Powdered Sulphur Question


New Member
I was just wondering, is MSM Sulphur powder the same sulphur powder that you ladies are mixing in your oils or are they two separate types of powdered sulphur? If so, where can I find the powdered sulphur I need to mix into my hair oils? TIA!!:D
lizjoseph said:
I was just wondering, is MSM Sulphur powder the same sulphur powder that you ladies are mixing in your oils or are they two separate types of powdered sulphur? If so, where can I find the powdered sulphur I need to mix into my hair oils? TIA!!:D

They're different imo. MSM has no smell whatsoever. It's white and more crystallike than powder and is organic in nature...sourced in different ways. The sulfur powder ladies are mixing into their oils is yellow or yellowish usually(I've even seen reddish but this is truly brimstone bleck!!), has a slight or profound odor depending and is truly like a powder or a dust. Neither dissolves in oil completely.

The latter can be found at some pharmacists but many ladies end up having to scour the net to find it. Be careful that you get food grade or pharmaceutical grade as a lot of what's on ebay is sold as fertilizer or for use in making fireworks. Also, know that many links will take you to msm.

Try your pharmacy first.

Thanks!! Yeah, I have seen alot of garden sulphur, etc. I might have to search the net more for it though since all the pharmacies near me look at me like I'm crazy when I say "S'cuse do yu have powdered sulphur?" :look: They all point me to the Sulphur 8 grease in the hair care aisle!! Any site that you or any body else know of where I can get the type of sulphur I need? Thanks!:D
I went to walmart and asked for sulfur powder or flowers of sulfur at the pharmacy they had it behind the counter, not on the regular aisle. But before I found it at walmart I went to CVS and asked for it at the pharmacy. They didn't have it in stock but they said they would order it free of charge and would be there in the next two days....Walmart also said that if I needed some more bring the bottle back to the pharmacy and they would order it as well.

The brand I have is Flowers of Sulfur by Humco.
Note to self:

1.) Go to Walmart this weekend.

2.) Avoid hair care aisle, you do not need any more Lekair Cholesterol with 30% more free for $1.87.....:look:

Thanks patient1 and JuicesN'Berries! :D
Well I bought an 8 oz applicator bottle. I then melted about 4 oz of coconut oil in a bowl, added 2 oz of olive oil, and a 1.5 oz of castor oil....I didn't want to use 8 oz of oil because I wanted to make sure there was enough room for the sulfur...Anyway I wanted to make a 10% mixture (Some might prefer 5%) So I did a ratio of sulfur to oil and set it equal to 10% so basically... that means I would nead 0.75 oz of sulfur. If you were doing 5% you would need 0.37 oz of sulfur. It will help you with measurements if you convert ounces to Tablespoons or teaspoons....it is hard to measure .37 oz!! I then put the sulfur in the bottle and added all the oil...shook it up and there was my mix!!

At first I used to heat it up before application but then I heard, that the constant heating of castor oil causes it to go rancid. Hope this helps.