I saw this just today and said to myself I've seen that face before! I'm happy for you.
Awwwwwwwwww Dang! You dont realize how big your head is until you see it on a screen! Thanks for the shout out ya'll.

Not using the surge spray every day...but still using the Woojee cream like it's going out of style.

It's been crazy lately so I havent had a chance to update my album, but I plan to do it soon. Hair is still growing like a weed.

Keep on growing ya'll...happy thoughts give you a 1/2 inch PER MONTH!!!!! EVEN WITHOUT THE SURGE!!
Irresistible said:
for some reason i cant see where to click for testimonials. but congrats pookeylou, can i borrow 5 dolla's?

[/ QUOTE ]

me neither I just get their mission statement but I dont have anyother lins to click on
Irresistible said:
for some reason i cant see where to click for testimonials. but congrats pookeylou, can i borrow 5 dolla's?

[/ QUOTE ]

Gurrrrrrrrrrrlllll I WISH they gave me something other than Surge so I could have $5 to GIVE!!!!

It was truly a "free" testimonial...therefore like someone advised me earlier about this, more believable. They have requested me to try out new products as they come out...so ya'll will be the first to know when something new comes down the line!!!
@ayeshia are you clicking on the link up in the header of this page?

Once you click on that then click on "testimonials" link next to the "faq" tab.

Or does the page continue to say "this page is missing the link or is being worked on at this time"?
pookeylou said:
@ayeshia are you clicking on the link up in the header of this page?

Once you click on that then click on "testimonials" link next to the "faq" tab.

Or does the page continue to say "this page is missing the link or is being worked on at this time"?

[/ QUOTE ]

the page doesnt have any links...I think it is my pc....
Thanks ya'll...I honestly think we gave Surge to much credit. It's a great product. Don't get me wrong. <font color="red">But I believe that positive thoughts do more for my hair than any spray. I have to give thanks to all you positive "points of light" that have been nothing but encouraging and have celebrated with me. If I get an inch of hair due to the kindness you've shown...I pray you get double in return. </font>
Happy Growing.