Poookie's Patented Pincurl tutorial!

I have always been pincurl challenged! You made it look pretty easy. Although, I am sure it will take me a few tries. Thank you for the tutorial.

Thank you for this! I've been trying to figure out what I'm gonna do with my hair when I go to the hospital to have this baby! I was gonna flatiron it, but I'm in bootcamp and didn't wanna break the rules

How do you sleep without the curls messing up? Do you just put on a bonnet at night and forget about it?

Thank you for this! I've been trying to figure out what I'm gonna do with my hair when I go to the hospital to have this baby! I was gonna flatiron it, but I'm in bootcamp and didn't wanna break the rules

How do you sleep without the curls messing up? Do you just put on a bonnet at night and forget about it?

yup, i just toss a bonnet on, and sleep. and i sleep really crazy, so sometimes the curls come out flattened, or bumpy... so for me, this style usually only lasts about 2 or 3 days... which is okay, cuz i'm washing my hair every other day :D

however, the way i wear this style, i pin my hair up and off of the sides of my face, so i'm able to sleep without too much damage to my style.
This is great!! I wanted a curly look - without having to sleep on my hands because the rollers were diggin into my head :grin:

Thank you
Oohhh...great tutorial!!! I tried pincurling once and it was a hot mess!:nono: I think using the rollers will help me drastically. I am definitely trying this TONIGHT!!!:grin:
Very nice! I'd love to try that since I don't ever plan on roller setting.

So do you just style with your fingers and NOT comb them?
Wow me likey!

I'm gonna try this since I seem to NOT have the ability to roll my hair with rollers. Hmmm I'll look again since I'm washing my hair tonight
Very nice! I'd love to try that since I don't ever plan on roller setting.

So do you just style with your fingers and NOT comb them?

yup! no comb necessary :) if you want to fluff out the curls, just shake your head around a bit. works for me!
Thank you a million times over! I've tried to pin curl a thousand times and couldn't figure it out! Now I have an idea on how to do this.:2cool:
I know this is off subject but I stare at your siggy for like a min everytime I see it :lick:

Sorry OP I don't mean to hijack this thread but Lucky8502 I'm going to need you to share your regimen A.S.A.P.! It looks as if you grew your hair from a TWA to almost APL in a year if I'm not mistaken :spinning:. Please do share or send me a PM!!

Now back on subject...thanks for that tutorial. I'm going to give it a try. I wash my hair everyday, but I've seen this half-cornrow / half-pin curl style I'd love to try ... I just haven't got the pin-curl part down yet!
Thank you for your tutorial Poookie. :)

I pincurl all of the time, but after I've first airdried in a rollerset. My avatar in in the comments I made is a pincurl set.

I really like the way you made the pincurls! Although I can make pincurls the old-fashioned way, I am definitely going to do some with a roller (and I have several sizes to choose from) to experience the difference, if any. I haven't done this on damp hair yet though. I'll have to experiment with that on a weekend or something. :yep:

I just washed my hair tonight and tried this....

I dunno where you've been hiding but DON'T YOU EVER TAKE SO LONG TO SHOW UP AGAIN! Omg loves it! I finally figured out what to do with my hair. Drying is now no longer a problem!!!!!!!:bouncy:
I made some very pretty pincurls since I visited this thread today. :yep: I used a grey magnetic roller and made 6 perfectly round pincurls, sliding the roller out and pinning with a Good Hair Days pin. This is on dry hair and the curls are larger than what I usually do by hand. It turned out a whole lot better than my pincurls-- the curls are more uniform. :) Thank you again for this great tip and your tutorial! :up:
WOW, so much feedback! i'm glad this worked for you guys!

i tried pincurls using the finger method, and by the 4th time i had to wear out my triangular and rectangular shaped "curls", i thought... why not use a roller?

clearly i can't claim to be the first human being who tried pincurling with a roller, but i thought i'd take the time to throw together a picture-filled tutorial to help whoever i could... heck, this board has helped me so much, i'm glad to hand out help where i can :drunk:

Isis, i saw how yours turned out; it looks really pretty! (i mean, it's pretty regardless, but you know what i mean)! i'm really glad to see that this works on longer hair, too!

I just washed my hair tonight and tried this....


I dunno where you've been hiding but DON'T YOU EVER TAKE SO LONG TO SHOW UP AGAIN! Omg loves it! I finally figured out what to do with my hair. Drying is now no longer a problem!!!!!!!:bouncy:

LOL, girl you had me scared that it didn't turn out okay, and you were about to yell at me or something!

i'm so glad you solved your drying problem!

:ahem:... ok now everyone... don't be afraid to put up pictures of how YOUR curls turned out!

i'm texlaxed (to the point where my waves are gone, and there's a whole bunch of puff), so my results will be different than someone who's 100% relaxed... i'd love to see how this looks on different heads of hair!

WOW, so much feedback! i'm glad this worked for you guys!

i tried pincurls using the finger method, and by the 4th time i had to wear out my triangular and rectangular shaped "curls", i thought... why not use a roller?

clearly i can't claim to be the first human being who tried pincurling with a roller, but i thought i'd take the time to throw together a picture-filled tutorial to help whoever i could... heck, this board has helped me so much, i'm glad to hand out help where i can :drunk:

Isis, i saw how yours turned out; it looks really pretty! (i mean, it's pretty regardless, but you know what i mean)! i'm really glad to see that this works on longer hair, too!
Thank you Poookie! I do think pincurls work on all lengths. :yep:

I did this again overnight with purple rollers and I love my bouncy curls! :gorgeous:
Thank you Poookie. I promise I was looking for a way to pincurl my hair because I'm tired of wearing a bun 24/7. Anyways, could anyone with APL or BS length hair provide links to their pics of their hair pin curled. Pleassssseeeee:grin:


IMO, this thread would make a great sticky. :yep: There are many ladies here who are pincurl challenged!