Porous Hair


New Member
I've been doin' some reading and think I may be suffering from overly porous hair.

My hair is do dry, so brittle, has no shine, can't hold moisture for nothing. It's probly due to over-processed hair cuz i used to get relaxers every 4 weeks on point so ........ i am just starting to stretch and i read ACV rinses will help.
( i will try the ACV rinses starting after my next touch up )

I have to moisturize my hair constantly ( several times a day ) cuz it seems to get dry again just after a while goes by. Is it ok to constantly moisturize since my hair is so porous.


Am i just stuck w/ porous hair that will never go away or is it just the over-processed hair that needs to be eventually cut off?
The acv rinses will help so gradually, you won't be having to moisturize all the time.

If the poroisty issue if from damaged hair, then as you grow it out and get trims, it will get better. Some people naturally have more porous hair than some(like me) so constantly watching your porosity is a must. I do acv rinses all the time now to help control it.
man this site is ADDICTING ... :grin:

how often should they be done and how do u do yours

where can I get ACV from?

I do mine once a week. I mix 2-3 tablespoons of acv with a whole pitcher of water. I pour it on my hair after I shampoo and let it sit for a minute. Then I rinse well with water.

I bought mine from a health food store.
i just did a search online .. is this it? Price is $3.22 ...
do you use it instead of condish or just before a deep condish?

i just did a search online .. is this it? Price is $3.22 ...
do you use it instead of condish or just before a deep condish?


Yep thats it. Braggs makes a really good one that you can find at any health food store. Don't use it without conditioner. Some use it before they deep condition, some afterwards, I use mine before.