Post Your Before and After pictures

Hello ladies, I see that alot of you ladies have experience beautiful growth on here. And I just would like to see where you ladies started from. Its alot of newbees who this would be an encouragement for (including myself). So if you guys dont mind please post some before and after pictures. I know I love to see thats it is possible to grow. Sometimes we get discourage and we need a little reality to guide us alone the way. Thanks
Before I started taking care of my hair (read my story), my hair was short and really damaged from underprocessing, overprocessing, no-lye perms causing film on my hair, damage from styling tools, you get the picture:


Then in April 2003 I started using the internet as a tool to get healthy hair. I started exercising, eating right, and using some decent hair care methods, but my hair was still short:


And then I found LHCF! Go team! I made it to bra-strap in fourteen months with the help of you all! I've cut my hair several times but it just keeps growing back to bsl, and now I am about 1 inch past the bottom of it. I haven't taken recent pics since Jan, though:


You can do it!
anky said:
Before I started taking care of my hair (read my story), my hair was short and really damaged from underprocessing, overprocessing, no-lye perms causing film on my hair, damage from styling tools, you get the picture:


Then in April 2003 I started using the internet as a tool to get healthy hair. I started exercising, eating right, and using some decent hair care methods, but my hair was still short:


And then I found LHCF! Go team! I made it to bra-strap in fourteen months with the help of you all! I've cut my hair several times but it just keeps growing back to bsl, and now I am about 1 inch past the bottom of it. I haven't taken recent pics since Jan, though:


You can do it!

Goodness Anky! Your hair has made sooo much progress! Beautiful!
I've always wanted to ask the ladies to do this! I think it would be great encouragement for us "bald headed" folks! :lol:

Anky: I've been sweatin' :drool: your hair since I joined this site! Your progress is amazing (weight and hair)!!! Thanks for sharing!
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Shalilac said:
I've always wanted to ask the ladies to do this! I think it would be great encouragement for us "bald headed" folks! :lol:

I feel you girl thats why I thought this would be a great thread to start. Great progress ladies.........
Wow Anky!! Dang!! Leave some hair for the rest of us!!

Miss_Jettsetter!! Nice!! Your hair looks really healthy.

Ok, I'll throw my two cents in for us 'hair challenged' ladies!!


From December 2005 to February 2006

It's not much but it's getting there!
Anky can I have some of that pretty hair? your hair is gorgeous

Miss J and Vixen you both have such lovely hair, nice and think wonderful progress

Very inspirational ladies
Although I don't have this length anymore (these are transitioning pics and I've already bc'd), I thought the progress I made was pretty good. So I'll share...

Feb 05

Oct 05 (last pic before my bc)
I'm still working on it. I am not consistant with supplements as I should be, seeing as how I know they work. Anky gets a shout out though. I don't know where I've been, but I had no idea she had reached bra strap. I have to get on the ball now. YOU GO GIRL, WAY TO HANG IN THERE!!

pisc below now 2006 and then 2003


  • summer_2001.jpg
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  • goldie 2004.jpg
    goldie 2004.jpg
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  • pink bra.jpg
    pink bra.jpg
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  • x-mas 2005.jpg
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  • blowdry.jpg
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Ok,my Internet is slow so it did not load your last pic but anky you aren`t playing:eek:
Did you got bit by a radioactive spider and are a superhero with the ability to grow hair faster and thicker then everyone else?
If so send me the spider,I will take good care of it:cool:
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anky said:
Before I started taking care of my hair (read my story), my hair was short and really damaged from underprocessing, overprocessing, no-lye perms causing film on my hair, damage from styling tools, you get the picture:


Then in April 2003 I started using the internet as a tool to get healthy hair. I started exercising, eating right, and using some decent hair care methods, but my hair was still short:


And then I found LHCF! Go team! I made it to bra-strap in fourteen months with the help of you all! I've cut my hair several times but it just keeps growing back to bsl, and now I am about 1 inch past the bottom of it. I haven't taken recent pics since Jan, though:


You can do it!

Hellooooo Nurse!!! What were the things that you did to achieve this difference?????
Shalilac said:
I've always wanted to ask the ladies to do this! I think it would be great encouragement for us "bald headed" folks! :lol:

Anky: I've been sweatin' :drool: your hair since I joined this site! Your progress is amazing (weight and hair)!!! Thanks for sharing!

Shalilac by chance do you have your regimen posted on the forum anywhere? I took a look in your album and all I can say is WOW you & your hair are LOVELY!
I'm constantly cutting my hair, especially when I went natural, just is why you may be wondering why my hair isn't longer by now, but here are some pics of the phases I went through growing out a short cut from 2001 (yeah, I've been on these hair boards forever now, lol).

2001 Cut

Grow out to bob/transitioning 2003

All Natural/flat ironed 2005

Before yesterday's cut 2006
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SO1913 and Mermaid, I said it once before and I'm saying it again, I am never relaxing my hair again, lol NEVER! Both of ya'lls hair is to die for, OMG and the length, DAAANNNNGGGG!
hopeful said:
SO1913 and Mermaid, I said it once before and I'm saying it again, I am never relaxing my hair again, lol NEVER! Both of ya'lls hair is to die for, OMG and the length, DAAANNNNGGGG!
SO1913 has some healthy and happy looking hair, I'd say!!:)
Hopeful, you will LOVE your hair without a relaxer! The freedom is wonderful!
mermaid said:
SO1913 has some healthy and happy looking hair, I'd say!!:)
Hopeful, you will LOVE your hair without a relaxer! The freedom is wonderful!

I am natural, I bc'd about a month ago and my last relaxer was maybe 3 months ago, but it's short ya know? I bc'd last year too but caved after about 6 months. At the time I was obsessed with showing length. This time I feel much more patient. I can drool over you guys hair this time without losing my focus. I feel inspired.

Thanks to the OP for starting this thread!:)
hopeful said:
I am natural, I bc'd about a month ago and my last relaxer was maybe 3 months ago, but it's short ya know? I bc'd last year too but caved after about 6 months. At the time I was obsessed with showing length. This time I feel much more patient. I can drool over you guys hair this time without losing my focus. I feel inspired.

Thanks to the OP for starting this thread!:)
Well, I'm pulling for ya to get past the 6 month mark this time! :yay:
Hopeful - Awww, thanks for your kind words. I'm pulling for you too!!

Mermaid - Girl, I'm trying to get where you are at! You're hair is beautiful!