
New Member
Hello Ladies. I'm am almost 13 weeks post and I currently have braids in my hair with extentions. I've had them in for almost 7 weeks and I will be taking them out this weekend. I want to relax next week and I am wondering if I should do a protein treatment on my hair this week so it will be strong enough for the relaxer. However, I have been using MT in my braids and I dont really wash my hair while its in braids..I just rinse them and apply my MT mix. Sooo..should I still do the protein reconstructing treatment or just wash and deep condition as normal? I was gonna add an egg to ORS Hair mayo and leave on for 30-45 minutes then follow up with a moisturizing DC like ORS replenishing and silicon mix but I dont want my hair to feel brittle especially right before a relaxer. Any advice would be helpful...TIA!!!
In my opinion, If I was in your shoes I would do the protein treatment, just to be safe. It's good to do a protein treatment a week before your relaxer because it strengthens your hair for that weakening process. And me personally, I like to do nothing with my hair the first week after I get my relaxer done to give my strands a bit of a rest. You don't have to do a hard protein treatment, just something that has protein in it to give your hair a strengthening boost. I notice that, since I henna and use other things that act as proteins, that I don't to do many protein treatments or use products that contain protein treatments. I save the protein treatments for the week before I relax. I experienced protein overload not too long ago from constantly using a conditioner that I didn't know had a lot of protein in it as a leave-in, and my hair was feeling a hot mess. Just use it when needed :yep:.
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Since you have been using MT, you should just focus on moisture more now until your touch-up
You're definitely going to get conflicting answers to your question.

All I can say is when you take your braids out do a simple wash and quick condition and assess how your hair is feeling. If it feels too mushy, do some protein. If it feels too hard, do some moisture.

I have a feeling that since you said you don't really wash with the braids in and you just use MT, your hair is going to be feeling dry/thirsty because of the lack of conditioning.

Either way, assess your hair and see how it's feeling before you do a super moisture or protein. You may be trying to correct a problem you don't have or you'll create one by messing up your balance.
You're definitely going to get conflicting answers to your question.

All I can say is when you take your braids out do a simple wash and quick condition and assess how your hair is feeling. If it feels too mushy, do some protein. If it feels too hard, do some moisture.

I have a feeling that since you said you don't really wash with the braids in and you just use MT, your hair is going to be feeling dry/thirsty because of the lack of conditioning.

Either way, assess your hair and see how it's feeling before you do a super moisture or protein. You may be trying to correct a problem you don't have or you'll create one by messing up your balance.

I revise my opinion. I think this is the best answer. Test your hair before you do anything to it. You don't want to risk messing anything up.
Thanks alot ladies..I think this is the best thing to do..I just want to avoid losing any unnecessary hair!! BTW...where did the thanks button go? :look:
Where did the thanks button go AND the tally of thanks that use to be in the top right of your post, under your join date, location etc.?
You're definitely going to get conflicting answers to your question.

All I can say is when you take your braids out do a simple wash and quick condition and assess how your hair is feeling. If it feels too mushy, do some protein. If it feels too hard, do some moisture.

I have a feeling that since you said you don't really wash with the braids in and you just use MT, your hair is going to be feeling dry/thirsty because of the lack of conditioning.

Either way, assess your hair and see how it's feeling before you do a super moisture or protein. You may be trying to correct a problem you don't have or you'll create one by messing up your balance.

MSA darling, you took the words right out of my little, golden mouth. ITA. :yep:
Thanks alot ladies...i really would thank each and everyone of you if i could. I hope they bring it back...I keep moving my mouse over to the thanks area..lol