was AWESOME! Thank you so much for gift of your love for the women in this forum. Both you and Traci have embraced each and everyone of them... with God's love and His Word.
I really enjoyed the prayer and fellowship tonight! Shimmie your words really blessed me-before dialing in I asked God a question and through your words tonight He answered. God bless all of you wonderful women! Looking forward to the next call. It was so powerful.
I really enjoyed the prayer and fellowship tonight! Shimmie your words really blessed me-before dialing in I asked God a question and through your words tonight He answered. God bless all of you wonderful women! Looking forward to the next call. It was so powerful.

:grouphug2: Sashaa, thank you so much for sharing your heart and time with us. I will continue to keep the 'twins' in love and prayer. The devil is not going to 'steal' this seed. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Awww..maaan... what ya'll said about the seed? :lol: I'd recently received a Word about The Seed! Shimmie do you mind sharing with those of us who didn't get a chance to call in?

Sorry I missed the prayers..I know it was powerful and God's presence is among you ladies when you pray. Will try to make the next one! God bless.
The word tonight about my seed, was so timely. Sometimes I get so caught up in the drama, the distractions, that I forget what's really going on. Thank you for reminding me to keep my eyes on the prize.

YES!!! This is me. So caught up in the drama, that I don't pay attention to what is going on and I don't pray.

Last night's prayer really blessed me and Shimmie you have the sweetest voice.
You guys must have been covering folk with the Blood of Jesus last night, because I had peace, a good parking spot @ school, a cheerful daughter, a throrough understanding of my Spanish material, sweet sleep and a cheery boss (+ a pleasant interview ~ shhhhhhh).

Praise the Lord and I thank God for you guys!
You guys must have been covering folk with the Blood of Jesus last night, because I had peace, a good parking spot @ school, a cheerful daughter, a throrough understanding of my Spanish material, sweet sleep and a cheery boss (+ a pleasant interview ~ shhhhhhh).

Praise the Lord and I thank God for you guys!

:grin: - lilanie - :yep: Yep, you were definitely on our prayer list last night! You and your daughter (and the supervisors, too). I hope you can join us next time - it was such a blessing!
Awww..maaan... what ya'll said about the seed? :lol: I'd recently received a Word about The Seed! Shimmie do you mind sharing with those of us who didn't get a chance to call in?

Sorry I missed the prayers..I know it was powerful and God's presence is among you ladies when you pray. Will try to make the next one! God bless.

:wave: Hey Laela

Matthew 4 (Jesus' parable about the Seeds). The seed within us is in solid ground, our bellies filled with living waters.

The 'Seed' (Seed of Righteousness -- The Word of God) is in each of us who are with Jesus Christ.

The problems we have with our loved ones (family members, friends, etc.) bosses, co-workers... and any situation (challenge) which occurs in our lives is not about 'them', it's about the 'Seed' within us, that satan is after. He's out to 'steal' the Word from within us. his goal is to turn us away from God. It's the same strategy he used against Job, yet Job did not turn his heart away from God.

Once we 'get' this, we realize that it's not about what our loved ones are doing or not doing, or what the situation is, instead, satan is simply trying to dig that seed from out of us. Who better for satan to use than a loved one or situation that matters to us, to use as a weapon, his vehicle to get to that seed within our bellies, where we give life. he tries hard Yet, he cannot. The Word of God is so deeply planted within us, that he cannot get to the seed.

As soon as we realize this and grasp it, the attack loses it's power and affect against us. It's over and we will begin to see changes in our loved ones and in the situations. The 'attack's become less effective. It stops.

One of the things that satan loves to do, is to use these situations to stop us from praying. Have you ever noticed when 'we' become angry / frustrrated / fed up with a loved one or a situation, we 'stop' praying for them or the situation, for that moment? This is what satan wants us to do, as it gives him access to more of his launches of attack; however when we pray, we are 'blocking' his access; he can't get in and he is rendered powerless. he gets :ban: banned.

So, in us we have the 'Seed', an incorruptable seed that cannot be taken away and this is what satan wants to steal, but he cannot, for it is not his, it's God's Word, within us.

When challenges come, that's all it is, a challenge. satan is not getting our seed.
Please pray that the lump I found in my breast is benign and that I do not suffer further complications.

Pray that my mom who has been at the hospital (again) for the past two months recovers and keeps blessing our family with her presence and love.

Pray that I have the strength to persevere with my studies no matter what comes my way.

Thank you.

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Our Next Prayer

Thursday, November 17, 2011

9:30 p.m. until 10:00 p.m.

Dial in Information is in post #1

I have two requests :yep:. Please pray and believe with me that:

1. I will do an excellent job on my final defense exam on Tuesday, November 22.
2. I will receive a pay-off that I am expecting at the end of this month.

Thanks, ladies :blowkiss:! I will tune in at the next prayer conference. I can't wait!!!!! It will be my first time joining in :drunk:.
Shimmie, thank you for sharing that breakdown for the benefit of everyone... the Word I'd received is in my siggy and is along the lines of what you said. The Seed is the Word that comes out of our mouths and are planted in the ground (hearts) of the people we come across in our daily lives. We speak the Word, God's Seed grows, whether we are the ones who water it or not, because it is a GOOD SEED. Devil can't take It away from us, but we must do what we can to keep It..

Also, did ya'll see this post on prayer by Detroit2Dallas in this thread?! I hope others get to read it, b/c I was nodding my head through and through reading her post (#100):

God's Promises are real answers to the prayers of Faith. I believe that. IOW, He already has and knows what we need, we just need to open our mouths to let the Seeds come out...speak it, as God is a Word God: What He says He will do, He does. He speaks what He will do, before He takes action.

I'm not what one would call a public speaker; the devil tries to get us to shut up, close up, freeze up, give up, because he doesn't want that Seed to come out. I know what's going on... I thank God for the praying ladies in this forum. The Bible says to not despise the little things -- the little deeds we do for God contain His Seed and changes things. I see this happening now, with this prayer line.

My prayer requests:
For those who have speech impediments, hearing disability...that with God as Healer, those floodgates are opened up for His Seed to come out. That God strenghthens the spirits of those who desire to do His Will and come across fear, doubt and sometimes unbelief. We pray for those spiritual obstacles to be removed, in Jesus' name! Amen.

**Sorry for the long post**
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I am asking for prayer for a coworker. She is new to the office. She is upset because I am in line for a promotion-however, the promotion is based upon my seniority with the company not based upon age (she's older than I am). So she's been complaining and whining about that among other things. The Word says that promotion does not come from the north, east, south, or west but it comes from God and I continue to stand on that word. Also, the Word says that no weapon formed against me can prosper and that every tongue that riseth against me will be silenced. I pray for wisdom and to remain Christ like.
My prayer request is for a dear friend of mine. He has been hit with all kinds of things for the past 4 years (losing many loved ones, grieving over lost loved ones, family disharmony, financial issues). He is a good, loving person and he needs to be lifted up in prayer. Ladies, please stand in agreement with me in prayer and ask God to bring comfort, peace of mind, joy, goodness and prosperity into his life (Jeremiah 29:11).
I have several prayer requests:

1. That my husband heeds the call of God and gives his life back to Christ.
2. That God heals my husband of his addiction and restores everything to my family that the devil has stolen from us these past 6 years.
3. That I may be all that God has called me to be, even when it is unpopular and I may be ostrisized for it.
4. For better family relationships with my mother and siblings.
5. For my husbands promotion next year. I have been praying years for this to happen and I refuse to believe God hasn't heard me.
6. For God to bless us with a son.
7. For my daughters to become strong women of God and be leaders and not followers even if it is unpopular to do so.

Thank you so much for touching and agreeing with me, in Jesus' name.
Protection for my husband on his job. His job is relocating him to a risky area temporarily.

Protection over my children and that they will be a light for Christ.

My mom... that she will return to the Lord and God will give her the strength the break the smoking addiction.

My friend's son will heed the call of Christ on his life and not allow the enemy to steal the seed (word) that has been spoken to him.

Also, lets remember to lift up Jynlnd13, healing, full recovery, joy of the Lord.
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i have a cousin who is suffering from depression, i am asking for prayer for him. i cant wait for the prayer tonight.
Please pray for my sister in law. She has a five year old and a one month old baby. She has had several complications after this last birth. She has blood clots in both legs and blood clots in her lungs. Her situation is very serious. Please pray for her healing and speedy recovery. Thanks so much.
Prayer for my dear friend and prayer partner who is recovering from a bad case of bronchitis. Also, pray for her daughter. She became a vegetarian earlier this year and has had some health issues since then (passing out for 15 minutes, severely dehydrated and very exhausted). I'm afraid that she may not be getting all the nurtients she needs since making this change. She is a young lady...a senior in high school.

Continued prayer for my husband and his career choices, my stepdaughter and her relationship with my parents and protection over my children.

Prayer for myself. I have been having terrible dreams the last two nights.
Father I pray that we will hate sin as much as you do

that you would give us hearts filled with love and compassion for each other as well as
for the people who we do not not the people who are not in our circle

I pray for wisdom and spiritual discernment when making decisions

I pray for all of us to desire you with passion and consistency

I pray that you will draw us women of prayer closer to you...

In Jesus mighty name, Amen!
I pray that this vegetarianism is not a mask for something else, I pray that she will know and feel the love that her family and others have towards and most importantly that God loves her and desires that she be happy and whole...

Prayer for my dear friend and prayer partner who is recovering from a bad case of bronchitis. Also, pray for her daughter. She became a vegetarian earlier this year and has had some health issues since then (passing out for 15 minutes, severely dehydrated and very exhausted). I'm afraid that she may not be getting all the nurtients she needs since making this change. She is a young lady...a senior in high school.

Continued prayer for my husband and his career choices, my stepdaughter and her relationship with my parents and protection over my children.

Prayer for myself. I have been having terrible dreams the last two nights.
I am praying that I continue to gain strength, get noticed for the right job and release my fears to move on.

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I have a question who was that who lead most of the prayer esp towards the end?There are two people I believe it could be the voice is so sweet like I could get the sugar from it..Tonight was totally awesome.I was scared at first but decided I needed to be on there if it was for nothing but 5 min..I'm glad I did bc I feel lighter and I'm glad I could partake by saying anything that may have at least uplifted one..this was hot.
I have a question who was that who lead most of the prayer esp towards the end?There are two people I believe it could be the voice is so sweet like I could get the sugar from it..Tonight was totally awesome.I was scared at first but decided I needed to be on there if it was for nothing but 5 min..I'm glad I did bc I feel lighter and I'm glad I could partake by saying anything that may have at least uplifted one..this was hot.

GoddessMaker... I believe Shimmie and TraciChannel at the end. Also, you are an encourager.:yep: It was wonderful to hear your voice. Continue to walk towards the Lord. Blessings
I have a question who was that who lead most of the prayer esp towards the end?There are two people I believe it could be the voice is so sweet like I could get the sugar from it..Tonight was totally awesome.I was scared at first but decided I needed to be on there if it was for nothing but 5 min..I'm glad I did bc I feel lighter and I'm glad I could partake by saying anything that may have at least uplifted one..this was hot.

It was so great to hear your voice :drunk:

Thank you ladies for putting this together. I definitely felt the love.
Praise the living God, prayer tonight was awesome...

my heart is full, I had to go back in prayer when I hung up from you guys...

I want to encourage you all to stay on wall, there are many hurting people out there I pray that the Lord makes us even more sensitive to the needs of others so that we are moved to pray and willing to do whatever he may lay on our hearts by his holy spirit...

Lets keep our dear sis she is having a valley experience tomorrow it could be any one of us...