
Sui Topi

New Member
So I'm growing my hair out from a BC, and I cannot wait until I can squeeze all my hair into a scrunchie. While I was relaxed, I was the queen of the casually messy pony tail with shaggy bangs, and I miss it! I want the kinky version! When I'm in the shower and its dripping wet, I can get the bottom 3/4s of my head into one pony, but the top just springs out all over the place. I'm at about 5 inches.

My question is, how long does your hair have to be root to tip to fit into a nice size ponytail? I'm assuming I'm going to have to wait until I'm SL, but still, just for conversations sake, how long how long HOW LONG?!
6 inches will give you a cutesy puff, try cornrowing or flat twisting the front into the puff or pony, those thin headbands give the illusion of a large pony HTH.
so to do a puff, just put a headband on your wng'ed hair? When I try that it just looks struggling to me lol, not like a bootleg ponytail? bumping for more replies