POSITIVE relationships in 2008!


Well-Known Member
I scroll down the front page of this forum, and all but TWO threads have negative titles.

I just wanted to say that I wish you all positive relationships in 2008.
I hope to come in this forum and read about love manifesting itself in your lives:)
I hope the same for myself too:)
I wish you the same and also for the rest of the ladies on this board :yep:
The thread Calling In the One is the best and most positive thread.
It was actually life changing for me :D
Here's for a 2008 full of Love :heart:
Wonderful thread! I too wish everyone the best, most positive relationships in 2008! And I hope to also make positive choices myself.
did you say "positive" relationships? i didnt know those still existed :lachen:

:grin:wishing everyone a happy new year and only the most positively positive relations in 2008:grin:
My current relationship has had a bumpy 07 and so far 08 is looking spectacular. So positive it is for us ladies in 2008