hair growth during pregnancy... Faster? or slower?

(only if you've been pregnant) Did your hair grow faster?

  • yes

    Votes: 104 84.6%
  • no

    Votes: 19 15.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My growth rate has been crazy with this pregnancy; it shot from almost APL to MBL! The ends were in such terrible shape, though, that I already had to let go of that pregnancy perk with a substantial trim. I'm not sure what causes the increase in growth rate; for me, it was probably the increase in blood volume.
I didn't notice much difference either time. It could be that I was not all that cognizant of it. I had shedding post partum, but not terribly.
My hair went from a chin length bob to bsl while I was pregnant and it was perfection. I cut it again soon after I delivered dd...then the shedding started and made my hairline disappear!!!
1st pregnancy= from SL to just past APL
2nd pregnancy= Who knows...I kept it in braids and cut it soon after my 2nd son was born

Current pregnancy= huge loss of thickness (not length)during the 1st trimester probably due to my severe morning sickness. I've also lost 25 (and counting)lbs. The problem seems to be under control as I nearthe end of the 1st trimester. I'm looking forward to gaining my thickness back (my hair is thin enough!) and maybe some length.
1st child (daughter) it grew tremendously, i cut it all of four or five times & I so wish I had retained it now. :ohwell:She came out bald headed.:lachen:

2nd child (son) - it grew, but not nearly as fast as it did with first one. It grew just a little faster than normal. He came out with a head full of gorgeous locks. :yep:
My hair was in the healthiest state ever when I was pregnant. I grew very fast and I reached my longest lenght. When my daughter turned about 5 months my hair started to fall out do to hormonal changes, but I loved it while it lasted!:yep:
I've been preggo twice and I voted no because there was no change to my growth hair just got thicker because I didn't shed much hair for the duration of the pregnancy. And I think the prenatal vitamins contributed to the overall health of my hair. I was just soooo happy to have thick and healthy hair while preggo, that I took extra care of it which I think helped with retention...just my experience:peace:
When I was pregnant, my hair grew like wild fire.. I went from from full sl to touching bsl from in like 8 months... If i can find some dated pics I will post them...And my hair is naturally thick.. I normally have enough for 2 heads...But during my pregnancy my hair was superdupa thick and resistant to any and everything! (perms and flat irons)... I went through some shedding afterwards but it came out gradually, not all at once where I had to say "OH MY GOSH"

That reminds me to start up on some pre-natals again... they were the truth!!!
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Yep. My hair grew A LOT. I'm 12 weeks post pardom now and haven't had any shedding issues. Hoping that skips me.
My hair grew from SL to BSL+ during my pregnancy. This was the first time in my life that my hair did not hover between SL and APL or shorter. I were braids for 6 months of my pregnancy. I think this helped the growth and retention. Also, I'm sure the balanced, nutrition meals and prenatal vitamins made a big difference.
My hair grows way faster when I'm pregnant. . . usually I get about 3-4 inches every 6 months, but when I'm pregnant I can easily get 5.
My hair went from like bsl to wl while i was preggers, but I shed A LOT (both normally and postpartum) and didn't take care of it postpartum, got really bad split ends and had the ends trimmed.
My hair grew faster but since i didnt know how to take care of my hair then, it fell out something serious! But I know how to take care of it now!
All the pregnancy hormones cause you to retain hair. The hair will not shed when it is supposed to. So many pregnant women report full and shiny hair. However once you give birth all those hairs will shed. It freaks people out to loose all the hair at once, but for the average person its just getting back to how you hair was before pregnancy
My hair grew like weeds -- it was shiney and healthy too. But I experienced breakage after birth, so I cut my hair pre- LHCF days. My skin was also glowing and I had zero migraines.. Note I have adult acne and migraines..
I didn't vote because ....

WITH MY SON - My hair grew like a weed. It was beautiful, thick, just a thing of beauty.

WITH MY DAUGHTERS - My hair fell out in clumps LOL It was a nasty sight, very fragile and my hair didn't stop shedding for months after I had them.
My hair grew both times, I had babies and hit shed a lot both times.
Wish I had Known you laides 12 yrs ago.
When I was preggers with my son, my hair was super thick and it grew quite a bit. Too bad I didnt know about healthy hair practices, it was gone by the time he was 6 months old!
It didnt really grow faster but it got really strong and thick, went from shoulder length to arm pit, but after 3 months post baby it shedded really bad for about 2 months. It took a year to recover.
I experienced rapid growth, and had some big bodacious blingin hair! I have always been fine-haired, but ever since I had my baby, my hair thickened and slightly changed texture ( and lightened up a bit too). The new texture is a looser wave but a little more coarse in the crown.

Shortly after giving birth, I had some serious issues with my temples thinning, but they filled back in ( thanks to castor oil). Pregnancy can change a few things forever, on a woman, but I like my post-baby hair a LOT better. It was the only thing I had going on for the nine months to go with my fat feet, bigger nose, and swollen face.
i dont know what's wrong my hair but i dont think it grew at all during my pregnancy, and I'm only a couple of inches from BSL!!

It's been really frustrating but i had some health issues while pg (I had my little boy 9/25/09). I think my hair was in some kind of non-growth cycle or something. Who knows!!! Maybe now my hair will "begin again" LOL.

All I can say is that I was very disappointed because I've always heard people say how fast their hair grew while pg.

On a Positive Note: I experienced no breakage and very little shedding. My hair is EXACTLY the same length as before. Weird, huh?
Mine grew super fast!

I BC'd when I was about 3 mths pregnant. And by the time I delivered, I had my hair in a puff. It was shiny, luxurious and even in the 3's (hair type)

then when my daughter was about 3 months, I had two bald spots and the temples, and it was shedding like mad. Texture also changed to the 4's for some odd reason.
I didn't vote because ....

WITH MY SON - My hair grew like a weed. It was beautiful, thick, just a thing of beauty.

WITH MY DAUGHTERS - My hair fell out in clumps LOL It was a nasty sight, very fragile and my hair didn't stop shedding for months after I had them.

I had the same experience with my girls that you had with your girls.....

I am now experiencing what you had with your son which is why I think I'm having a boy :scratchch I won't find out til I give birth in March 2010. :drunk:

I didn't answer the poll because I have experienced different things with each pregnancy.
My hair became really long when I was pregnant with my son. I actually stretched during my whole pregnancy and kept my hair in braids. When I finally retouched, I had an amazingly thick head of shoulder length hair. Although, unlike most ladies, I didn't experience any post partum shedding; at least, not that I noticed.