Hair Styles:
- I don't have any styles I like wearing currently. I'm horrible at styling my hair. I wear head wrap outside, but I'm trying my best to change
- Chizi Duru
- annetemint.
- I can't think of anyone else. I got bored with watching hair gurus along time ago. In my opinion, its not really their fault, its just that not every topic can produce endless amounts of new, interesting videos, and hair is one of those topics that can't. But I do notice that today it seems like to make the career of being a hair guru last, people are turning to doing videos on styling fake hair (lace fronts, crochet braids, wigs, etc.) and challenges to add more versatility to their channels.
Hair Products/Vendors:
- 3CayG. I haven't ordered from them yet but I plan on doing so in the future. They provide Shea butter and African black soap without a middle man, and purchasing from them supports the African women who make those products in Ghana. Also, part of their funds go towards buying much needed goods for Africans living in poverty. The owner is a blessed, philanthropic African American woman who is helping everyday to change lives.
- V05. Only line I can find with products that aren't packed with coconut oil or protein. Some of their products do have those things, but some don't. You just have to look for what suits your hair. They're cheap and efficient.
- Pompeian Inc. They're my fall-back company for oils on the ground.
Things I want to try:
Trying an avj spritz as a moisturizer.
Learning how to flat twist better (mine won't stay to the scalp no matter what I do) on freshly washed hair.
Being more accepting of my hair failures.
Finding a stretching method that I can do in under thirty minutes on freshly washed hair.
Ditching my wide tooth comb and relying solely on finger detangling.