Post-BC Depression? Has anyone experienced this?


Well-Known Member

I posted this in the 'Are We Getting Off-Track' thread. Was anyone else depressed after their BC? I really feel sick at times. For example, I was styling my hair this morning and parts are just so short there's nothign I know how to do with it. I do think the stylist cut off some natural hair that is just part of a straighter patch though.

How do you get over feeling you made the wrong decision?

Admittedly, I haven't read any of the posts in this thread besides the original one. BUT, I do feel that the focus (for me) had become more about things other than LONG HAIR and GROWTH. Thus, so many BC's around the board.

I'm actually kicking myself for BC'ing my hair over the weekend. I hate it so much I don't even want to post pics.

I lost track of myself here; in the quest for long healthy hair, I allowed 6-8+" to be cut off. HOW STUPID IS THAT? Maybe 1/2" needed to be cut, but it seemed like every problem I had, the solution was to cut the remaining relaxed (heat damaged or trained...depending on your school of thought) hair from my 3 year transition. I finally did it and I couldn't be more disgusted with the results AND myself. I can't believe that I was so influenciable, AND that now my hair is cut in to a length I absolutely abhor.

The positive thing is that at least the BC was a wake-up call of what my main objective is, and I refuse to be thrown off again. Honestly, relaxed hair worked for me, natural hair, yeah, but not as much. My Wash and Go's suck, and I don't like twists, braids and afros *on me.* Some of you all look great in it. Voluminous rollersets is what I like, but it's also a function of straight(er) hair.

Maybe I'm just having post-BC depression, but I'm feeling some kinda way. Maybe I'll feel better when I can acutally roll my hair around a roller or when I can do a wash n go I like. But, right now, I'm kicking myself for my BC.
I hated my hair after the bc. I had to wear a wig for 1 month. I am not good with styling so it is difficult for me to get creative with hairstyles with such short hair. Now it is long enough for a pony tail but I have to clip the top and I am much happier.
Some of theses threads can be very persuasive. I decided to transition or long term stretch when my goal was to make to MBL. I have lost some strands along the way but did some research and my hair is stronger again.

The good thing about hair is that it keeps growing. BC is out of the question for me. My face is too long for my hair to be that short. Good luck.
No not depressed, but I was going through 'Ghost Hair Syndrome'!

I guess it was like ghost limb syndrome. Like when a person gets their arm or leg amputated but they still feel their fingers or toes afterwards.

It was like that! Like I had no hair (about 3-4" long) and I kept feeling hair down on my shoulders and back. It was weird. Like I would be walking and think it was my hair behind me moving and turn around and nothing was there.

Also my head was bobbly all the time. I was so use to heavy hair that when I cut it my head was all off balance lol it was funny. I don’t know I’m just weird I guess lol
I didn't have regret of my BC, but about a month later it finally hit me... I couldn't hide behind my hair anymore. I had about 5 inches of hair that I didn't know what to do with and I couldn't even rely on a ponytail. After a few weeks and lots of products later I was able to "cope" with the lost of length. I loved my hair, still do, just was style-challenged for a while and it frustrated me.

Once in a while I'd grab a flatiron and straighten it just to have something familiar to work with. I went around buying every expensive gel in sight only to find out that the $2.99 jar of Ecostyler was my Holy Grail. After that it was smooth sailing.
I wasn't depressed, but it took me about a month to get used to the short hair, as it was quite severe *for me*. Like some of the other ladies, I missed my hair, because I couldn't hide behind it anymore. I'm also not a wig/weave-wearer, so I had to wait it out for 6 months or so and just make the most of it. I got over it, though, and I'm glad I didn't resort to relaxing, even when I felt really ugly.

BC can be quite a shock to some women, so I wouldn't be surprised if some feel a little low afterwards. But nothing lasts, so such feelings tend to blow over after a while (if one is patient enough).
I really hate the in between lengths on me. I BC'd down to a fade and I agree that I couldn't hide behind my hair because I didn't have any. It took a while to get used to it but I began to love that style on me. and then my hair grew... I tried every style in the book and it just didn't fit me and my style. :nono:. My hair was 7inches up until yesterday and I hated it. It doesn' t look good straight or in natural styles. :cry: The front was too short and the back was too long. :nono:. I didn't feel like me, and I didn't feel that I looked good at all. It look awkward and rightfully so because it was an awkward length. :ohwell:

Yesterday I got 3 inches cut off the back to even up my last few layers. I'm a straight natural now and will stay that way until my hair gets longer and I can wear the styles that I like again. Sometimes I regret cutting my hair off because I was not far from my goal when I bc'd. Now I'm miles away. I don't regret it because I'll never get a relaxer again and I have the option of wearing my hair how I want to (when I get some hair) :perplexed
The first week I felt really uncomfortable.When I did the bc I was on holiday then went to work with a twa,people were like why did you cut you hair but you look good.That gave me the confidence and now I dont regret it at all.
My hair does not grow fast at all but I am used to my twa.It will pass girl just be strong .
I started a thread like this when I BCed a year ago. I ended up relaxing and have recently BCed again. Cruelty from family and friends broke my resolve the first time. I have more of a "You Can Go Find the Nearest Pile of Rocks and Kick Them My Dear" attitude for those who can no longer respect me because of my TWA.
nope, not at all. funny enough is when i had long relaxed hair i rarely felt pretty and as soon as i bc to hair so short i might as well have shaved it off, i felt sooooo beautiful. and i have been feeling that way ever since and that was 6 months ago.
I did.. I missed transitioning, I enjoyed my transition.. I think if I could handle transitioning longer I would have been bc'ing about now..

For me it was about loosing the length... not quite knowing what to do to my hair between washes.. not being able to style it..and what to do on nights out

Don't worry it'll pass.. your hair will grow and you wont be down for long.. promise

I posted this in the 'Are We Getting Off-Track' thread. Was anyone else depressed after their BC? I really feel sick at times. For example, I was styling my hair this morning and parts are just so short there's nothign I know how to do with it. I do think the stylist cut off some natural hair that is just part of a straighter patch though.

How do you get over feeling you made the wrong decision?

Um...after I went natural, I avoided going out as much as possible until my hair grew longer. Mostly because of an incident in which I was addressed as "sir", just after my BC.

I was very depressed. I felt comfortable with short hair overseas, but not at all in the US (complicated). Rocking my 'fro when it finally grew to a length I was comfortable with was a huge moment for me. Random white folks complimenting me in the street ("Dude, your hair freaking rocks!!"..."Miss, I love your curly hair!"). That was great. Black folks were staring at me in the street like I'd lost my mind. Whatevs. :rolleyes:

Your hair will grow out and no matter what you decide to do or how you decide to proceed, I'm confident you will grow to love your hair even more. It's natural to feel depressed about it, but it'll get better and things will get easier as you learn your hair, too. :yep:
After I BC'd I walked around with fake confidence, meaning acting like I loved it and like it was the best thing. The truth was I felt very self-conscious and was afraid of people's reaction. It still was a good thing and I'm used to it now but it was rough at first even with the compliments I got. People I thought would talk about me actually said they liked it. It will get easier. Trust me.

I don't know if you take supplements but I recently started taking Biotin and MSM and they are really increasing the growth. I BC'd in June but growth was slower than a snail until the supplements.
I don't know about the other transitioners, but I am GRATEFUL for you guys' brutal honesty. :yep:

We all know about the "cutter's high" that comes with doing a BC, but rarely do you see people willing to 'fess up about their feelings AFTER the high has worn off. :look:

I think about doing the BC often, but thanks to your honesty, I will find the strenghth to fight on.

Again - thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for keepin it real.
No, i guess i got anxious (still am). I just want my hair to grow, but i don't felt depressed at all. I like it, i love to wash and style (well as much as i can do) my hair in less than 15 minutes.
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I don't know about the other transitioners, but I am GRATEFUL for you guys' brutal honesty. :yep:

We all know about the "cutter's high" that comes with doing a BC, but rarely do you see people willing to 'fess up about their feelings AFTER the high has worn off. :look:

I think about doing the BC often, but thanks to your honesty, I will find the strenghth to fight on.

Again - thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for keepin it real.

huh??? i thought you were already natural? maybe im missing something...

and to answer the question... i def regretted cutting off all my hair. im one of those ppl who get an idea in my head, get excited, and then want to execute it right away.
so i decided i was def gonna BC and i did, like after 3 mths of transitioning.. if thats even what you can call it. after i saw all my hair lying on the floor, and thought of how much hard work i had put in to even get that hair to begin w. i kinda got a sinking feeling in my stomach.

like a WTF did i just DO?!?! type feeling. it was a little easier for me bc i never had to deal w. dealing w. my hair. i always got it done up in braids. so i never had to look at it for long, and no one but the ppl who style my hair have seen it, so i havent had any comments.

But yea..a small part of me wishes i didnt jump the gun, kinda wishes i waited. but another part of me knows, had i waited any longer, i wouldn't have BC'd.
i was BSL stretched atm and i never thought i'd get that long, any longer and i woulda lost all my nerve.

so to answer the question, lol, i had post bc-depression. BIG time. i couldn't stand bein "bald headed"
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Yep, I went through an after BC depression for a little while. It passes. I think any dramatic change warrants some kind of "shock".
Hi ladies, I am feeling a tad bit better today. I hope this feeling isn't a fleeting feeling. I got some smaller rollers and I was able to roll the shortest parts. I am still able to use the red rollers on the longer parts. (I guess I'll just save the purple and grey ones for some years from now.)

Thanks for talking me down! I'll post my updates to this thread.
i definitely was depressed in the beginning about the bc. you can totally tell looking at the first pic of it. i was a little in shock because i went from apl/bsl to some fuzz on top of my head. i really didn't like it at first because i'd never had hair that short since i was a baby. :lol: i grew into my twa though. now i want it back since i relaxed in nov and feb.
i definitely was depressed in the beginning about the bc. you can totally tell looking at the first pic of it. i was a little in shock because i went from apl/bsl to some fuzz on top of my head. i really didn't like it at first because i'd never had hair that short since i was a baby. :lol: i grew into my twa though. now i want it back since i relaxed in nov and feb.

So you are not happy with your decision to go back to relaxeD?
(in my whitney voice) HELL TO DA NAWL! =[ i miss my pretty natural hair. i'm transitioning back now. i haven't relaxed since feb and i'm excited for the day i can be natural again.
I was depressed for like two years honestly. I love long hair and having only an inch of hair and having it be a texture that I hah never personally dealt with in my life before was a little too big of a shock to the system. The thing that kept me going was that if I went back to the relaxer, I'd have to start all over with my natural hair journey and that would take so many extra years. Once my hair got to armpit length somewhere around there, I started to feel more comfortable with my hair and it's pretty much been smooth sailing since.
Yep, I went through an after BC depression for a little while. It passes. I think any dramatic change warrants some kind of "shock".

Everytime I feel like relaxing, I look at your fotki. You are so beautiful and stylish and I just LOVE the way you style your hair.

Thanks for hanging in there because you truly inspire me to keep going :yep: