Porous Natural Hair


New Member
I've noticed that one of the things that naturals with long hair (brastrap and beyond) have in common is that their hair takes long to dry, retaining moisture very well - sometimes up to 3 days :eek:
Anywayz, I want this! my hair dries very quickly - within the hour.
I tried Porosity Control once and ended up with rashes on my neck w/ no significant diff. :ohwell:
I am currently using ACV rinses once a month after washing, then following with a conditioner. No dramatic change so far but I'm willing to stick w/ it for now.
Does anyone have a solution for extremely porous natural hair? I would greatly appreciate it. TIA

ETA: Completely forgot to mention that I wear synthetic braids nonstop - probably since I was 12. So whatever haircare I do, is done to my hair in the braids. Also I am very heavy handed with products to make sure my real hair is getting completely saturated. When I take a braid out to check hair's condition - it is moisturized. Just that I would mention this in case it affected anything.
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I'm confused, cuz I always thought that having very porous hair is a bad thing. Can someone explain? :confused:

alexei said:
I've noticed that one of the things that naturals with long hair (brastrap and beyond) have in common is that their hair takes long to dry, retaining moisture very well - sometimes up to 3 days :eek:
Anywayz, I want this! my hair dries very quickly - within the hour.
I tried Porosity Control once and ended up with rashes on my neck w/ no significant diff. :ohwell:
I am currently using ACV rinses once a month after washing, then following with a conditioner. No dramatic change so far but I'm willing to stick w/ it for now.
Does anyone have a solution for extremely porous natural hair? I would greatly appreciate it. TIA
Maybe leaving conditioner in would help. Conditioners like Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner contain humectants that attract water to the hair.
I'm still confused about the porosity concept...

...but to combat dryness, S-Curl No Drip Activator Moisturizer is the stuff!!! :up:
Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into it. I am currently using Activator Gel about every 2-3 days, and a leave-in-conditioner (911 emergency-extra dry hair formula, or Aura elixer leave in conditioner)
My hair stays very moisturized on the daily. it's just that when I wash or wet it fully, it dries out quick, doesn't stay wet for anytime, and feels rough) Its only after I use Activator Gel that it feels decent and moisturized.

P.S - would Suave Humectant work as a leave-in to combat porosity?
From what I understand porous hair does not hold moisture.
Think of an old sponge - when you wet it, instead of puffing up with water, the water runs right through it. If you were to try and squeeze that old sponge after wetting it, not much would come out b/c it can't hold anything.
Hope that Helps! :)

Poohbear said:
I'm still confused about the porosity concept...

...but to combat dryness, S-Curl No Drip Activator Moisturizer is the stuff!!! :up:
alexei said:
Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into it. I am currently using Activator Gel about every 2-3 days, and a leave-in-conditioner (911 emergency-extra dry hair formula, or Aura elixer leave in conditioner)
My hair stays very moisturized on the daily. it's just that when I wash or wet it fully, it dries out quick, doesn't stay wet for anytime, and feels rough) Its only after I use Activator Gel that it feels decent and moisturized.

P.S - would Suave Humectant work as a leave-in to combat porosity?

I have heard of people using Suave Humectant and Suave Coconut as a leave in. I like Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner.
If you haven't tried no pooing or low pooing, consider doing this with a good moisturizing conditioner (Suave Humectant, Elucence Moisture Balancing Conditioner, even the V05 Milk Moisture conditioners). In addition, try a good leave-in conditioner, like Aveda Elixir or Abba Nourishing. Also, a quality deep conditioner helps, maybe Aveda Cherry Almond Bark, Kenra Intensive Emollient Treatment or a dominican conditioner.
poohbear, do u use the s curl in the grey and clue bottle or white and blue?

for the original question, dryness is a constant battle for me because i have naturally very coarse hair. i use s curl and it seems to be the only thing that helps. but i have to keep reapplying it.
Thick hair products with oils and water (no petrolatum or beeswax) are great for my hair. I put leave-in-conditioner in my hair every day.
My hair dries quickly too, if I don't put any products in it. Maybe in 1 hour.