Why is it that a man would tell you, that you have the Best ***** he every had but still finds the time to cheat on you. Please help me to understand. comments are really needed.

Because sometimes the only thing better than good ponannie is new ponannie. :rolleyes:
A man will tell every woman that, and the sad thing is most woman will believe that there stuff is soooooooooo good that man wont leave them. Like someone else said p*$$y don't keep no man.

I hope you are OK.

I'm shocked that it's "most" women because "most" women should know by now.

The only one's who have an excuse are the inexperienced ones who have not been burned yet and havent been warned.

Most women should know that a man will say that ish to damn near every woman he's slept with especially if he wants the door open to come back for more whenever he feels like it.... men are typically not bridge burners in this case.
Why is it that a man would tell you, that you have the Best ***** he every had but still finds the time to cheat on you. Please help me to understand. comments are really needed.

Because "best" is relative. I thought Sizzler was the best steak money could buy until I went to Benihana. I thought Benihana was the best steak money could buy until I went to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. I thought Ruth's Chris Steakhouse was the best steak money could buy until I went to Arnie Mortons. And now I don't eat steak.

And honestly, some dude who tells you that you were the best "lovin" he's ever had, between 5-25 minutes after ummm, "experiencing that high" is full of it. He just came - he can't even think straight, let alone think about the words coming out of his mouth.

I'm gonna flip it - here's my question: why did you think being the best "lovin" he's ever had was enough to keep him around?!
Sweety are you going through something right now? He's playing mind games.

I dunno - maybe I'm a bit harsh on this one, but he's playing games AND SHES EATING THEM RIGHT UP.

Good sex ain't enough to keep a man around. If that was the case, Superhead wouldn't be writing tell all books to try and make some damn money. And every porn star in America would be married to the highest bidders.

Sex is important to men but isn't THE most important thing. Because after the sex is over...

..NOW what'cha gonna do?
On the flip side Ive heard men say that "the sex was soo good they had to leave the girl alone" because she would mess with their mind:rolleyes:...WTH

I remember some guy saying that to me. Like i was supposed to be all enthused and grateful.

Men will say anything. Including and not limited up to " I love you" most of the time they are lying.

Ive always believed all coochie is good coochie if they priveledged enought to be up in some
Why is it that a man would tell you, that you have the Best ***** he every had but still finds the time to cheat on you. Please help me to understand. comments are really needed.

I will give you TWO quotes, I've been told, SOME men believe....

"The only thing betta than good p***y is NEW p***y"


"Show me a man with a beautiful wife, and I'll show you a man who is tired of plucking her"

....aren't those HORRIBLE? I know! So CRASS! I have heard actual men say those horrible things. They can be soooo carnal. Oft times, it has absolutely nothing to do with his love for you and more to do with how he feels about himself. Pathetically GREEDY!
Because that's only number one or two on a LOOOOOONG list of things he wants in a woman. In other words, good sex doesn't keep a man.
True dat.:yep: And let a man tell it, "Ain't no p***y like new p***y.":ohwell:

Dude ain't worth havin'. Morals should come before sex.
If he tells you that you're the best punani he's ever had, then that's probably all he's interested in and he's very likely to cheat. If he tells you that you're the most wonderful girl he's ever had, he's saying it about YOU - not just the sex. Interpret a man's words very carefully.
a lot of times cheating isn't about the physical act. it's about how the other woman makes him feel. something he feels that she's providing that you AND he may not know that he needs.
Because he needs to be sure he's encountered the very best. How else could he be certain unless he did comparative research?

Encountering the best of anything has never stopped anyone from looking further. Unfortunately :nono:

For some men, it's the thrill of the hunt, for others it's the cultural conditioning that it's their right as men to sample all of the world's seafood, for other it's because they are just jerks who have no understanding of loyalty and honesty.