Poll - Spiritual Confessions

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
This is a spinoff of the confessions thread in the OT forum. Now i'm not trying to get in anybody's business. Hardly! But I thought it might be nice to have a place where we can confess certain things as they relate to our Christian walk and provide support and encouragement for one another. (As it says in James 5:16 - "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.")

So, here goes:

- I have not been taking the time to read my Bible or pray. Usually I mumble a few words to the Lord before falling asleep but overall I have not been spending time with Him or in His word. I believe this is why I have been "slipping" and being more "of" the world than just being "in" it, as we are supposed to.

- Related to the above, I don't feel that I'm living up to my spiritual potential. I really believe in my hear that the Lord has great things for me to do, but because I haven't been spending time with Him I am missing out on all that He desires for me.
This is a spinoff of the confessions thread in the OT forum. Now i'm not trying to get in anybody's business. Hardly! But I thought it might be nice to have a place where we can confess certain things as they relate to our Christian walk and provide support and encouragement for one another. (As it says in James 5:16 - "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.")

So, here goes:

- I have not been taking the time to read my Bible or pray. Usually I mumble a few words to the Lord before falling asleep but overall I have not been spending time with Him or in His word. I believe this is why I have been "slipping" and being more "of" the world than just being "in" it, as we are supposed to.

- Related to the above, I don't feel that I'm living up to my spiritual potential. I really believe in my hear that the Lord has great things for me to do, but because I haven't been spending time with Him I am missing out on all that He desires for me.

Same here. I told some friends that this summer I would try to really get in my Word and study (in order to make myself accountable) and its almost August and I haven't really picked up a Bible. I read Christian books and scriptures on and off throughout the week but I haven't been studying the Word itself. I read the inspirational books where there are key scriptures but I think thats sort of lazy on my part.... I dunno. When I get home from my internship Im so tired...but I'm always on here. So I guess I need to re evaluate my priorities...
I'm scared to fall back fully in love with the Lord again.... I LOVE the Lord, but due to disappointment over the years, I'm scared to let my guard down to the Lord and the things of the Lord. In recent months, I've gotten closer than where I was...but I'm still reluctant to fully open my heart back to Him again....

...and I have prayed so long for marriage and companionship...and I have been disappointed that this promise has still yet to manifest... and then the disappointment draws me away from Him...

...it's a vicious cycle....
I'm scared to fall back fully in love with the Lord again.... I LOVE the Lord, but due to disappointment over the years, I'm scared to let my guard down to the Lord and the things of the Lord. In recent months, I've gotten closer than where I was...but I'm still reluctant to fully open my heart back to Him again....

...and I have prayed so long for marriage and companionship...and I have been disappointed that this promise has still yet to manifest... and then the disappointment draws me away from Him...

...it's a vicious cycle....

This is me, but for the manifestation of my spiritual gifts and to know my purpose in life. I fully believe I am supposed to do something special and great for Him, but I have no clue what that might be.
I can confess that I sometimes worry and try to take over rather than allowing God to work his plan. I confess that when things are going well I stop praying and concentrating on the word of God.
I am working on maintaining a close relationship with God.
I just found God (again) but this time I fell in love with him!! Okay so that wan't really a confession.:look: I'm blessed by him always. I am comforted that he will take care of me.

My confession: I'm afraid that this "natural high" in the Lord will be short-lived and I'll feel lost again!
I'm scared to fall back fully in love with the Lord again.... I LOVE the Lord, but due to disappointment over the years, I'm scared to let my guard down to the Lord and the things of the Lord. In recent months, I've gotten closer than where I was...but I'm still reluctant to fully open my heart back to Him again....

...and I have prayed so long for marriage and companionship...and I have been disappointed that this promise has still yet to manifest... and then the disappointment draws me away from Him...

...it's a vicious cycle....

I can relate to this . . . not so much because of being disappointed about anything but because I'm scared of what He may want me to do and the sacrifices I have to make. Man, I feel awful confessing that. :perplexed So I guess part of my prayer is to be brave enough to do what He has in store for me . . . .
I can relate to this . . . not so much because of being disappointed about anything but because I'm scared of what He may want me to do and the sacrifices I have to make. Man, I feel awful confessing that. :perplexed So I guess part of my prayer is to be brave enough to do what He has in store for me . . . .

Wow... amen.... maybe the Lord gave me strength to reveal it so He could heal it....

What can I do to fall in love with him anew again?
What can I do to fall in love with him anew again?

Well, for me, I think it's going to be about going back to the basics. So, maybe you can ask yourself how you fell in love the first time? For me, it was having a daily, set-aside prayer time . . . I protected it and it became part of my routine. I grew *so* much during that period . . . once I got "too busy" my growth stagnated.
Well, for me, I think it's going to be about going back to the basics. So, maybe you can ask yourself how you fell in love the first time? For me, it was having a daily, set-aside prayer time . . . I protected it and it became part of my routine. I grew *so* much during that period . . . once I got "too busy" my growth stagnated.

I can (and have) do all of that but the cycle is there, esp. when I deal with feelings of loneliness and questions of why I'm (still) waiting....

Is his love enough? It's supposed to be, isn't it?

It's interesting because at church today, the guest speaker said to the women (after qualifying it with women who are married or who were married) that (paraphrase) that God's love is enough and He has you/them covered.... And I'm like: it's easy/easier to say that on the other side of marriage.... I kinda shut down for a minute after those remarks....

I believe that God's ideal to learn and prepare for marriage is via a relationship with Him first, like in the Garden of Eden.... But all I see are people and relationships that look like people learned how to love God more after they were married.... (of course, I cannot prove this because I'm not in anybody else's body/spirit, so I could have this very wrong).

It's not even (only) about the sex...but the companionship.... It's very lonely....
I can (and have) do all of that but the cycle is there, esp. when I deal with feelings of loneliness and questions of why I'm (still) waiting....

Is his love enough? It's supposed to be, isn't it?

It's interesting because at church today, the guest speaker said to the women (after qualifying it with women who are married or who were married) that (paraphrase) that God's love is enough and He has you/them covered.... And I'm like: it's easy/easier to say that on the other side of marriage.... I kinda shut down for a minute after those remarks....

I believe that God's ideal to learn and prepare for marriage is via a relationship with Him first, like in the Garden of Eden.... But all I see are people and relationships that look like people learned how to love God more after they were married.... (of course, I cannot prove this because I'm not in anybody else's body/spirit, so I could have this very wrong).

It's not even (only) about the sex...but the companionship....
It's very lonely....

You know what though, a person can be very lonely in a marriage. Our first love must be for God. That is the right order of things.

As a married woman and a woman who ministers to married couples, I KNOW for a fact that the importance of being in love with the Lord is the most important thing a woman can do in her journey as a christian.

I wasn't always married...in my single years I too felt lonely, but I knew that if I didn't give my heart completely over to the Lord FIRST, I knew that I wouldn't have the man that He wanted to give to me. When I came to that conclusion and actually fell in love with Jesus, again....He bought the man of my dreams into my life and I haven't been the same since.

We must remember that God requires Holiness in our lives, in every area (our thoughts, speech, actions). He is a jealous God and desires your heart for Himself, first.

Blessings to you.

You know what though, a person can be very lonely in a marriage. Our first love must be for God. That is the right order of things.

As a married woman and a woman who ministers to married couples, I KNOW for a fact that the importance of being in love with the Lord is the most important thing a woman can do in her journey as a christian.

I wasn't always married...in my single years I too felt lonely, but I knew that if I didn't give my heart completely over to the Lord FIRST, I knew that I wouldn't have the man that He wanted to give to me. When I came to that conclusion and actually fell in love with Jesus, again....He bought the man of my dreams into my life and I haven't been the same since.

We must remember that God requires Holiness in our lives, in every area (our thoughts, speech, actions). He is a jealous God and desires your heart for Himself, first.

Blessings to you.

Yes.... I recognize this...but that's what's soooooo scary.... What if I can't give my heart completely over to the Lord? What if I can't get this guard down? I've been trying.... I really have....
I confess that I have been wanting to leave the ministry that I KNOW I have been destined to serve in. Everytime I do anything related to the ministry, I have been hit on everyside. I have been blatantly confronted by people in the ministry in an effort by the "enemy" to get me to quit.

I am so grateful that I know that this is just an attack to get me to focus on the bad and not the good. I just have to keep focused on what GOD has called me to do.

I also have been feeling for the past several weeks that God is about to do wonderful, marvelous things in my life. Everyday it's as if I feel so full of His love, grace and mercy. I don't want to get impatient and have my flesh rule over me and want things to be done in my time and not His appointed time. Great thread GG!:flowers:
I have another confession to make. I worry about Hell all the time. For a long time I was convinced that I was going there because of my sinfulness. It took a long time for the Lord to convince me otherwise. (Seriously, he had to whip me into serious spiritual shape before I trusted enough to believe in the promise of salvation.)

Also, when I hear that someone has died, the very first thing I think about is whether they went to Hell.

I think that part of my preoccupation with it is because of (1) my upbringing in a fire and brimstone church, (2) my attendance of Catholic school for 12 years -- which came with a heaping of guilt, and (3) my obsessive-compulsive disorder, which I had diagnosed in 1999 and focuses on religious obsessions.
Yes.... I recognize this...but that's what's soooooo scary.... What if I can't give my heart completely over to the Lord? What if I can't get this guard down? I've been trying.... I really have....

Hey girl,

We can't serve two masters. You either hate one or love the other and vice versa. You must totally and completely give your heart over to the Lord or how else can we say we KNOW HIM?

Satan is putting you in a position of worrying, which is the opposite of faith. Without faith, its impossible to please God, for he that comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. Most people feel that its just about believing, but its more than that. We must trust Him in every area in our lives...and our heart must be for Him.

When Jesus died for us, He totally and completely gave His heart to us. We must do the same.

I will be praying for you, because I know its not easy. Allow God to permeate those areas that satan has access to. Satan has no right to be there, unless with give him those rights.

We can know many, many things...but not understand anything at all. God is an all consuming fire and His desire is all of you. He said that you are inscribed in the palms of His hands, so everytime He looks at His hands, He sees your beautiful face. He wants to know you in ways that you do not know. He wants a relationship with you that only you and He can share. He wants to love you completely, fully, without hesitation. That's why I love the Song of Solomen...it really shows how God loves the Church (us) so much and how much He desires to be with us.That's more than ANY MAN can give you.

It shouldn't be that you give one part to God and the other to self. That's why we must die to self daily and as we do, we draw closer to Him and we exchange love together...a love that will never fail. A love that permeates our soul...even to the marrow of our bones and that love knows the thoughts and intent of our hearts.

This journey we are in is not an easy one, but praise be to God Almighty, we have Him who walks with us and at times, carry us through it all.

You are so blessed....I encourage you to fall in love with Him again...you will not regret it!

I have another confession to make. I worry about Hell all the time. For a long time I was convinced that I was going there because of my sinfulness. It took a long time for the Lord to convince me otherwise. (Seriously, he had to whip me into serious spiritual shape before I trusted enough to believe in the promise of salvation.)

Also, when I hear that someone has died, the very first thing I think about is whether they went to Hell.

I think that part of my preoccupation with it is because of (1) my upbringing in a fire and brimstone church, (2) my attendance of Catholic school for 12 years -- which came with a heaping of guilt, and (3) my obsessive-compulsive disorder, which I had diagnosed in 1999 and focuses on religious obsessions.

My sweet sister,

If you are living your life the way God desires, a life of Holiness before Him, then you shouldn't be thinking anything about hell.

Hell is a real place, but it was created for the devil and his angels, so we shouldn't occuply a place where the devil should be.

You are God's child...his sweet daughter and His desire is for you to be with Him for eternity...forever, to love you and be with you.

Oh, how the Father loves you!!!

Cast down imaginations and every high thing that will exalt itself against the knowledge of God (against everything that God has spoken to you in your quiet places...everything that He revealed to you and said to you) and bring every thought to the obedience of Jesus Christ (those are the thoughts that come from the enemy...to keep you in bondage to fear.

You are blessed....keep the love of God in your heart at all times.

I confess that I have been wanting to leave the ministry that I KNOW I have been destined to serve in. Everytime I do anything related to the ministry, I have been hit on everyside. I have been blatantly confronted by people in the ministry in an effort by the "enemy" to get me to quit.

I am so grateful that I know that this is just an attack to get me to focus on the bad and not the good. I just have to keep focused on what GOD has called me to do.

I also have been feeling for the past several weeks that God is about to do wonderful, marvelous things in my life. Everyday it's as if I feel so full of His love, grace and mercy. I don't want to get impatient and have my flesh rule over me and want things to be done in my time and not His appointed time. Great thread GG!:flowers:

I am pm'ing you.
I confess that I am having a very hard time loving the women at my church...women who claim they are Christians but don't have a loving heart. These women are sooo on my nerves that i'm am about ready to stop going to our weekly women's meetings.

I confess that I haven't made Him a priority by rolling my lazy butt out of the bed at 6AM or earlier to study, pray, and just wait to hear from Him.

I confess that He has called me to preach but I am scared. I don't feel that I am ready or ever will be for that matter. :nono:

I confess that He told me to go witness to a man in IHOP and I was disobedient because I was scared. :wallbash:

Sometimes this road can be so lonely (crying now). I love Him with everything that I have but I don't know if I'll ever be worthy enough to receive His love, mercy and grace or even close to it.

Thanks for the thread, GG. I'm sure I needed to let all of this go or try to anyway.
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I confess that I am having a very hard time loving the women at my church...women who claim they are Christians but don't have a loving hear. These women are sooo on my nerves that i'm am about ready to stop going to our weekly women's meetings.

I confess that I haven't made Him a priority by rolling my lazy butt out of the bed at 6AM or earlier to study, pray, and just wait to hear from Him.

I confess that He has called me to preach but I am scared. I don't feel that I am ready or ever will be for that matter
. :nono:

I confess that He told me to go witness to a man in IHOP and I was disobedient because I was scared
. :wallbash:

Sometimes this road can be so lonely (crying now). I love Him with everything that I have but I don't know if I'll ever be worthy enough to receive His love, mercy and grace or even close to it.

Thanks for the thread, GG. I'm sure I needed to let all of this go or try to anyway.

Girl....I know what you mean!

When I was first called by God to preach, I ran so fast you could see the wind behind me. He followed me. Everywhere I went, He followed me until I surrendered to His will for me.

I am so happy I did and although sometimes I'm not sure what will happen in the future, I've learned to trust Him and rely completely upon Him.

Trust Him...He knows you love Him. You don't have to be worthy...Jesus already died for you so that you can be with Him for eternity.


Let those tears be tears of healing. Commit yourself wholly to Him...its all good!
I confess that i am at a lost for my feelings for my male friend. We have know each other for 5 years now and started to date and talk about marriage but i am not sure if this is the man that GOD wants me to be with.

How do i know?:love3:
I don't study as much as I should and I skip church because I'm tired. I have a vinditive spirit and alot of anger that I say I have given up and i have asked for healing and deliverance but still try to handle on my own and I am suffering because of it.
I feel my relationship with the Lord needs some kind of spiritiual revival, awakening, or something. I don't know how to describe it but does anyone know what I"m talking about...? :ohwell:

I know the Lord is trying to take our relationship to an even deeper level but I don't know how to get it there.

I haven't been reading my Bible like I should

I worry entirely too much.

Yeah and that whole husband thing:look:
I feel my relationship with the Lord needs some kind of spiritiual revival, awakening, or something. I don't know how to describe it but does anyone know what I"m talking about...? :ohwell:

I know the Lord is trying to take our relationship to an even deeper level but I don't know how to get it there.

I haven't been reading my Bible like I should
I worry entirely too much.

Yeah and that whole husband thing:look:

And there you go......:ohwell:.

We must know that in order to KNOW HIM, we must spend time with HIM!
GG...thank you for starting this thread. I don't want to hijack it..that is so not my intentions.

Blessings to you!
Girl....I know what you mean!

When I was first called by God to preach, I ran so fast you could see the wind behind me.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I sooo needed that.

He followed me. Everywhere I went, He followed me until I surrendered to His will for me.

I am so happy I did and although sometimes I'm not sure what will happen in the future, I've learned to trust Him and rely completely upon Him.

Trust Him...He knows you love Him. You don't have to be worthy...Jesus already died for you so that you can be with Him for eternity.

Now you got me tearing up again.


Let those tears be tears of healing. Commit yourself wholly to Him...its all good!

Yeah, I know I gotta get it together. My girlfriend gave me a booklet called Doing it in Fear by Joyce Meyers. So the next time I hear God's voice telling me to go...guess what???? I'M GOING! If whoever it is thinks I'm nuts then oh well. Looking a lil foolish is a small price to pay when you compare it to who He is, what He has done and what He continues to do. As a matter of fact, if He says go then more than likely the person is ready to receive anyway. I'm such a genuis. Why didn't I think of that before now? Oh yeah, cause I needed my sistas in Christ to lead me to it. :yep: Thanks, girls!