Prayer for Co-Worker's Son PLEASE PLEASE!


With Love & Silk

She is a special education teacher, but she can't even help her own son. He goes into these uncontrollable and sometimes violent fits when something doesn't go the way he wants it to. It could even be an inanimate object not working like he wants it to. He is 8, but this has been happening a while. She has tried spanking, punishing, etc. He has a psychiatrist, is on meds, etc. The father also is not able to get the boy under control during these fits. Sometimes he will hit his parents.

They are Believers, but they are white and I think their church is very conservative and so the teachings there may be conservative as well.

He has spent several short periods in hospital mental wards, been carted off by the ambulance but nothing doing. His psychiatrist recommended this residential treatment program where the parents had to send him away to Austin (3 hours away). The parents made the tough decision to do it and they went down every weekend for family therapy and to visit with him. They put him on new meds, but had to introduce them gradually because they made him sick. They also did find that he had a brain abnormality that was causing him to behave this way.

He just got back last week and is doing a better job of self-managing his fits. He still has them, but is doing better at getting himself together and talking about it afterwards. He had one on Friday and I witnessed part of it. The mom told me about how his eyes glaze over when he is having one and he doesn't seem to hear anything anyone tries to say to him. She says when it's over, she can kind of see the life come back into his eyes. Guys, to me that sounds like a serious demonic strong hold. I have been praying for her since I met her last year--I know this is wearing her out AND she even lost her mom less than a year ago. She's been dealing with a lot. I try to encourage her and tell her that she has sown a lot into getting her child well and she will reap from it. I believe that, but I ask for your prayers for her. No mother should have to go through this. The son says he is a bad person and he would like to stop having fits, but he doesn't know how to stop. How heartbreaking.

Thanks for reading and thanks for your prayers.
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Tell her to take him to a holy church who have preachers and church members who believe, have the power to and know how to cast demons out because that is what it sounds like to me as well.

She is a special education teacher, but she can't even help her own son. He goes into these uncontrollable and sometimes violent fits when something doesn't go the way he wants it to. It could even be an inanimate object not working like he wants it to. He is 8, but this has been happening a while. She has tried spanking, punishing, etc. He has a psychiatrist, is on meds, etc. The father also is not able to get the boy under control during these fits. Sometimes he will hit his parents.

They are Believers, but they are white and I think they're church is very conservative and so the teachings there may be conservative as well.

He has spent several short periods in hospital mental wards, been carted off by the ambulance but nothing doing. His psychiatrist recommended this residential treatment program where the parents had to send him away to Austin (3 hours away). The parents made the tough decision to do it and they went down every weekend for family therapy and to visit with him. They put him on new meds, but had to introduce them gradually because they made him sick. They also did find that he had a brain abnormality that was causing him to behave this way.

He just got back last week and is doing a better job of self-managing his fits. He still has them, but is doing better at getting himself together and talking about it afterwards. He had one on Friday and I witnessed part of it. The mom told me about how his eyes glaze over when he is having one and he doesn't seem to hear anything anyone tries to say to him. She says when it's over, she can kind of see the life come back into his eyes. Guys, to me that sounds like a serious demonic strong hold. I have been praying for her since I met her last year--I know this is wearing her out AND she even lost her mom less than a year ago. She's been dealing with a lot. I try to encourage her and tell her that she has sown a lot into getting her child well and she will reap from it. I believe that, but I ask for your prayers for her. No mother should have to go through this. The son says he is a bad person and he would like to stop having fits, but he doesn't know how to stop. How heartbreaking.

Thanks for reading and thanks for your prayers.

Praying for her and for her son.

God shall get the glory out of this!
Nothing is impossible for God. NOTHING! There is no spirit who can out-control the HOLY Spirit of God! None!

Therefore we seek God for not only His Divine intervention, but for the answers and the direction that this family needs.

We pray peace for this family. Peace that surpasses ALL understanding. None of us can figure this out nor do we need to.

Father God we leave our efforts and attempts to 'understand' this, at your Altar.

We pray for Divine Wisdom. For wisdom prevails understanding; wisdom directs, wisdom passes over the thoughts of man without a God given plan.

We seek only the Lord and allow His to dwell within our hearts and minds, spirit and soul; for Him to have total control over all.

And in the name of Jesus, we take full authority over every unclean spirit which has found a habitation in this child. They have to go. They have no other choice than to go and to never again return.

We take full authority over the root source and cause, the entry of these spirits and their war zone which has become the mind of this child.

Father, in full and total yield we bow and humble our heart, our minds and our souls, our spirits in pray and submission, giving no further permission for the enemy to prevail.

Father identify the entry of these spirits; identify that which must be eliminated from the home/household, dwelling and habitation of this family.

Father seek out the mystery which has prevailed in disguise. Seek out if there has been sexual disorder, harm, molestation upon this child. For there is a spirit of contamination in the midst. Bring it out into the open. Let there be no mystery or further confusion; no speculation, wasteful accusations, or illusion. Let only the Truth come about.

Father in this you rule completely and to you be all honor, power and glory and with humble hearts we thank you. In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen.


Supergirl, please keep us posted. For some reason, it occurred to me that this child may have been molested. I can't say for sure, only God can. But generally when a child acts out this way, something traumadic has occurred to him/her. I hope I'm wrong. No child deserves this. But there is definitely an 'unclean' spirit in the midst of this. Only God can/will give us the answers.

God bless you, Supergirl. :giveheart:
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I'll pray for her son too (but from a medical perspective, it sounds like he has ODD-there ARE resources for parents to help them cope but its usually caused by a strong chemical imbalance in the brain) Please tell her to be encourage, she is not alone :yep: And like Shimmie suggested it can be worsened by abuse