Possible That Porosity Can Change?


Well-Known Member
When I first started my hair care journey I tested my porosity level and the front part of my hair was normal porosity and the crown was low porosity.... I always that felt like products sat on top of my hair.... But, since I've taken care of my hair much better it seems like that isn't happening anymore and my hair is definitely not protein sensitive.... I did the test again and now it seems that my whole head is normal porosity...
I didn't think that was possible.....
I have lately notice a porosity change in my hair. For last couple of months, I have been washing and conditioning weekly plus for that last two months, I haven't been using heat. My hair went from mostly low porosity to mostly normal with some areas high porosity. This past weekend, I added 3 cap fulls of ACV to my deep conditioner to help close my cuticles which helped greatly. The weekly washing is helping my scalp tremendously but I don't necessarily want my porosity to change as I only know techniques to deal with low porosity hair.
Absolutely. When I first began my HHJ, my hair was highly porous. It was dry, fragile and brittle, and absorbed water and hair products like crazy. It also took very little time to fully dry after washing and I had to give it frequent protein treatments. Over time, I noticed that these traits changed after the incorporation of regular practices. Now, my porosity is normal.
Absolutely. My ends went from high to normal and my roots went from low to normal. I treat my strands differently based on texture and porosity.

My ends are spoiled though ;)
Maybe. When I first started my hair journey I was low porosity. Now I'm normal porosity. I just figured I thought I was low but was really just normal
I was mostly high to normal almost throughout my entire journey back to natural. Now my hair is normal to low over majority of my head now.
But how? I am not doubting that it's possible but how did you all go to normal?

When I first came to LHCF I was double/triple processed and had extremely porous hair.

I researched the heck out of high porosity started using Porosity Correcting products as well as ACV Rinse (Pre-Mix) as a Final Rinse to correct porosity, to flatten/close the cuticle etc.....

When I went into a Salon several years later, They had a file on my hair health and said my hair was Normal.

Now, I will occasionally do an ACV Rinse, as a final R/O but not as frequently as I was doing them when I had high porosity.