Praise God


New Member
I just have so many things to praise God for. I don’t even know where to begin. I don’t even feel like I deserve some of the things that he blesses me with. I just want to dance, he has truly blessed me. The first thing, is that he has allowed me to make it through college and would be graduating in May, has allowed me to get a job that would sponsor my visa even before I have graduated from college, he allowed me to pass my GRE, he has blessed me so much this year and it is only February. I just want to praise God because I look at the lives of students around me and just feel so blessed. I don’t feel like I deserve any of these blessings. I just want to thank him because he looks beyond my sinful nature. PRAISE GOD. I just feel so happy right now and I wanted to share my joy and let everyone know how God has truly touched my life. THe bible says test and see that the Lord is Good. Does any one else have a praise they would like to share?
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That is wonderful!!!!!! COngratulations on all of your MANY blessings, especially your upcoming graduation. You are right....God is SOOOOOOOOO good and worthy of ALL the praise. We really don't deserve the blessings that He gives us, but He loves us so much that he looks beyond our faults, and blesses us anyways!!!! Now thats real love!!!Just keep praising Him and blessings will continue to flow. And another thing - when it seems as though the blessing have stopped or a storm has come in your life, remember that it's only for a season and CONTINUE TO PRAISE HIM and remember every good thing that HE has done in your life.
Be Blessed!!!!

God is Wonderful