Pray for President Bush


Well-Known Member
Thu Nov 16, 11:22 PM ET

BOGOR, Indonesia - A renowned black magic practitioner performed a voodoo ritual Thursday to jinx President George W. Bush and his entourage while he was on a brief visit to Indonesia.

Ki Gendeng Pamungkas slit the throat of a goat, a small snake and stabbed a black crow in the chest, stirred their blood with spice and broccoli before drank the "potion" and smeared some on his face.
"I don't hate Americans, but I don't like Bush," said Pamungkas, who believed the ritual would succeed as, "the devil is with me today."
He said the jinx would send spirits to possess Secret Service personnel guarding Bush and put them in a trance, leading them into falsely thinking the president was under attack, thus eventually causing chaos in Bogor Presidential Palace, where the American leader was scheduled to meet President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Monday.
Indonesia the world's most populous Muslim country, however many still practicing animist rituals, including black magic, that predate Islam's arrival in the archipelago.
"I am doing voodoo, because other ritual would not work," Pamungkas told reporters after he conducted the gory ritual about 1 kilometers from the palace.
Always gn1g! This is a good reminder. We spend a lot of energy criticizing and in making accusations, but this is what really counts. (This situation is scary!)
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gn1g said:
Thu Nov 16, 11:22 PM ET

BOGOR, Indonesia - A renowned black magic practitioner performed a voodoo ritual Thursday to jinx President George W. Bush and his entourage while he was on a brief visit to Indonesia.

Ki Gendeng Pamungkas slit the throat of a goat, a small snake and stabbed a black crow in the chest, stirred their blood with spice and broccoli before drank the "potion" and smeared some on his face.
"I don't hate Americans, but I don't like Bush," said Pamungkas, who believed the ritual would succeed as, "the devil is with me today."
He said the jinx would send spirits to possess Secret Service personnel guarding Bush and put them in a trance, leading them into falsely thinking the president was under attack, thus eventually causing chaos in Bogor Presidential Palace, where the American leader was scheduled to meet President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Monday.
Indonesia the world's most populous Muslim country, however many still practicing animist rituals, including black magic, that predate Islam's arrival in the archipelago.
"I am doing voodoo, because other ritual would not work," Pamungkas told reporters after he conducted the gory ritual about 1 kilometers from the palace.

In the name of Jesus, the enemy be rebuked!! We declare that by the Power and Might in the blood of Jesus, that the enemies weapons are powerless!!

Regardless of how people feel about Bush, there is no way people should be seeking the power of the devil to destroy him. That is outrageous and ungodly beyond belief!! :ohwell:
I'll pray for him alright...pray for him to get out of the 'house.' My prayers are going to our troops to come home. We are losing them everyday!:mad:
In the name of Jesus, Father God Your Word says to pray for our leaders and for those who have authority over us, so that we might lead a quiet and peaceful life in the earth, we hold President Bush, his family, and entire staff up in prayer. I plead the blood of Jesus over all of them. Father we also pray that President Bush will make decisions based on Your Word and that You will surround him with people who will give him godly counsel.
We cancel all plots, plans, curses, and strategies that the enemy has sent against President Bush. Lord dispatch angels to minister protection unto Pres. Bush and his entourage, you word declares that no weapon formed against him shall prosper and every tongue that rises in judgement shall be condemned. Now Lord do as you have said. Let the plots and and plans of the wicked ones boomrang against them, in Jesus Name. AMEN!
JLove74 said:
I ain't praying for Satan...

Satan is not going to have someone do a voodoo ceremony against him. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Matthew 12:25.

I can agree that people don't like Bush, but I'm surprised that people would be in support of something like this happening against any human being. Where is the love of Christ?
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gn1g said:
In the name of Jesus, Father God Your Word says to pray for our leaders and for those who have authority over us, so that we might lead a quiet and peaceful life in the earth, we hold President Bush, his family, and entire staff up in prayer. I plead the blood of Jesus over all of them. Father we also pray that President Bush will make decisions based on Your Word and that You will surround him with people who will give him godly counsel.
We cancel all plots, plans, curses, and strategies that the enemy has sent against President Bush. Lord dispatch angels to minister protection unto Pres. Bush and his entourage, you word declares that no weapon formed against him shall prosper and every tongue that rises in judgement shall be condemned. Now Lord do as you have said. Let the plots and and plans of the wicked ones boomrang against them, in Jesus Name. AMEN!

AMEN and AMEN!!! Thank-you for your prayer! I touch and agree with you in the spirit! :rosebud:
pebbles said:
Satan is not going to have someone do a voodoo ceremony against him. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Matthew 12:25.

I can agree that people don't like Bush, but I'm surprised that people would be in support of something like this happening against any human being. Where is the love of Christ?

Don't get me wrong, Pebbles.

I do not support that voodoo that man is putting on him but at the same time I'm not surprised. Let's be honest, look at what this country is going through at the hands of his leadership. Our troops are dying, unemployment rate is high, people are struggling, losing their homes and healthcare, I can go on.

If I'm going to pray for anything it will be for this country to recover from this and get back to when it was booming. I will pray that God will get us through this until this fool gets out of office.
Honey6928215 said:
Don't get me wrong, Pebbles.

I do not support that voodoo that man is putting on him but at the same time I'm not surprised. Let's be honest, look at what this country is going through at the hands of his leadership. Our troops are dying, unemployment rate is high, people are struggling, losing their homes and healthcare, I can go on.

If I'm going to pray for anything it will be for this country to recover from this and get back to when it was booming. I will pray that God will get us through this until this fool gets out of office.

I understand your position. You don't have to pray for him, if you don't want to. But the word tells us to pray without ceasing, and we are to pray for our leadership. Nothing under the sun happens unless the Lord allows it to happen. Regardless of how bad things have gotten, I can't not care that some misguided devil worshipper wants to put some sort of spell on my president and those protecting him. He's not the best president, but he's still the leader of this country. For that reason alone, I will lift him up in prayer before the Lord. Be blessed, sweetie! :rosebud:
Are you ********** kidding me? (I put the astericks there instead of a word, so whatever you think it is -is on you.)

Let me get this straight.....

Pray for Bush because somebody put some animal blood in a pot with broccoli and seasonings? Kinda sounds like the recipe for stew.:ohwell:

Really Folks?


If you feel the need to send extra prayers somebody's way, how bout sending them to those folks over in Iraq who are getting shot at?

Just a thought.
gn1g said:
In the name of Jesus, Father God Your Word says to pray for our leaders and for those who have authority over us, so that we might lead a quiet and peaceful life in the earth, we hold President Bush, his family, and entire staff up in prayer. I plead the blood of Jesus over all of them. Father we also pray that President Bush will make decisions based on Your Word and that You will surround him with people who will give him godly counsel.
We cancel all plots, plans, curses, and strategies that the enemy has sent against President Bush. Lord dispatch angels to minister protection unto Pres. Bush and his entourage, you word declares that no weapon formed against him shall prosper and every tongue that rises in judgement shall be condemned. Now Lord do as you have said. Let the plots and and plans of the wicked ones boomrang against them, in Jesus Name. AMEN!

".......and another AMEN!" The devil is a defeated foe and to NOT pray this prayer is to be in alliance with satan.
Honey6928215 said:
Don't get me wrong, Pebbles.

I do not support that voodoo that man is putting on him but at the same time I'm not surprised. Let's be honest, look at what this country is going through at the hands of his leadership. Our troops are dying, unemployment rate is high, people are struggling, losing their homes and healthcare, I can go on.

If I'm going to pray for anything it will be for this country to recover from this and get back to when it was booming. I will pray that God will get us through this until this fool gets out of office.

Honey, I agree that Bush has made big issues .... bigger.

However, this is not about Bush so much as it is about the devil having glory through a voodoo priest. Did you read what he said? "the devil is with him today..." This is a satanic worshipper and all the more reason for us as believers to pray against him, and not allow the prince of darkness place an even greater cloud upon our country.

You see if he succeeds in killing Bush, (which he won't), what's to stop him from moving into other areas of our home country and government.

It's not about Bush here, it's about the body of Christ coming together to destroy the works of the devil! His next target may be you...BUT we are armed because we've chosen to pray unceasingly for all at all times.

See this is what satan wants. Division in the Body of Christ. For how can two stand together unless we be agreed. See beyond Bush and see what's really going on. Satan hates America for even in all of its mess with sin, we still are the Leaders of the Lord Jesus Christ and will continue on.

Pray Honey, not for Bush, but for destoying the works of the devil. For in this we stand, he will not have a foothold, not even a crack in the window or doorway...ever!

Love me, still? Yes? ;)

I Love you, sweet one. :kiss:

ETA: Bush is not our source....God is. :yep: And God always will be my provider for He continues to override every law and rule that has ever existed to steal my money and all else that I've ever had.
JCoily said:
Are you ********** kidding me? (I put the astericks there instead of a word, so whatever you think it is -is on you.)

Let me get this straight.....

Pray for Bush because somebody put some animal blood in a pot with broccoli and seasonings? Kinda sounds like the recipe for stew.:ohwell:

Really Folks?


If you feel the need to send extra prayers somebody's way, how bout sending them to those folks over in Iraq who are getting shot at?

Just a thought.

Shimmie said:
Honey, I agree that Bush has made big issues .... bigger.

However, this is not about Bush so much as it is about the devil having glory through a voodoo priest. Did you read what he said? "the devil is with him today..." This is a satanic worshipper and all the more reason for us as believers to pray against him, and not allow the prince of darkness place an even greater cloud upon our country.

You see if he succeeds in killing Bush, (which he won't), what's to stop him from moving into other areas of our home country and government.

It's not about Bush here, it's about the body of Christ coming together to destroy the works of the devil! His next target may be you...BUT we are armed because we've chosen to pray unceasingly for all at all times.

See this is what satan wants. Division in the Body of Christ. For how can two stand together unless we be agreed. See beyond Bush and see what's really going on. Satan hates America for even in all of its mess with sin, we still are the Leaders of the Lord Jesus Christ and will continue on.

Pray Honey, not for Bush, but for destoying the works of the devil. For in this we stand, he will not have a foothold, not even a crack in the window or doorway...ever!

Love me, still? Yes? ;)

I Love you, sweet one. :kiss:

ETA: Bush is not our source....God is. :yep: And God always will be my provider for He continues to override every law and rule that has ever existed to steal my money and all else that I've ever had.

I read that part about 'the devil is with him.' I was never into that voodoo stuff. I heard that can do a number on you. That's something you don't want to get into. I don't want him to succeed in killing him. I don't wish death on NOBODY even him. That's something you just don't do.

And I agree about praying to destroy the works of the devil. But my thing is the people who are really suffering because of Bush decisions have my thoughts and prayers. I agree wholeheartedly with the bolded statement.

You know you still my sista.:lol: Thanks for setting me straight. I can get ignorant sometimes so I needed that knowledge.

Love ya!
Honey6928215 said:
I read that part about 'the devil is with him.' I was never into that voodoo stuff. I heard that can do a number on you. That's something you don't want to get into. I don't want him to succeed in killing him. I don't wish death on NOBODY even him. That's something you just don't do.

And I agree about praying to destroy the works of the devil. But my thing is the people who are really suffering because of Bush decisions have my thoughts and prayers. I agree wholeheartedly with the bolded statement.

You know you still my sista.:lol: Thanks for setting me straight. I can get ignorant sometimes so I needed that knowledge.

Love ya!
I hear you and I agree, many have suffered. But always remember this..."Prayer Changes Things" not hatred and complaints. There will always be mistakes and HUGE ones in leadership, but we always have the power of prayer to overrule their rule.

Never forget that...okay? :kiss:

And don't forget this either, I 'hear' you, I really do. But seeing beyond Bush is the answer, not killing him.

"Ape Shall Never Kill Ape".......'Selah" ....... :yep:
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JCoily said:
Are you ********** kidding me? (I put the astericks there instead of a word, so whatever you think it is -is on you.)

Let me get this straight.....

Pray for Bush because somebody put some animal blood in a pot with broccoli and seasonings? Kinda sounds like the recipe for stew.:ohwell:

Really Folks?


If you feel the need to send extra prayers somebody's way, how bout sending them to those folks over in Iraq who are getting shot at?

Just a thought.

No, I'm not kidding you! :lol: JC, I understand how you feel. I really do, but please understand where praying Christians are coming from.

There is no way on God's green earth that I'm going to sit back and let the enemy "do his thing" against the leadership of my country and not drop down on my knees and ask the LORD to prevail against the devil. No way! If you know the word, you know that we are to pray even for our enemies.

I don't care what anybody says about Bush, but I will NOT sit in agreement with the devil while he does his thing. And not to pray against the devil and his plans is to support him.

The devil is a liar! LOL!

I pray for all aspects of this life I live. Not just for my personal needs, but for the needs of others, this country, those in leadership, and most certainly for our fighting men in uniform abroad and their families. They are fighting for us. Many of them aren't even in agreement with what leadership is deciding, yet they have the guts to put on the uniform and answer the call to duty. How can prayer warriors NOT pray for them? That's a given!

I don't know who's going to be in office next. As much as I hate the thought, I could very well see John Kerry in the white house as the next presiden. But you better believe that I will still pray for him. And if any devil worshipper tries to put a curse on him, I will pray to God that the enemy's weapons not prosper against him. This is what we are called to do.

Blessings to you, sweetie! :)
Shimmie said:
Honey, I agree that Bush has made big issues .... bigger.

However, this is not about Bush so much as it is about the devil having glory through a voodoo priest. Did you read what he said? "the devil is with him today..." This is a satanic worshipper and all the more reason for us as believers to pray against him, and not allow the prince of darkness place an even greater cloud upon our country.

You see if he succeeds in killing Bush, (which he won't), what's to stop him from moving into other areas of our home country and government.

It's not about Bush here, it's about the body of Christ coming together to destroy the works of the devil! His next target may be you...BUT we are armed because we've chosen to pray unceasingly for all at all times.

See this is what satan wants. Division in the Body of Christ. For how can two stand together unless we be agreed. See beyond Bush and see what's really going on. Satan hates America for even in all of its mess with sin, we still are the Leaders of the Lord Jesus Christ and will continue on.

Pray Honey, not for Bush, but for destoying the works of the devil. For in this we stand, he will not have a foothold, not even a crack in the window or doorway...ever!

Love me, still? Yes? ;)

I Love you, sweet one. :kiss:

ETA: Bush is not our source....God is. :yep: And God always will be my provider for He continues to override every law and rule that has ever existed to steal my money and all else that I've ever had.

Thank-you, Shimmie. You explained that much better than I could! :lol:
pebbles said:
Thank-you, Shimmie. You explained that much better than I could! :lol:
Hey, we don't play :lol:

But Pebs, after reading that article, I need a drink of my 'Holy Water'.... My grown-up drink, "Perrier". (Girl, I'm serious :lol:)

These devils are a mess. I can't believe that Voo-doo man said, "the devil is with him..." Is he nuts? Ahhhh, Yeah...he surely is!

Gee Whiz, who in the name of 'whatever' would want the devil with them? I wanted to reach all the way to where he was and just 'smack' the devil out of him! :lol: Stupid fool!

I'm so glad we have Jesus AND the Holy Spirit who lives and dwells within us so, so powerfully and yet so lovingly.

Love you my sister, Pebs....

Huggles for Pebbles... :lol:
pebbles said:
No, I'm not kidding you! :lol: JC, I understand how you feel. I really do, but please understand where praying Christians are coming from.

There is no way on God's green earth that I'm going to sit back and let the enemy "do his thing" against the leadership of my country and not drop down on my knees and ask the LORD to prevail against the devil. No way! If you know the word, you know that we are to pray even for our enemies.

Well Pebs, you go on ahead and pray for Bush if you think it's necessary.

I don't believe in voodoo or the power of a pot of soup in taking down the government. So I'll sit this round of prayer out. :)
JCoily said:
Well Pebs, you go on ahead and pray for Bush if you think it's necessary.

I don't believe in voodoo or the power of a pot of soup in taking down the government. So I'll sit this round of prayer out. :)

LOL! It's all good, sis. Me and a few of my prayer warrior buddies have this one covered. :lol:
pebbles said:
LOL! It's all good, sis. Me and a few of my prayer warrior buddies have this one covered. :lol:
You Raannnnnngggggg? :lol: Oooo, wait a minute, I need my lipstick.

Yet, it's our prayers holding up even those who oppose. ;) For the devil don't give a flying rip or fig who believes or not, he's gonna still be the devil and take his victims wherever he may.

But not up in Here! We're just not having it. No way! :lol:
It's about Bush's POSITION! God says pray for those in authority over you. We should always pray not just about the voodoo but about all things pretaining to this position!
gn1g said:
It's about Bush's POSITION! God says pray for those in authority over you. We should always pray not just about the voodoo but about all things pretaining to this position!
You're right Gn1g...;)
JCoily said:
Well Pebs, you go on ahead and pray for Bush if you think it's necessary.

I don't believe in voodoo or the power of a pot of soup in taking down the government. So I'll sit this round of prayer out. :)

I wonder if old boy will send me the recipe. I'd be more than happy to mix up a pot of my own. When y'all pray that Bush dies from a suppurating pox with sucking chest wounds, call me. Otherwise I'll save my prayers for these poor children he's got over there fighting a war so he can prove he's a bigger man than his Daddy.
Shimmie said:
You Raannnnnngggggg? :lol: Oooo, wait a minute, I need my lipstick.

Yet, it's our prayers holding up even those who oppose. ;) For the devil don't give a flying rip or fig who believes or not, he's gonna still be the devil and take his victims wherever he may.

But not up in Here! We're just not having it. No way! :lol:

Yes, we rang! LOL!! :lol: That's what I love about you. You are always faithful to answer the call to prayer. Don't dally at Walmart! :D
I prayed for his covering. I have not liked many of the decisions Bush has made while in office but I believe that prayer changes things.
pebbles said:
Yes, we rang! LOL!! :lol: That's what I love about you. You are always faithful to answer the call to prayer. Don't dally at Walmart! :D
If I can't dally, can I dilly? :lol:

All kidding aside, my cell phone is fully charged...just in case. ;)