Pop, Pop, Pop Goes My Ends (Help!)


New Member
The last time I used heat was in June 2006, 3 times in 1 wk ( a curling iron)

But it seems my ends haven't recovered. I have no split ends per se, but my ends are breaking at a weak point and popping off ( about 1inch in length):mad:

Currently my I wash/condition every week and rollerset my hair and go under the dryer.

I don't come hair until detangling next week at wash time

Nightly moisture:ohwell:

But still it goes, pop, pop, pop

Please help me remedy this. Its like my hair is self trimming:(
Should i just trim
Baggy from now to eternity? ( what to cover my baggy with when I am out? where do you find fake buns?)
Try profective healthy ends and seal with an oil. The most important things is to keep your ends moisturized and protected. Your a little past your shoulders so thats still a delicate stage for your ends. Also if your ends are split I dont see why you would have to trim. Aso try a mild protein like ors mayo or motions cpr. I dont baggy but i do baby my ends and they are always in a bun and they have gotten alot healthier. Try baggying just at night.

Also maybe your waiting too long to detangle your hair. I know my hair couldnt take a week it would cause alot of breakage and loss of hair. I dont use fake buns cause i cant find one bigh enough but i use the hair scrunchis or a phony pony but again i just put myhair in a bun I dont baggy. HTH
Protective healthy ends... I will give it a try. When baggying at night, how do you where your hair the next day?

I usually pin curl my hair after roller sets for night time.

Thanks for your quick response
I went through a period where my strands were snapping and popping all over the place and it was because I had over moisturized. I had gotten a little crazy with hot oil treatments and deep conditioning. Even though I was using a light protein treatment on occasion (Keraphix) it wasn't enough, I need to lay off the hard core moisture treatments until my moisture/protein balance was restored. I think Sistaslick's anchored post mentions snapping and popping ends as a symptom of over moisturizing and has some helpful solutions for it. HTH.
hmm, i sometimes have this issue called "trichorhexxis nodosa"( a node with protein loss ans cuticle degredation where the hair can just break off) but i never truly attribute it to heat usage but more to protein loss from chemicals or hair age, although it is entirely possible that you caused "bubble hair" particularly if your iron was overheated,, if there was any moisture in your hair and u heat it up with an iron it can cause a tiny bubble in the hair shaft and the hair will break right at this point,, hope not,, in the meantime,, be very very gentle on those ends and moisturize and keep away from the heat,, im sorry to say that it may not be possible to keep these ends from breaking if they are too weakened:(
Thank you so much for posting... I never heard of that before, but that is probably what happened. I will be very gentle with the ends...
ritzbitz78 said:
Thank you so much for posting... I never heard of that before, but that is probably what happened. I will be very gentle with the ends...

I realize myself that I am still having this problem,, if i examine my ends closely enough i find that i can always find a few little bendable areas that i can just rip off!:eek::eek:, I hate them!! is that what you're having?, i wish i could find the remedy but i just cant, maybe i overuse heat, i dunno:perplexed
I've had this problem for the past few months whenever I combed my hair. I thought the problem was not enough moisture so I changed conditioner, oiled, and moisturized, moisturized, moisturized. Even with all this, I still had the same problem. Then I read this thread http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=106319&highlight=silk+protein
where JetCityGirl's hairdresser recommended a protein conditioner for shedding. And this thread by Well Coiffed http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=106666&highlight=silk+protein where she says that Aphogee mixed with cholesterol conditioner stopped her breakage.
Well, I gave myself a Aphogee treatment two days ago and VOILA! it stopped the breakage. No more little peices in the sink and way less shedding, even though I flat ironed my hair. I just followed the directions on the bottle, and I plan and giving myself weekly treatments using Well Coiffed directions once a week. I thought because I was natural I didn't need protein treatments, but I was wrong.
Great idea: Get some Nexxus Botanic Oil http://img291.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nexxusbotanicoiwk1.jpg
When you wet set your hair add Botanic Oil to each section, combing with a small toothed comb to smooth. Roll the hair, then dry with a hooded dryer. The Botanic Oil with the heat really softens and smooths the cuticle because of the roller. You don't need to comb out unless you want to but on the roll-out, use a wide toothed comb. You get a beautiful, well-conditioned set and by the second or third time doing this, the hair has a chance to recover. Before long you'll notice a good amount of growth.
I was having this same problem 2 weeks ago. currently i'm reading shamboosie's book and he was talking about the nexus product line so i tried it. i used the emergencee protein treament and followed with humectress. my hair was still popping off at the ends a little (but not nearly as much) and i think that it was because of the high protein content in the emergencee. the next week i just deep conditioned with the nexus humectress and now the breakage completely stopped. shamboosie said that you should use the humectress weekly for 4 weeks to notice a big difference but i noticed the difference after the second week. the breakage completely stopped! i think you sould read the sticky thread about having a balance when it comes to moisture and protein when it comes to our hair. if the balance if off you will definitely have breakage.
Thanks Godsflowerr!

I will try and get that balance right. I have read that thread. And I know its a moisture thing I need to increase. When my hair is wet, my ends don't pop off at all. My hair seems stronger wet. Its when it is dry (as in not wet anymore) the popping occurs.
I used to have this problem but I have been using Mane and tail condish and protein spray reconstructor for moisturizers and it seems as though my hair needed protein to make it stronger because it stopped that breakage. I still get a little breakage if I handle my hair roughly but nothing nearly as bad as before.
ritzbitz78 said:
my ends are breaking at a weak point and popping off ( about 1inch in length)...Nightly moisture:ohwell:...But still it goes, pop, pop, pop

I think we're in the same boat! The other thread mentioned using a silk protein conditioner. Does anyone have any suggestions?? TIA
I had this problem back when I first joined LHCF. If your ends are snapping off (you'll notice that the hair can bend at a 45 degree angle at the damaged spot...healthy hair does NOT do this), it means you have a hole or damage in the shaft. (I would brush my hair and have all this little pieces all over my desk and shirt. It looked like my hair was self-trimming.) The ONLY solution I found that worked was cutting above the weak spot. If the hair snaps, what it will leave is a split that may get worse. Just like there is no fixing split ends (only prevention) there is no fixing these damaged spots. The protien treatments are very effective, but only for prevention.

A good trim should help, and baby those ends like crazy. (I still get these every once in a while, and I snip well above them.)
nefertitiblack said:
I've had this problem for the past few months whenever I combed my hair. I thought the problem was not enough moisture so I changed conditioner, oiled, and moisturized, moisturized, moisturized. Even with all this, I still had the same problem. Then I read this thread http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=106319&highlight=silk+protein
where JetCityGirl's hairdresser recommended a protein conditioner for shedding. And this thread by Well Coiffed http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=106666&highlight=silk+protein where she says that Aphogee mixed with cholesterol conditioner stopped her breakage.
Well, I gave myself a Aphogee treatment two days ago and VOILA! it stopped the breakage. No more little peices in the sink and way less shedding, even though I flat ironed my hair. I just followed the directions on the bottle, and I plan and giving myself weekly treatments using Well Coiffed directions once a week. I thought because I was natural I didn't need protein treatments, but I was wrong.

Thanks for this thread. Since I am too lazy to henna right now, I bought aphogee green tea reconstructor. My ends have stopped popping off and my hair is not hard at all. It has the silk protein as one of the ingredients. I will be making use of this product more often.