Post Your Experience with Redken Anti-Snap


New Member
I went to the salon in Walmart to get some KeraCare Hydrating Detangling and I also picked up some Redken Anti-Snap. I just want to know what expect before I try it tomorrow. Is it suppose to stop breakage immediately??? Fill me in ladies...And I'll be back with a first time review.
I use it. It's nice and light and detangles very well. As far as immediately stopping breakage.........for me it didn't. I had less hair in the comb. So I guess that's a plus. Unfortunately it's not your be all end all! HTH
I have used this before and had great results with it. I had a relaxer and for whatever reason I had this spot in the back of my head where I had breakage. I tried this and it helped with the breakage. I did not see results overnight, but I would say after about 1 month of use I notice a difference and eventually my "bad" spot caught up with the rest of my hair. I don't know if I can give Anti-Snap all of the credit (I started to baby that "bad" spot), but I know it made a huge contribution.

P.S. I used it on both wet and dry hair.
For me it worked well for about 1 month, but then my hair went back to its old breaking ways, so I can't say that it stopped the breakage in its tracks... won't be using it again.:nono:

I didn't really care for it, but you never know, it could have been protein overload. I just didn't care for how it made my hair feel after using it.
I didn't really care for it, but you never know, it could have been protein overload. I just didn't care for how it made my hair feel after using it.

Same here. That is the leave-in right? I did not like it. But I like other products from the line.
It has cermides, detangles very nicely, and leaves my hair very soft! My breakage has lessened but it has been less than a monoth of using it.
Not sure about these results on my hair when I'm about 8+ weeks post- The situation may be a lot different with my ng and I'll get back to you then :lachen:.
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Hi everyone,

Caribgirl, same effect here. It detangles my hair (eventhough all soft conditioner did the great part of the job before) and leaves it so soft. The + is that I finf very light so no problem for me. While using it I still have almost same breakage :nono: (and shedding :nono:) I don't think it reduces it.
I think the effects of Anti-Snap are cumulative. I have been using it for a while. The first month or so of using it, I used it every wash day (once weekly) on clean, damp hair, before my regular creamy leave-in, then sealed everything with oil. Since then, I've been using it every other wash day in the same manner. I don't want to overload on protein.

So in this order:

Deep condition, wash/rinse
Squeeze excess moisture out of hair with towel till damp
Add Anti-Snap mainly to ends of the hair
Add creamy leave in
Seal with oil or butter, depending on what my hair needs

I have definitely noticed fewer little pieces of hair when styling (putting in my weekly twists). Hope this was helpful. :)
I don't know about other naturals, but this makes my coils pop like CRAZY! I love the entire Redken Extreme line and I am positive that it will save my hair!