Post up your Twisted Hairstyles!

I am trying to make twists my daily style, but they always are funny after I sleep on them. Is there any way to combat the fuzzy look?:look:
MsLizziA if you don't mind, how long is your hair? I looove your pinned up twists. Any thing that pretty much resembles a bun but wouldnt necessarily require me to have bunnabe hair looks good to me..
I am trying to make twists my daily style, but they always are funny after I sleep on them. Is there any way to combat the fuzzy look?:look:

Baggying seems to do the trick for me. I used Saran wrap when I wore this style and it look so fresh every morning. I wore it without undoing in between washes.

If wearing my twists down, I find CW and letting the twists drip dry gave me straight (not wonky) twists. It didn't do anything for frizz though. Having the twists in a set style and then baggying worked better.

These twists (seen here with a phone puff) I would just put on a cap at night and then throw on the puff in the morning. I didn't have to do anything else to my hair. The twists were cornrowed in a circle under the puff...and I didn't undo them at night.
Do you part your twists nonie because your boxes look so precise? Love your visuals every time.Now I'm craving to wear some twists although I promised myself I'll be bad and wear my hair out for a couple more weeks...
Baggying seems to do the trick for me. I used Saran wrap when I wore this style and it look so fresh every morning. I wore it without undoing in between washes.

If wearing my twists down, I find CW and letting the twists drip dry gave me straight (not wonky) twists. It didn't do anything for frizz though. Having the twists in a set style and then baggying worked better.

These twists (seen here with a phone puff) I would just put on a cap at night and then throw on the puff in the morning. I didn't have to do anything else to my hair. The twists were cornrowed in a circle under the puff...and I didn't undo them at night.

Thank You, Nonie! You always come to the rescue!:clap::cup: I'll let you know it looks after I finish them today!:yep:
These are a couple of old favorites. I've been too lazy lately to do more styles w/my twists. The flat twists are the front to the bun w/the flower in it. The other style is med.sized twist pinned up into an updo w/cowrie shells.

This is so nice.
love all of them. ;)
I have to update my twists album.
MsLizziA if you don't mind, how long is your hair? I looove your pinned up twists. Any thing that pretty much resembles a bun but wouldnt necessarily require me to have bunnabe hair looks good to me..

At the time that i did that hairstyle, it was grazing shoulder length. now its at shoulder length




I never really like the way my twist sets look, so I don't usually take pics of them, but here's a couple of recent styles I have done.

I didn't get pics before I undid the twists, but you can imagine they're still there.
Asha, this is lovely, do you have any more pics of this specific style that you could post later!!! TIA!

I'm sure that I do. As soon as I locate them, I'll be sure to post.:yep:

Here's the style taken on another day from the back.


If I decide to do this style again, I'll take better pics.
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For real though, you need to post a tutorial. A video tutorial...LIKE NOW!! :yep: These are so nice. This is something I've been trying to do with my twists but it never turns out right. My hair prob needs to be a bit longer.
Here's one. I have a few more that I'll post when I can get the time.

I'm sure that I do. As soon as I locate them, I'll be sure to post.:yep:

Here's the style taken on another day from the back.


If I decide to do this style again, I'll take better pics.

Here's one I may visit soon. I forgot all about it until I began searching...
I am LOVING all these styles!!! :drool:

You guys are making me want to wash out my finger coils and twist my hair! But, I promised myself I would keep my finger coils in a few more days. *Le Sigh*

I think when I wash them out, I'll flat twist the front of my hair and finger coil the back! :grin::yep:
I never really like the way my twist sets look, so I don't usually take pics of them, but here's a couple of recent styles I have done.

I didn't get pics before I undid the twists, but you can imagine they're still there.

THESE STYLES ARE HOT! I am LOVIN' them and might have to steal the look! :grin::yep:
I took this Last week-July 2010 Twist out

These twists are from January 2010.

I'm going to edit this when I take more pics of just the twists and the styles I've been doing this week. I usually wear my hair in twists daily. Lately since the twists are now longer than the picture right above me, I can pin them up, and even create a little french roll in the back with hair down in the front and sides. I usually do a side part as you see above and now I use cute clips to pin up one side since the front is growing out more. I also put a little Leave in on my ends every other day....The twists now last 4 days or more when I do a 4 or more hour DC with CO mixed in.