Post-pregnancy Hair Loss


Has anyone figured out how to stop it or decrease it? I'm getting ready to stop breast feeding and I am dreading what happens next. I want to retain as much of my hair as possible. Please help.
I am by no means an expert but i was thinking that a hormone balancer may help as the hair loss is caused by a change in hormones. Maca is a hormone balancer.
Also, I don't know if garlic may help too?? HTH
I didn't experience post-pregnancy hair loss, but I also kept taking pre-natal vitamins for about a year.
I experienced post-pregnancy hair loss big time!! The bad news is there was nothing I could do to stop it. My OB told me that while you are pregnant, your placenta produces a hormone that impedes normal shedding. About (3) months after I had my daughter, my shedding began. He told me that my hair was shedding away all the hair that wasn't shed during my pregnancy (hope that makes sense). The GOOD NEWS IS: It does stop! It lasted for only a couple of months and my hair returned to its original thickness. HTH.
My hair went through a major shedding when my baby was 3 months old. Garlic really helped me. Get the odorless garlic tabs and puncture them with a knife and squeeze like 5 tabs into your deep treatment. HTH
Oh you put the garlic in the hair. Why did I think you ate the garlic pills?

Does anyone know how the caffeine works to help the shedding?

Thanks so far for the info.
My hair went through a major shedding when my baby was 3 months old. Garlic really helped me. Get the odorless garlic tabs and puncture them with a knife and squeeze like 5 tabs into your deep treatment. HTH

Yep!!! This works wonders!!! I experienced major shedding with my first pregnancy but used garlic oil with my second and I think I only shed for like 2 weeks. The garlic oil stopped it dead in its tracks!!
I had it after all my kids, after my first child i used don't be bald and it worked well enough.

After my last two kids i was introduced to the wonderful world of hair board and concocted my own stuff

coconut oil
rosemary oil
eucalyptus oil
tea tree oil
chammomile oil
bergamot oil
and a dash of MSM

This can be applied as often as you like.

Also rosemary rinses helped as well
boil some fresh rosemary(or the dried one, but crush it a bit before you boil it up) and let it cool and steep, use as a rinse after you wash your hair
Hmm I am 8 weeks post partum but don't remember any postpartum shedding with my first pregnancy. Maybe it doesn't happen to everyone. However, if it does I suppose I will use my Alter Ego Garlic Treatment Conditioner.
I don't know the reasoning for caffeine being able to stop shedding, but it does work. If you search "tea rinsing", you can find more information on it. I really like Nutrine Garlic Shampoo as well. HTH!