Post Workout Pre-Poo Question


Well-Known Member
Pre-Pooing Diva's Come In Here Please :)

I love pre-poos! Since I started doing them my hair has never been softer and so full of moisture. Pre-poo's are also an excellent way to get rid of those old conditioners that I am not so fond of....(remind me to get on a PJ use it up challenge)

My question: When I workout, I sweat like a horse and go home with wet hair. Is it okay to pre-poo under the dryer using conditioner on sweaty, somewhat wet, just got back from the gym hair? Would that be just baking salty sweat into my hair along with conditioner?

Now that I'm working out 4 - 5 days per week, it's is very difficult to prepoo on dry hair. I wash after workouts now.

Thanks in advance for your advice on this!:yep:
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Re: Pre-Pooing Diva's Come In Here Please :)

I love pre-poos! Since I started doing them my hair has never been softer and so full of moisture. Pre-poo's are also an excellent way to get rid of those old conditioners that I am not so fond of....(remind me to get on a PJ use it up challenge)

My question: When I workout, I sweat like a horse and go home with wet hair. Is it okay to pre-poo under the dryer using conditioner on sweaty, somewhat wet, just got back from the gym hair? Would that be just baking salty sweat into my hair along with conditioner?

Now that I'm working out 4 - 5 days per week, it's is very difficult to prepoo on dry hair. I wash after workouts now.

Thanks in advance for your advice on this!:yep:
Sorry for bumping but I'm on my way to the gym now...:drunk:
I don't know if it's right or wrong, but I do it sometimes...especially if I only did a rinse the day before. I work out alot and sweat sort of hard too, so I can see your concern. I try to make sure my moisturizing balances my protein needs.
I put my pre-poo conditioner or Amla Oil on my dry hair BEFORE i work out. I then put on a plastic cap and scarf over the top.

Having said that i do my work-outs at home so i don't know if u'll fell comfortable going into public like that.
I am not sure if its okay either, but that is what I am doing right now. I just got back from the gym and i am using up a sample i got of a deep condistioner.
What I did before I put the cond on was rinse my hair over the tub with my adjustable shower head , to try to rinse out whateve was lurking on my head from working out.
man what a great question. i sweat like a race horse after i work out so my hair is wet i prepoo wet, moist, dry whatever the state i find my self in twice a week. Pre poo still rocks:afro::amen:
I put my pre-poo conditioner or Amla Oil on my dry hair BEFORE i work out. I then put on a plastic cap and scarf over the top.

Having said that i do my work-outs at home so i don't know if u'll fell comfortable going into public like that.

Same here! I try to get all of the air out of the cap before putting the scarf on, that way you really can't tell. I like to do it this way b/c the heat from the workout kind of warms the pre-poo and helps it penetrate the hair.
I put my pre-poo conditioner or Amla Oil on my dry hair BEFORE i work out. I then put on a plastic cap and scarf over the top.

Having said that i do my work-outs at home so i don't know if u'll fell comfortable going into public like that.

what I do is similar to this. Ill put something on my hair before I go to the gym, and then after my workout Ill throw on a plastic cap and sit in the sauna. I may or may not add more product before going in the sauna. So far so good.
Re: Pre-Pooing Diva's Come In Here Please :)

I love pre-poos! Since I started doing them my hair has never been softer and so full of moisture. Pre-poo's are also an excellent way to get rid of those old conditioners that I am not so fond of....(remind me to get on a PJ use it up challenge)

My question: When I workout, I sweat like a horse and go home with wet hair. Is it okay to pre-poo under the dryer using conditioner on sweaty, somewhat wet, just got back from the gym hair? Would that be just baking salty sweat into my hair along with conditioner?

Now that I'm working out 4 - 5 days per week, it's is very difficult to prepoo on dry hair. I wash after workouts now.

Thanks in advance for your advice on this!:yep:

Get out of my head, I was wonderig about this.....I have been on hiatus working out but I am going back this week, and wondering would I be baking the salt into my hair....

I put my pre-poo conditioner or Amla Oil on my dry hair BEFORE i work out. I then put on a plastic cap and scarf over the top.

Having said that i do my work-outs at home so i don't know if u'll fell comfortable going into public like that.

That's such a great idea!! I would definately need to do this one at home, it is an excellent idea for the home workout - thanks for that tip.
I don't know if it's right or wrong, but I do it sometimes...especially if I only did a rinse the day before. I work out alot and sweat sort of hard too, so I can see your concern. I try to make sure my moisturizing balances my protein needs.
That moisture protein balance is super important, I see your hair has flourished over the years !!