Posting a pic...(changed to public access-ooops!)


New Member
Guys, I am finally posting something after all this time. I got around to posting this one pic of the back of me from my wedding. Sorry it's only one pic
hwell:. One of these days I'm gonna have my hubby take some more...but at least it's a start. Anyway, about two weeks before I took this I cut off some of the V in the back, it's still driving me crazy but not as much. Since then I've reached the end of bra-strap but I'm trying not to concentrate so much on growing as I am maintaining healthy hair.
Re: Posting a pic...

Hi, it says your album is empty. You'll have to edit it to say 'public' for it to work.
Re: Posting a pic...

Thanks Sweetcocoa!! I just changed it to public. Sorry for the boo-boo guys!
For anyone having trouble with the yahoo site I created an album on: .If you need a password it is: Monday

Hopefully, this one is easier to access. Bear with me, I'm not that computer literate!
MissM - your hair is gorgeous. I love how dark and thick it is. And looooong. So long. I hope one day my hair can be that pretty. Good work girl! You've done good...

Mirror - that happened to me too. Cut and paste her link into the Address bar as if you'd typed in a url and then hit enter. That's how I got her album to come up.
Tracy, girl I bow down to you on the hair color, cause yours is beautiful. You know that hair color is fake-hee, hee! I mix Off black and Glossy black fusion hair color and touch up the roots every 3mths. Thanks for the complement!

AshCash: I want to try transitioning as long as I can. My last relaxer was 2/03. But I'm worried that when we eventually move to Texas
(will be so glad to get away from MI-shot out to the Texas ladies!) that my hair will be harder to control in that humid weather. And then I won't trust anyone to relax my virgin hair if I want to go back to a relaxer. I dunno. We'll see. So far I'm liking it.
Hey MissM,

Your hair is very pretty girl
. From what I could see of the background, the wedding looks beautiful
Beautiful hair (and dress from what I can see of it)! I love the 'v' in your hair. I stopped trying to get rid of mine...Just let it is very pretty!
My, Oh, My MissM...What beautiful hair you have
. It looks very thick and healthy. Oh and You look great in your wedding dress also. I just bet you were a beautiful blushing bride
Wow MissM (actually "MrsM"
)your hair is beautiful
and congratulations for your wedding.
i have to agree wit every1 else and say that the glossy finish yo hair has is nice and so is the length
I agree with the others MissM, your hair is thick, shiny and long. The V-shape looks nice on you.
You and your hair look very lovely MissM!

Thanks for sharing & keep up the good work.
Thanks for the complements guys!! I'm so surprised you guys are raving over my 'V-shape'---cause I get so jealous when I see pics of you guys with all one length!!! Makes me wanna cut mine even and start fresh. But I'm gonna be good and grow it out and slowly re-shape it.

TransitioningK: I use the Jilbere flat iron (the mini, I think) that everyone was raving over a few months ago. It really allows you to straighten close to the scalp.