Porosity Control


New Member
I was in the BBS yesterday trying not to feed into my inner PJ...When I saw that there are several brands of Porosity Control.

My BBS only sells the Revlon(uses different ingredients than Roux) in the single serve packet but I was familiar with Roux because of this forum. While I browsed the Cream of Nature aisle I noticed that they have one as well. The ingredients are the same and in the same order as Roux. The only difference was the CON was about 3 dollars cheaper for the big bottle. I think there was another brand as well but I can't remember what it was.

Here it seems like ROUX is the Holy Grail when it comes to PC. Anyone trying a different brand? I suggest the CON of your store has it for less since they appear to have the same formula.
Roux has been around along time and is tried and true. When I was in school we were taught to use Roux PC and Mendex and that was well lets say about 17 years ago. Lets say it is a Vet.....

Thanks so much for the info on the other brands but I am definitely sticking to Roux. :)
I have only tried the Roux PC and love it. I don't really switch products that work for me, but I may look into the CON version when I run out. If my hair responds just the same, I may keep using it. Thanks OP.
I Think LaidBak may use or has used the Cream of Nature Version? *not sure* But I think she may.:yep:

I use Roux, Nexxus Ensure and FSP. For my acidifying conditioning treatments.
I've used FSP as well and love it. I may just go back to that. It is really cheap and you get a big bottle.
what is FSP??

It stands for French Stabilizer Plus. I comes in a big white and green bottle. You can get it most any BSS. It is very inexpensive compared to PC. I used it in the past after a dc to close the cuticle, and after my touch ups.
Never tried FSP because I've never seen it where I live. Luv me some Roux though. I'm falling in love with all their products.