Pray for President Bush

rozlips said:
I wonder if old boy will send me the recipe. I'd be more than happy to mix up a pot of my own. When y'all pray that Bush dies from a suppurating pox with sucking chest wounds, call me. Otherwise I'll save my prayers for these poor children he's got over there fighting a war so he can prove he's a bigger man than his Daddy.

Sure! I'm sure that man would be more than happy to send you his recipe. Evil thrives on spreading itself around. However, it may cost you a whole lot more than you're willing or able to pay for it. :)
Shimmie said:
If I can't dally, can I dilly? :lol:

All kidding aside, my cell phone is fully charged...just in case. ;)

Ok, just a little dilly! LOL! Good thing you have that cell phone fully charged! I may call you, and it may very well be a very loooonnnnggggg conversation! :lol:
I am not a Bush supporter, but I will pray for him. I mean he is still running this country (thankfully, his rule will be balanced by the dems in Jan.). I thought we were supposed to pray for our leaders anyways. For those who have so much venom against Bush... just remember the alternative is Dick Cheney. Bush is just dumb... Cheney has the devil on speed dial.

It kinda pisses me off though that there's a practictioner out there trying to tear this country down like that. I know he's only one of probably many.. but :(.!
I am in agreement with you gn1g. We need to pray for our leaders-- that they may make good desisions, have good judgement, and that they are protected by the blood of Jesus. :yep:
I'm very agitated right now. I just asked my dad to pray that God protect President Bush because someone announced they put a voodoo curse on him. I even added that the guy said that the devil was on his side. My dad laughed and said he didn't believe in that stuff!

I don't think any of this is funny. Plus one of the most dangerous things is to not believe that Satan will use anything (even voodoo spells) to advance his kingdom.
I plead the Blood of Jesus over President Bush and ask God to send Guardian Angels to watch over him and his entire entourage. Thank you Heavenly Father in Jesus Name Amen!!!
ThursdayGirl said:
I am not a Bush supporter, but I will pray for him. I mean he is still running this country (thankfully, his rule will be balanced by the dems in Jan.). I thought we were supposed to pray for our leaders anyways.

For those who have so much venom against Bush... just remember the alternative is Dick Cheney. Bush is just dumb... Cheney has the devil on speed dial.

It kinda pisses me off though that there's a practictioner out there trying to tear this country down like that. I know he's only one of probably many.. but :(.!
Don't go hunting with him ... this man just recently shot his friend on a hunting trip...and didn't even 'speed' dial to report it. :look:
Our prayers availed much. He had a few mechanical problems on Airforce 1 which delayed him by 1 hour therefore he had to take a smaller aircraft.

This was fun. God wins!
gn1g said:
Our prayers availed much. He had a few mechanical problems on Airforce 1 which delayed him by 1 hour therefore he had to take a smaller aircraft.

This was fun. God wins!

:lol: This made me smile, Gn1g....

God ALWAYS wins.... Yes He does. Oh Yes! ;)

Love you Sweetie ;)
gn1g said:
Our prayers availed much. He had a few mechanical problems on Airforce 1 which delayed him by 1 hour therefore he had to take a smaller aircraft.

This was fun. God wins!

Yes, always!! :yep:
The one thing I know for sure...."God loves ALL His creation, but will FIGHT for His children."

No matter what we may think, God is on George Bush's side!!!

Glory to the Lord most High!

I just want to be able to hear the Lord say to me on that day:

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant." I need to continue to pray for the president, that's being faithful to God.
Nice & Wavy said:
The one thing I know for sure...."God loves ALL His creation, but will FIGHT for His children."

No matter what we may think, God is on George Bush's side!!!

Glory to the Lord most High!

I just want to be able to hear the Lord say to me on that day:

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant." I need to continue to pray for the president, that's being faithful to God.

Amen!!!:):) :)