Positive and negative reactions to growing hair long?


Well-Known Member
How have people reacted to you growing your hair long?
I have found some of my cousins have been positive and have asked me questions. While others have been negative and continued to just destroy their hair. I also have the friends who are positive , but think they could never grow their hair long.

You'll always get mixed reactions in any positive aspect of your life. You could lose weight, some will be happy for you and some will offer you a cheeseburger.

Just do you and don't sweat the negative reactions. ;)
my friends and hair stylists are positive and feed into my PJism but my mother thinks that it's a waste of time and I'm being vain. I don't sweat the negative:cool:
Well, I just joined this board and I have been so excited about the
information that I have found that I cant keep my mouth closed.
I have been telling everyone that will listen about LHCF.
Just the other day I had my friend check out the website
Do you all know what she said? She said that the only woman on this
site that are growing long hair are obviously mixed and a lil ole black girl
like myself was not going to grow long hair ...... and that I should
get a clue :(
Everybody except for a few have had positive comments. One girl said I showed get a jerhi curl ( Thats an insult to me b/c I do not want to look like shownuff). Other things i'm crazy to worry about my hair so much.
vaqtea said:
Well, I just joined this board and I have been so excited about the
information that I have found that I cant keep my mouth closed.
I have been telling everyone that will listen about LHCF.
Just the other day I had my friend check out the website
Do you all know what she said? She said that the only woman on this
site that are growing long hair are obviously mixed and a lil ole black girl
like myself was not going to grow long hair ...... and that I should
get a clue :(

Stick around vaqtea and you'll see that we come in all shades and hair types. With the help of hair boards I've grown my hair from mid neck length.
Positive... at first everyone thought I was insane and that LHCF was really a front for a cult but now my friends and family ask me questions about my hair and I am more than open to sharing tips and passing along what I've learned.
Your hair looks good!
Your hair is growing fast!
I can't believe how long it is!
Your has gotten so thick!

You hair is nappy!
You need a relaxer!
It's gonna fall out!
LHCF is gonna make you lose all your hair!
my sister told me today that she is putting me on strike i can not talk about hair to her for two weeks because i took a braid out and put some curly pudding on it and showed it to her (I am falling in love with my natural texture )
My family thinks that I'm becoming obsessed, but I can't HELP it! When my hair started growing back, I was hyped! But, they see how happy it's making me after so much of it fell out.
As far as the naysayers...there really aren't any.
*Plus, with my hair in braids, my friends shut up about me not "doing" anything with my 'do! :lol:
Most of the reactions I have had have been positive. The funniest was from a friend of mine who I have known for years but recently caught back up with. She kept seeing me wear my hair in buns and finally asked "How long IS your hair?" When she finally saw it down, it was hilarious. I got into her car, and her mouth was agape. I was like, "What's wrong with you?" She yells, "THAT's TOO MUCH HAIR!" he he

Her reaction just tickled me.
I've only been on here for four weeks, and my sister so far has been the negative person about it. It's funny that she should be like that because just two years ago, her hair was bra-strap and because she seriously did not care for it, it's not 1/2" past her shoulders... You'd think she'd support me through this and try to do it too, but she isn't. She wants her hair to be long again, but since she never paid it too much attention in the first place, she doesn't now. And she thinks that the girls on here are all mixed and stuff, but I've showed her pages of women who weren't. People consider me and her mixed so I dont know what she's talking about. She got a perm the other day, and I noticed that her growth rate slowed down by 50%. She had stretched for two months and only had 1/2" which is what I get in a month. But she does not try to be healthy, to take vitamins, to exercise, NOTHING! She's a year older than me and I"m TRYING to get her motivated but she's just like whatever. She says she'll start taking care of herself when she gets older, and then it might be too late. I try to get her to follow part of my regimen or make her own but she's not really into it. I dont get it.
The positive ppl are a couple of friends that I got into this. They dont come on the website, but they ask me for tips and stuff. So it's all good. I just wanna get my sister to follow me too!
When it comes to hair I strongly believe that you are the only one who will take care of your hair best. I get mixed opinions about my hair. My friends think that it is an obsession, because of the products and vitamins. My family thinks it is great because they want me to grow my hair back long think and strong just like it was when I was a kid. I have co workers who are very interested in growing their hair now. I will say to the haters and negative non supporters when the time comes ha ha now who laughing.