Post Your 2008 Year End Hair Review Pics Here!!!!!

Here's mine:



Goo growing, Caribgirl!!!!

I am so happy for your progress!!!!! :dance7: have all made such good progress......

i must confess i was a bit disheartened coz my progress doesn't come close and i had decided not to post BUT i know i did make some progress so that's what counts.

setbacks???? i trimmed my hair 4 times this year trying to get rid of my yucky ends....but i'm glad i'm in the bootcamp challenge so maybe i wont be so scissor happy and see some great progress.....

here goes.....

C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S ladies!!!! I can't wait until December 2009 when I can post in here too! You are all so inspritational. Thank you for taking the time to post your comparison pictures!!!!!
June 2008 - after a trim/cut on pressed natural hair

October 2008 - flat-ironed natural hair
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I posted my pics on my blog

Click here to see them...

SET BACK in September...I am now the length I was in May of this year...
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Not as much progress as I wanted but it's not bad for a year...My goal was to make full shoulder length in 2008 and i did it so I can't complain.....I went through alot of damage and cutting in 2008 so hopefully 2009 is better.
Great growing, vnaps!

Poohbear, haven't seen you around for a while. Your hair looks great.

thanks mwedzi.....:grin:

thanks all for the support

Not as much progress as I wanted but it's not bad for a year...My goal was to make full shoulder length in 2008 and i did it so I can't complain.....I went through alot of damage and cutting in 2008 so hopefully 2009 is better.

i know exactly how you feel :sad:............BUT 2009 is another year.....lets make the most of it :yep:

hhg all!!!
Ooh, yall killing me with this hair.

Some of you already seen my big reveal video thread. But, here's my end of year photos.


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Oooop2, are you 100% natural? Your pics are very inspirational. I've been thinking about transitioning.....

Hey...Yes, I'm 100% natural. Been natural since Feb 98. Wore a BC for 8 straight years. Started growing my hair out in Nov '05. Officially started learning about my hair and taking proper care of it in Jan 08.

I am one who never transitioned. I went from a SL perm to a to the scalp BC in 1 sitting.

GL on your hair journey.

BTW, I can't view your video due to my hotel block, but your ending pics look great :)
Ooh, yall killing me with this hair.

Some of you already seen my big reveal video thread. But, here's my end of year photos.

Wow JL, your hair looks sooooo thick and healthy compared to before MT. I am impressed and definitely inpired to keep using it myself.

Jan 2008


Braided out flat-ironed hair

Dec 2008


oooop2, I don't know what to say.....except very good progress you've achieved honey. Keep it up.
Hey...Yes, I'm 100% natural. Been natural since Feb 98. Wore a BC for 8 straight years. Started growing my hair out in Nov '05. Officially started learning about my hair and taking proper care of it in Jan 08.

I am one who never transitioned. I went from a SL perm to a to the scalp BC in 1 sitting.

GL on your hair journey.

BTW, I can't view your video due to my hotel block, but your ending pics look great :)

Wow, your hair looks wonderful and it's soooo long.

Sorry you weren't able to see video. Hmmm....try looking at it from here.