MSM & MTG at the same?


Active Member
MSM & MTG at the same time?

Hi Ladies

It seems that sulphur is the key ingredient to hair growth in both these products. I have not tried either before and have ordered my MTG (should arrive any day soon - yeah!) and am now planning on buy the powdered MSM after reading up on posts made on here. I was just wondering have many of you been taking both of these simultaneously with safe results or is that just too much sulphur?

Thanks in advance.
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I use/take both and remember that one is a topical agent and the other is ingested. I havent had any REAL adverse reactions to them. MSM is known to have some side efects like headaches and break outs (pimples) but I take Guggul to counteract the breakouts which works for me. My brother is a body builder and recommended I take it.

I havent had any reactions to the MTG other than the smell which is handled by the oils I put inw ith it.
Annakei said:
I use/take both and remember that one is a topical agent and the other is ingested. I havent had any REAL adverse reactions to them. MSM is known to have some side efects like headaches and break outs (pimples) but I take Guggul to counteract the breakouts which works for me. My brother is a body builder and recommended I take it.

I havent had any reactions to the MTG other than the smell which is handled by the oils I put inw ith it.

Thanks Annakei, I am also thinking if I use both at same time I won't know which one is working its magic the most so will try one at a time then move on to both!
I was thinking of trying powdered MSM myself and see what kind of results I get. The lady at the health food store in my area said there is no problem in taking 5,000 mg of MSM per day (which equals to about a tablespoon per cup of juice or water). She said it is excellent for joint and muscle pain, hair and nail growth and much more. I am seriously thinking of giving it a try after I finish my MTG challenge and see where I get better results, from MSM or MTG, I'll keep you posted.