awww dang no 5 doll'as?....it's ok Pookey your rich in love and postitivty and personality....
your still a star!!

i dont see no dang links on the site though
Ok...I can feel my hair growing out another inch! Or is my head getting bigger...lets pray not!

Ya'll are too much. Thank you...each and everyone. I will sleep with a smile on my face tonight!
When the man from Surge left his phone number in your Comments section a few months ago,I knew then,it would only be a matter of time until your name and wonderful story would be in, "lights"!
Congratulations Pookeylou, you're very deserving!
You all done made my DAY!!! Ok...ya'll be careful. If you feel like you are choking in your sleep tonight...wake up carefully. It may be that your hair has slowly grown another foot and is curling itself around your head!

That's what happens when you share in anothers joy. You get joy in return. And a byproduct of that...is good hair!

I will say a hair prayer tonight:

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the hair I've grown to keep
If I gain an inch before I wake
I pray for two more, for goodness sake.

I must be sleepy...I am getting giddier by the minute. Sleep well ladies...dream of Repunzel!
Congratulations, pookeylou! That's really making me want to try Surge again for my still-thin crown. That second picture testimonial was amazing too.
Thanks for sharing. My mother has been trying to grow out her hair that was severely damaged by a strong relaxer. I'm going to buy some surge for her.

Can it be purchased in stores, or only online?
webby said:
Thanks for sharing. My mother has been trying to grow out her hair that was severely damaged by a strong relaxer. I'm going to buy some surge for her.

Can it be purchased in stores, or only online?

[/ QUOTE ]

I think it depends. Definitely try your local beauty supply store or drugstores first. If you cannot find it there, then try online.

<font color="blue">Thanks again ya'll for the acknowledgement. I was hoping that my 15 minutes of fame would come due to being hit in my car by Denzel Washington and my boy on CSI, who then out of severe guilt gave me $10 million for being so kind and understanding over the accident...but I guess I will have to take this instead.
Pookey, you're a nutter!
But you're still my claim to fame. Woo hoo! I know a star! You go witcha bad self!
pookeylou said:
I'll be signing autographs at WalMart! Just look for me next to the conditioner!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, pookeylou is a star!
I knew her when...
Ya'll are too much!!! Thanks again for sharing in my joy.

Since I will NEVER give an Oscar speach...I guess I will have to give my Surge Award Acceptance speach now....


This is so overwhelming. I have so many people to thank...please forgive me if I forget your names.

I first must give all thanks and praise to You-Know-Who...without Him..I would have no hair.

Secondly I must thank the lovely members of LHCF.com from where I first heard about Surge. Not sure who started the first post about it...but I thank you for coming into my life and helping me find a solution to getting my hairline back!

I would like to thank the Surge staff and Steve Goetz for sending me free Surge product. I almost feel like they are my "pusha's" and I am a crack addict!
I have slowly weaned myself off of the Surge spray...but the Woojee cream done did a Mojo on me! Can't do without it. I appreciate you creating something that lives up to its promises and cost so little. Now if I grow another eye...then we will have to talk!

A special thanks to all that enjoy Surge and all that dont. I appreciate more than anything the honest reviews of the product. I would not have heard about it if someone had not mentioned it...and I would not have researched the ingredients if someone had not posted their dislike of the product. So even if it did not work for you...you helped me. You helped me make an honest appraisel of a product and to use it with a clear understanding of what it does and even gave me warning signs to look for should it cause me a problem. Fortunately the product worked and no ill effects.

I have to say again I have given Surge way too much credit. It works, its great. But my growth was due to great people and great thoughts. It was due to stopping damaging behaviors and starting good ones.

I thank you one and all! I love having an obsession and people who are equally obsessed to share it with!

pookeylou said:
Now if I grow another eye...then we will have to talk!

[/ QUOTE ]


Congrats to you pookylou!
All right now...

I am sitting here TRYING my best to work..(yeah right) and I keep feeling like the ceiling is leaking because I keep feeling drops of water...but only on my ears!

I just figured out why...

I am smiling so BIG...my ears are getting wet! :-)

Thank ya'll again. Thank you.