Praital Silk Worm Rinse, I jump the gun and bought a gallon size ?!?!


New Member
I need your help ladies!!!!

Okay I jump the gun and bought a gallon size of this stuff. It's nothing I thought it would be. It doesn't detangle and hair feels a little rough.

I can't return it so I am asking you ladies, what can I add to it to make it the bomb"!!!!

Bring on any ideals or recipes. Thanks
I need your help ladies!!!!

Okay I jump the gun and bought a gallon size of this stuff. It's nothing I thought it would be. It doesn't detangle and hair feels a little rough.

I can't return it so I am asking you ladies, what can I add to it to make it the bomb"!!!!

Bring on any ideals or recipes. Thanks
Girl, I coulda told ya not to spend ya money on that mess:nono::nono:. I bought a bottle of it (not gallon though) and I tried to like it, but I just couldn't. It made my hair hard afterwards, it doesn't detangle, and the smell was starting to get annoying. So, I got rid of it. If it has silk in it, I don't see what's so silky about it. I'll never use it again. As far as vamping it up a little, I really don't know how to go about doing that. Maybe you could add some PC to it. Good luck!!!:ohwell:
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Girl, I coulda told ya not to spend ya money on that mess:nono::nono:. I bought a bottle of it (not gallon though) and I tried to like it, but I just couldn't. It made my hair hard afterwards, it doesn't detangle, and the smell was starting to get annoying. So, I got rid of it. If it has silk in it, I don't see what's so silky about it. I'll never use it again. As far as vamping it up a little, I really don't know how to go about doing that. Maybe you could add some PC to it. Good luck!!!:ohwell:

Thanks Cherokee. What's PC?

Okay all you kitchen scientist, what would you do with this stuff?!?!?
Okay I know what PC is, Porosity Control. I use that once before my hair no likey:perplexed. What is a girl gonna do? Oh well.
I have found that with the praital you really have to be needing protein or else it will leave it feeling horrible. I use it occasionally when I see odd breakage but can't use it on a regular basis. Maybe trying it again after a good oil prepoo will help though. Most products that are just blah for me perk right up after I prepoo first.
I added porosity control conditioner and coconut oil to some of the praital dc before, so maybe you could do that as a prepoo. I used the dc once and haven't even used it again.
I haven't used mine in a while but I like it.

Maybe you could give it another try? Or maybe use it for CW? That's what I use it for.
I guess its a case of different strokes for different folks...

I use it and it is great, I use it on my hair as a leave in when I want my curls to be super curly. Doesn't leave my hair hard at all. In fact try not to use it too much b/c I want to save it. :yep:
Well you can try doing what the Dominicans do. I have noticed that after a deep conditioning underneathe the dryer, they massage the head a little and then add a hefty amount of rinse and then begin to comb it through and then rinse out. I never realized that they did that until recently. I think that may help :)
Thanks ladies you all been so helpful! I gonna use it for washes, after pre-poo oils. I love LHCF!!!!