Post Your Before and After pictures

my hair in January of this year.

my hair this month
tishee said:
Shalilac by chance do you have your regimen posted on the forum anywhere? I took a look in your album and all I can say is WOW you & your hair are LOVELY!

Heyyyy (waving) Tishee! Thank you soooooo much! I don't have a regime. I do whatever. Whatever is simplest. Right now I'm back to wearing twists 99% of the time. My hair likes when I leave it alone. I guess I should do a lil regime/products folder on my site. Sounds like a good idea! Thanks again! :)
1. May 2003
2. August 2004

I joined LHCF in 2003. My hair was shoulder-length at the time, barely collar-bone in front, crawling toward APL in back. It reached bra-strap in back in 2004.

PS- I'm really paranoid and I started taking good pics from the back last year so sorry for the muddy face blocks!

*pics snipped*
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